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The Destroyer of Peace Returns


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The sun was coming up over the horizon casting a glow upon that land, seeming to be on fire. The wind blew down from the North, a cold a bitter wind that felt like death. The trees seemed to be alive from this distance but from up close it was obvious that the moving trees were strictly the camouflage of tents and men. The small camp was a mobile fighting force and ready to move. A bitter chill ran through Gareth’s body as he stood before the camp. It had been long that he had left them waiting. Many had left, only a few remained of what once had been a great force for the Shadow, most had died at Chachin, the others had left when he did in pursuit of their own desires. The rest were gathering their equipment and getting ready to move, Gareth was taking them to Caemyln, they would join the fight once more. Gareth had only been back for a short time but when he did he had to put down the man that had claimed leadership. He was a good blade and would be missed but disloyalty would not be tolerated from anyone even a Death Seaker such as him. His new second in command was going to follow Gareth with the soldiers disguised as a merchant train, but Gareth had to meet with Rahvin before his men arrived.


The road was familiar, like a good woman you get to know every bend and curve over time and usage. Gareth had traveled this long road many times in the past, even though it had been a while he still knew it. It had been a long time since he had dawned the armor and dress of his rank. The almost mirrored shine on the black plate was hidden in his pack, the armor was made to inspire fear in its beholders, not good in small villages. However he did wear his cloak with the crossed swords and the black helmet with red eyes embroidered over his left chest. Few would know that symbol and what it represented, and those that did would scurry out of his way fast enough.


It had been a long time since he had met with Rahvin and been told to head North with the Soldiers. He had not heard from his lord in all that time and was dreading the meeting. He would have to report on the battle and why he was gone so long but he still didnt know what to tell his Lord. Rahvin didn’t know he was coming, or at least Gareth had not told anyone except his men where he was going, but it would not surprise him if Rahvin already knew. Rahvin would forgive him for being gone so long, at least he hoped he would. What had happened to himself Gareth wondered. When he left the Warders and joined the Shadow his resolve was sure to fight the light because he had nothing to live for. Having killed his family and been publicly suspect but they could not prove anything. But now he only fought because he knew nothing else, fighting had been his life since he was young he told himself.


The journey took only a few days by himself, he rode hard and fast, he was ready to return to his duty even without his once unshakable resolve to keep him. It was dusk on the final day of his journey when he arrived at Caemyln, the stars were out and the moon light up the night like a beacon, but it felt like rain coming. It was easy enough to find an inn, the Drunken Soldier was a fine establishment, well it had fine ale and that was all that mattered to him after a hard ride. The common room smelled of ale and sweat, common after a hot sunny day, but the music was loud and the dancers pretty. He stayed only long enough to have a few drinks and steal a few dances before heading upstairs to his room.


It was dark outside when Gareth woke uneasily from his slumber, the room felt wrong. In the blink of an eye he had pulled his sword and was readyto kill, he always slept on one of his swords. He light the bedside lamp and lowered the weapon as he saw someone was in his room sitting in the chair. “What are you doing in my room?†he asked casting a glance both at the figure sitting in the chair and the naked body beside him.

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An ember fell from its scorching environ as the mother flame continued to dance boldly in its inglenook, so seductive that one would be tempted to touch such a simple magnificence and overlook the immediate instance of becoming painfully ensnared. Each wave of its body fashioned silhouettes that were consequently eerie and beautiful. Every flick of its yellow hand styled shadows a-murky that were playfully bustling in all walls of the quarters. Suddenly, the chunk of ember was lifted from its misplacement by silky threads of handsome white. The translucency was wrapped around the live cinder, which was then thrown back to the fireplace. Sparks flew; little lights jumped, making the fire dance more boldly for a second, much brighter, that it illuminated the man sitting with nonchalance at one room’s corner and the other figures sleeping in the bed, with which one was naked.


Ranulf Astrinid, M’aeshadar to Rahvin (and Sammael to some extent since the two Chosen allied), sneered as he stared at the two figures in the bed. He arrogantly crossed his one leg to the other as he measured up the other two occupants of the room. Admittedly, the man knew well how to choose his women, Ranulf thought as he admired the woman’s slender body, which glistened with the light. The man beside him was obviously a soldier, as shown by the good contours of his body. The man was the object of his errand. Ranulf arrived just a couple of unit time passed. He entered the quarters without waking up its occupants, deciding that he should rest and sit for awhile. He was to deliver a message to Gareth coming from his master Rahvin.


As the man in the bed stirred, the m’aeshadar channeled and directed the weave to the fire. Silken threads of red wrapped the flames and made it vanish, bequeathing the area with the gloom colors of the crimson night. Only the shaft of moon beams that passed through the curtains lit the room. Movements stirred in the bed as Ranulf remained seated. Suddenly, the bedside lamp was lit. Amused eyes met alert ones as the two men stared each other for a quarter of a second, then, to Ranulf’s amazement, the half naked man moved swiftly as he grabbed his sword but not doing anything about it, just letting it lie there beside him.


