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Philosophy in the Wheel of Time


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Hi everyone. I'm new here. Have there been any good threads on the philosophy of the series?


I'm interested because I've written sort of an virtue-ethics portrait of Rand I'd like to share. But I'll feel like a jerk if I post that without seeing what other conversations folks have already had. :)


Thanks Suttree.


So, I'd love to hear what people think of this. Only vague and minor spoilers below, but the full monty of spoilers in the linked article.

I've taken Cadsuane Sedai's personal project that she makes of Rand and cast it in terms of virtue ethics. I say that the corrosion of Rand's character we see through the series--his slow transformation into the utter monster we see in the Gathering Storm--mostly boils down to the degradation of "sentimental" virtues, like love, hope, and faith. He remains throughout the series a virtue rock star in terms of the cardinal virtues of courage, justice, temperance, and prudence.


Enjoy! Virtue of the Dragon


this essay I wrote some years ago is on Wheel of Time philosophy:  http://13depository.blogspot.com.au/2009/02/there-are-no-beginnings-or-endingsthe.html


and this one on Taoism in the series in particular: http://13depository.blogspot.com.au/2002/03/the-one-power-as-elixir-of-life.html


Also the posts under this label on my blog are about either the science or philosophy of the world: http://13depository.blogspot.com.au/search/label/Science%20and%20Philosophy


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