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The Beginning of Something Beautiful


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Sahra watched the retreating back of the Mistress of Trainees and she wanted to hoop with delight. She was finally here and would soon start her training. She had heard stories about it from many of the Tower Guards and Trainees frequenting the inn where she had worked at and she knew that it would be difficult and all her muscles would be aching and screaming mercy after the first days. But she was no wilting lily and the vision of Sahra Covenry as a celebrated hero and commander would carry her through it all. She was surprised at the amount of Tower Guards who wanted to become Bonded one day. It was a great honour of course and Aes Sedai were awe-inspiring women but there were other ways to serve the Tower. Warders would always step in the shadows of their Aes Sedai and be their extensions but one day Sahra would be known by her own name and as someone who brought glory to the White Tower.


But that was quite far away and sighing she opened the door of her assigned quarters and gazed into a simple windowless room that was clearly meant for two people. She spotted two beds, a small chest of drawers placed against the wall between the beds to serve as a night stand, and a table and two chairs. And she would have had to be blind to not notice the well-shaped young man standing in front of the table in naught but his breeches and washing his face from the basin. An appreciative grin spread on her lips. This had to be her roomie, a prospect the Mistress of the Trainees had mentioned to her. She pulled the door closed behind her and tossed her sack on the bed that seemed to be hers. It seemed to get his attention as his head snapped toward her. She smiled at him.


"Hello mate, we seem to be condemned to live together in this little cubicle for the rest of our training." Cocking an eyebrow challengingly she eyed him up and down. "Can't complain about the sights, though." She closed the space between them and offered her hand to be shaken. "Anyway, I'm Sahra. I do hope that we will get along."


Sahra Covenry

A spanking new Trainee

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I wonder what Cairma's got in store for me today Fior mused as he crossed to the basin to wash his face. He was still sore from yesterday's training, and was sure there were several bruises along his sides and back from the heavy lathe his mentor wielded with such proficiency. He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear the door open or the young woman step into his room. He sensed more than saw the bag fly across the room and spun, dropping the towel as the door swung shut, to face the newcomer. Meeting her challenging look with a smile he couldn't help but chuckle as he clasped her extended hand.


"I'm sure that we will, Sahra. I'm Fior, and apparently I need to start locking the door." Shrugging he laughed, "At least this time I've got breeches on."


He laughed again, seeing her second eyebrow raise to match the first one, and moved over to his bed to pull on a simple white shirt. Turning around he gave her an appraising look. She was beautiful, that was much was certain, though it was clear that she knew it. A bit younger than him he guessed Though not too much he thought, grinning to himself. Like his mentor, she had the most startlingly green eyes however, Sahra's hair, which she had gathered into a braid that ended part of the way down her back, was a deep shade of auburn. She wore a simple, woolen dress of a dark green color that complimented her eyes and fit well. He continued to appraise her as she moved over to her bed and sat down. She would have to be a redhead he thought to himself as he toyed absentmindedly with the medallion beneath his shirt.


Meeting her eyes he said, "As for being condemned to live here, as long as you don't insist on beating me with lathes like the last beautiful woman I met here, I don't think I'll be complaining." Giving her a playful wink he lifted Fang from where it rested beside the bed and began to polish the blade.


Fior Canain


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In Sahra's opinion Fior had nothing to be ashamed of but by his words this wasn't the first time. He did have a nice name and he seemed a pleasant enough fellow. He could at least laugh at himself, always a good sign. Aware of his gaze she sat on the bed and met his dark green eyes. For a moment they just stared at each others and took in each others features. They had remarkably similar coloring despite reddish hair not being that common. At least not here. She wondered where he was from, by his nose maybe from Saldea, but she forgot the topic when he subtly complimented her. She had been called pretty before and she didn't doubt that they had just been empty flatteries, but still the sentiment brought a smile to her lips. But in the Yards beauty wasn't enough, to be appreciated the way she wanted to be appreciated, she needed to know how to wield a weapon.