“What are you doing in my room?†The man asked.


The lady beside him stirred. “Gar…†She was about to say but her eyes met Ranulf’s and she moved beside her man. “Who is he?â€


Ranulf remained silent, amused. “Answer the question, man, or you wouldn’t like the welcome I would bestow.†Said Gareth.


“I would prefer tae answer all yer questions without th’ woman.†Ranulf, still sitted, nonchalantly answered. “I assure ye though, I am not a foe.â€


Gareth wouldn’t easily believe Ranulf, years of being trained in combat doesn’t make one gullible. The girl fidgeted. “No…†Gareth started but as he looked at the seriously but amused inclined head of Ranulf, she commanded the girl to depart.


A moment later, the lady closed the door as Gareth garbed himself with his clothes. “Now speak.†He said.


Ranulf nodded and stood but before he opened his mouth to impart his message, he looked at the fireplace and channeled, enveloping the minute space with silky weaves of fire. Then and there, Gareth knew, the man was a channeler.


“I am Ranulf Astrinid, M’aeshadar to the Order of My Master. I came ‘ere bearing a message from th’ Captain-General of th’ Royal Andorran Army. Furthermore, I was commanded to deliver ye tae our Lord.â€


“Master Rahvin.†The name was divulged. The two nodded in accord to acknowledge that they are both in the same order. Ranulf knew that the man in front of him would play a vital role in their Master’s design to conquer everything. Though he might be the highest channeler in his master’s wing, the man in front of him could have been in the same rank as him.


“Ye are tae bring yer army near Andor tae replenish them and mayhap join with th’ entire Royal Army, post-haste. Gae an’ command yer second tae move.†Ranulf continued. “While ye will come with me to grace our master’s presence upon his arrival.†Ranulf then concocted the silky patterns of a gateway, preparing it for their departure.


Ranulf Astrinid

M'aeshadar of the Rahvin-Sammael Alliance

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Sparks flew, Gareth hated these midnight intrusions, the first had been by a Myydrall many years ago after he had first left the Warders yard. This man however was not a Creature of the Dark Lord but he had an air of confidence what appeared to Gareth to be arogance. But Gareth was not one to underestimate people, even those that interupted his sleep. The ammused look on his face was insulting as if the man thought he deserved to be obeyed, Gareth wanted to run his sword through the mans throat but if the man was here then Gareth was being summoned there was no other explanation, so he sent the girl away.


After the girl had left the man looked into the fire and the flames lept and roiled as if they lived, which made this man a Dreadlord. However if this man however old he was, Gareth could never tell since some were old and some were young, thought he could intimidate Gareth by showing his Power he was sadly mistaken, he grunted aloud and rolled his eyes at the man. He had spent his entire life around Aes Sedai and he had delt with many Dreadlords, this one did not scare him.


Gareth nodded to the man called Ranulf when he said Rahvins name, his master knew he was coming, Gareth expected nothing less of the man he had sworn to defend and serve. He looked outside as he rose to get dressed, the moon was fading from the sky heralding the nearness of morning but the sun had not yet rising over the horizen, and the streets were still empty of citizens.


Gareth stretched his back and grabbed his breeches from the floor "My men are already on their way to the city to resupply, I rode on ahead to meet with Rahvin before they arrived. I am prepared to meet our Lord and Commander now." Gareth grabbed his swords straped them on and stepped through the gateway.

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Ranulf released his hold on his t’erangreal. It frustrated him that even a high ranking m’aeshadar like him couldn’t even open a gateway without using the darn relic. His master recognized this limitation in him but to his comfort, his master didn’t think him differently, or at least that’s what he thought.


They landed in the vast lands of Castle Andor. The castle could be viewed from where they stood but they were still afar away from it. His master had warned him and the other dreadlords to not to channel nearabouts the castle even if the place is protected. He mentioned that the Chachin incident had come to conclusion and that due to that, spies lurked everywhere; some of them could be channelers. Hence, they landed inside the forest.


As the wind swept the grounds, neighing horses were heard. “We halt ‘ere. Follow me.†Ranulf, the m’aeshadar said as the other followed. Behind a great oak, two steeds were securely tied to it. “We ride for Castle Andor.†He said as he left the other man to tend for his ride. Without looking at Gareth, Ranulf mounted and told said. “Follow me. Hyaaa!!†Dust rolled in the ground as his steed galloped.

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The change from one place to another was always a little off to Gareth. He found it most disconcerting that one of these men could go anywhere they wanted without warning. They were in the forest and their destination was on the horizen. The castle of Andor loomed far ahead but the call of nearby horses told of a short trip. He wondered why they traveled so far from the Castle, Gareth had assumed they would travel directly to Rahvin.