Fior took a hold of his sword and began to tend the blade and Sahra watched with rapt fascination. Of course she had seen swords before and even naked blades but never this close. Her fingers itched to hold the weapon but remembering how jealous some Tower Guards had been of their weapons, she eyed the one-handed sword hesitantly. "May I?" She blushed. "I have never actually held a blade before." She had been ridiculed for her dream by the first Tower Guard she had blithely and gullibly told about it and after that she had harbored it alone in her heart and only listened to the stories of others. Of course she had known that she would be expected a year later but still there had been that little doubt.


Trying to distract him a bit from what she had said and how important the matter really was to her, she asked "How about you? Did you have any sword skills before enlisting?" She cocked her head since she was genuinely curious. She had always wanted to know what were other people's motives and stories behind joining. "And why do you want to become a Tower Guard? Or... maybe a Warder?"

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Grinning at her hesitant question Fior gave the blade one last swipe of the cloth before re-sheathing Fang and tossing it laterally to her. She fumbled the weapon for a moment before getting a firm grip on the handle. He couldn’t help but laugh when the sheath, having been jarred about in the fumble, slipped from the blade and landed on her foot, eliciting a red face and muttered curse from Sahra.


"Don’t worry about it." he said before she could apologize. ’You should have seen what I did when first picked up Bruiser here." Gesturing to the three sectioned staff on the chest of Drawers. "I nearly knocked over and entire rack of weapons in the armory and bonked myself in the head to boot.”


As she smiled graciously and began to examine the sword he continued, “In answer to your other questions, I’ve been training with lathes since I was 12, though mostly arm building exercises. I didn’t begin learning the forms until recently.” Fingering his medallion again he thought about it before answering her other question. ”I guess I’ve always wanted to be a warder. Ever since my mother first told me stories about Aes Sedai and their warders when I was very young, I knew that’s what I wanted to do. To devote myself to pushing back the shadow so that I could make my home a more peaceful place. I know most people south of the borderlands don’t believe in trollocs or fades, but I’ve seen them. I know they exist, and I want to do everything that I can to ensure that the Saldean people don’t have to continue fighting forever."


After he finished talking he sat there with his eyes unfocused for a few moments, lost in thought. Suddenly he was very aware of her eyes on him and, blushing asked, "So, what about you? What brings you to the yards?"

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Sahra caught the blade with some difficulty but she was certain that her face was hot as two sunsets when the sheath dropped on her toes. Fior was kind enough to not laugh and make a remark and in fact tried to be as if nothing happened answering her question. Part of her mind listened and the other part focused on feeling the weight of the blade and carefully moving her hands in rough chops. The sword was much heavier than she had thought and the handle was a bit too short to get a good grip on both hands, but despite her clumsiness she felt herself strangely powerful and glorious. She eyed him quickly to see if he had noticed, surely he would think she was silly. But he was deep in thought. It took her a moment to reluctantly put the sword back into the scabbard. But surely her mentor would come soon and then she would start her training. Finally Fior snapped out of it and asked about her story. Sahra thought about her words carefully since she knew how pompous and wool-headed it would sound like.


"When you said that the stories of Aes Sedai and Warders inspired you... well, I have lived in Tar Valon all my life and they have been reality to me. And beside that I have always loved stories, everything the gleemen have in their repertoire. Of course I will never be anything like Birgitte Silverbow of Gaidal Cain but... you can always dream. I originally hoped that I could channel and when I was fifteen and I went to be tested." She shrugged. "But the Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills and it didn't will that. I suppose that in a way it is better. I mean, I cannot really grasp channeling. It is like the gift from the Creator, not something you learn and do. Not like the swordplay. And that is what I want to master. Some day I will be good enough and serve the Tower well enough that my name will be known." She eyed him carefully. No signs of mirth were to be seen yet. "But... but..." Gah, maybe she shouldn't say anything since everyone knew how Borderlanders were about the honour of the Aes Sedai. But if they were to become friends, she should be able to be honest with him.