A cooling wind blew through the trees and ruffled Gareths hair as he looked for the horses. “We halt ‘ere. Follow me.†Ranulf said. They traveld only a few steps before the horses were visible tied to a great oak tree.“We ride for Castle Andor.†Gareth walked over and mounted his horse, almost before he was settled Ranulf yelled to him, “Follow me. Hyaaa!!†Dust rose as Ranulf galloped off, Gareth smiled to himself, grabbed the reigns and gallooped off after Ranulf. This horse was not as strong as Night Shadow, his own warhorse, but until his army arrived it would have to do.

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The two riders cut through the forest with average swiftness. Dust rolled behind them as they emerged to the clearing, making them visible to every inhabitants of the area. Standing tall and proud a couple of short distances away was the castle. Sentries were posed guarding the entire area. The wind flapped the flags that were on the walls that surrounded the vast area. People bustle to do their everyday jobs. The normalcy of the entire event and place cloaked the shadows that lurked inside Andor. What a beautiful and formidable castle, Andor, you will grow through your real master, the m’aeshadar thought. The two men reigned to circle the castle so they could pass through at the back entrance.


“Riders!†A sentry called. With impressive haste, a couple of soldiers lined up for the inspection and observation of the two as they approached. They still couldn’t see the riders.


Ranulf slowed down and trotted slowly towards the entrance. He looked at Gareth and told him in his eyes to alight from their ride. “Welcome tae Andor.†Ranulf said.


“It’s not my first time to come here.†Gareth said boringly.


“Of course.†The m’aeshadar said, impressed that Gareth didn’t squirm in his presence knowing that he’s a chaneller and a m’aeshadar to boot. He toyed with the idea of sucking the air out of the arrogant man’s system and show him nonchalance.


“Halt!†One soldier shouted. “Identify yourself!†The young soldier said.


Ranulf only stared. “Open th’ gates.â€


“Didn’t you hear?†The soldier said as he looked down upon the two riders, really oblivious about who they were.


Ranulf only looked at them sentries irritatingly. He tilted his head in askance. Suddenly, another older sentry came rushing.


“Master Ranulf!†The older soldier said, and then looked at the young one and slapped him in the head. “I beg your pardon, master. He’s a young and new recruit, and a show off. Forgive us.†He said. The young soldier swallowed in his embarrassment and looked at the two apologetically.


Ranulf just smiled, to Gareth’s amazement, he thought. Well, m’aeshadars have emotions after all. “’Tis alright man. Is the Captain-General here and about?†He asked without introducing Gareth to them, not yet,


“Business.†The older soldier said.


“Ahh.†Ranulf nodded and understood. “Tend tae our horses then.†He beckoned. Then to Gareth. “Let’s go.†He lead him inside the palace.


Ranulf Astrinid

M'aeshadar of Rahvin

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  • 2 weeks later...

The journey through the trees swept by at a blur, the horses pushed the earth behind them as they rode towards the city. As they emerged into the clearing Gareth caught sight of the gleaming castle and the bustling crowds outside its walls. The crowd looked almost foreign to him, it had been a long time since he had been here. The flags waving in the cool breeze brought back memories of his childhood, he could almost here the clanging of the swords of his youth, and the screams of his family years later. They echoed in his mind every time he came to the city, thank the Great Lord the screams didnt stay but faded again to memory.


Gareth followed Ranulf around to one of the smaller gates along the walls to avoid the crowds. As they aproached one of the guards called out the presence of riders in a voice that sounded a littel weak for command. Gareth noticed a slight shine to the Dreadlords eye as he turned to him “Welcome tae Andor.†he said, obviously Ranulf had enjoyed the ride.


"It’s not my first time to come here" Gareth said in reply, keeping the knowledge about his parents a secret for now, and trying to forget about the screamsno need for this man to know everything about my past just yet He told himself. He always found it less than humorus that the hundreds he had killed in cold blood only those few that were his first still cried in his head.


They were stopped by one of the younger soldiers with a command to halt. Which itself was rather amusing, seeing that Ranulf and himself were the highest ranking humans next to Rahvin in the city. Not to mention Ranulf could probably rip the whole wall apart without breaking a sweat. Gareth kept his mouth shut though as Ranulf dealt with the young man and was finally recognized by one of the older Soldiers. None here were old enough to recognize himself but they were bound to meet at least one. Even though Rahvin had declared his crimes forgiven and the bounty on his head removed Gareth still was not very welcome in the city by those that he had crossed in his escape


Ranulf smile at Gareth which was shocking and showed on his face, not obviously but enough that Ranulf had probably caught it. Gareth caught the omision of his introduction which didnt bother him, Ranulf had probably thought it best that his identity remained secret for now. Rahvin was not in the Castle but hopefully would return shortly. "Let’s go.†Ranulf said as he hopped from his horse. Gareth dismounted and handed his reigns to the soldier. Gareth readjusted his swordbelt and walked towards the castle following Ranulf, he was home.

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