"I know that Aes Sedai are truly wondrous women and that they have awesome power at their fingertips. So it is really disrespectful to think that... to not want to. But I don't want to bond." She rose her chin defiantly. "The Tower must be more than just one Aes Sedai or even them all together and isn't that what the Tower Guards serve. A Warder is her Aes Sedai's sidekick, not the hero. They will live and die in her shadow but I will cast my own shadow and be the heroine of my own story." She sighed. "There. You must think me a proud and very full of myself. But that's what I want to be, Light help me."

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As she spoke a soft smile came to Fior’s lips. ”We are not as different as you seem to think. The uplifting of the Tower, the success of it’s War against the Shadow. We pursue the same goal. I do not believe that being a Warder is ignominious, however, I know that it is not a path of glory, at least not the type of glory that will land you in the Gleeman’s tales. To me, the glory is knowing that I’m making a difference, knowing that others will live on because of my actions. If only a few people actually know of my deeds, that is fine with me, it is still a noble life. But the world also needs it’s Gaidal Cains and Artur Hawkwings. They have inspired many people, myself included, towards greater works and if their stories have inspired you to seek to be like them, and bring that light to others, then that is noble too.” Meeting those startling eyes as she began to return his smile he added. “I wish you luck in your goal, Sahra. If I can ever do anything to help you, it’s yours to ask."


Fior's words lighted a bright smile on Sahra's lips. He understood. She valiantly resisted the temptation to kiss him, just a friendly kiss of course. It would complicate things like it always did with men and they were to be just roomies and hopefully friends. "Thank you very much, Fior. It is really wonderful to have someone who believes in me beside me." She pursed her lips. There were so many people who thought she was getting into something that was too big for her and would return back with tail between her legs, Emma and the other women at the orphanage, Master Gill, Susa... and the Tower Guard who had laughed at her. She would show them all. The fiery look changed into a mischievous one at his promise "Mhh... anything you can you say. I will remember that." Of course she shouldn't use it frivolously. Everyone knew about the Borderlander oaths and honour. She touched his shoulder lightly and returned the sword. She held on it for a moment even after he took it back. Giving the blade a last longing gaze she realized that she had been quite selfish. He had given her a gift, an oath of help and that meant that she was indebted.


"But really Fior, the same goes to you. I am a total numb-finger with any kind of weapon right now but I will learn. And then I might be actually of some use if you needed it. I promise." She nodded firmly and two pairs of green eyes locked resolutely for a moment. Sahra turned her gaze away first. "Just something about you said... What if you bonded an Aes Sedai and her missions would keep you away from Saldea? Could you be really happy then? Maybe you would be doing the right thing but not where you wanted to." She smiled. "Or will you pick your bondholder very carefully so that she will be as passionate about Saldea as you? Just be careful my boy, I have heard all kind of wild stories about the Green sisters and you are pretty enough that anyone would consider you a good catch."

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Blushing, Fior raised an eyebrow, appraising her once more. "Well thank you. I'll keep your words in mind. Though I believe that I would be as happy knowing that I was fighting to overcome the shadow anywhere. After the last battle, Saldea will be free of its constant struggle and able to prosper into the nation it always should have been. If I have even the slightest hand in that I will be grateful."


Looking out the window he realized that if he didn't leave he would be late for his training. Picking up Fang and Bruiser he smiled at Sahra and matched her emerald gaze. "I have to run if I want to make it to training in time. Let me know when you choose your weapons. I'll help you care for them until you get the hang of it." Pinching her chin softly he grinned, "I can tell I'm going to enjoy having you as a friend." Winking at her he added, "You should go grab some food before the cafeteria stops serving breakfast. Take some time and get settled in and I'll see you later tonight." Heading for the door he said, "Oh, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."


Smiling he headed out the door to meet Cairma. This was going to be an interesting year.

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