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[BotRH] Hornsounder Volume 3 Edition 1


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Temp Editor's Note

by Taymist (Lieutenant General - Infantry)


Greetings and salutations fellow Banders and welcome to the January edition of the Hornsounder !!


Lots happening last month, including the announcements of our Matrim awards. Check out the Regimental columns for more details.


You'll find several great articles by the recent influx of Raw Recruits covering everything from their favourite WoT battles to their preferred weapons.


The new Editor of the Hornsounder should be chosen before next month so everything will be back to normal then with the usual JotS competitions and so on.


So grab yourself a brew or a cuppa and settle back for a read.


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Sandcastles in Australia

By RR Dicetosser


Ok, now this topic has given me nightmares ( no wonder its a Cav job night MARES :D)


Finding the info for this has been a royal pain but I FINALLY got some and now I'm scared at how badly some people need a life!!!!!


I found this girl's site: jennyrossen.com/.


Man is she full on. The work is absolutely gorgeous. There's this Dragon she does... WOW!!


The amount of work these people put in makes me wonder how they can bring themselves to do the thing that I think Sandcastles are made for...


kicking them over!!!!!!


I swear it must take longer to build these things then it does to have a child!!!!!


Now, I had a ball destroyin' Taymist's and all I got was a spankin' with her sword but these people would be justified in killing me for doing that!!! Such a pity, all that sandcastle and I cant jump on it. Not that I could ever harm a dragon.


Then there's this guy in Byron Bay who even lights them up!!!!




Crazy! Now not all Aussies are that crazy!!


And just to top it off, every year in Sydney there is a big competition which attracts hundreds of people doing sand sculptures.


And I've never jumped on one!


Hope you liked my sandcastles and took note that there was no mention of lifesavers, candies or otherwise lol.


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My Favourite WoT Battle

By RR Myrelle


The battle that I am going to describe is probably my favourite battles involving Mat and the Band. Its in KoD in the chapter titled Prince of Ravens.

Mat and the Band, with the help of some Seanchan loyal to Tuon and Aludra, are blocking a passageway through a mountain. The Seanchan, thinking that the Band were poorly defended and didn’t have that many soldiers, advanced quickly towards them. Aludra distracted the Seanchan for a minute with a nightflower while Talmanes and his cavalry set in behind the advancing unaware Seanchan.

When the Seanchan were four hundred paces away the archers fired their crossbows at the oncoming horsemen. The archers continued to fire as the Seanchan kept coming, some of the Seanchan getting out their bows and firing back.

Talmanes then attacked the Seanchan from the rear with volley after volley of arrows. Some Seanchan turned around to fight Talmanes and his men, but the majority continued onward towards the Band.

The sling-men then loosed their deadly weapons at the Seanchan, armed with slings and cylinders containing powder and pebbles, which exploded showing the enemy in sharp pebbles, which pierced skin easily.

The Seanchan were still advancing, and still being attacked by Talmanes in the rear and the Band from the front.

The Aes Sedai now felt in danger enough to join in the battle, and fired huge spheres of fire in three directions into the Seanchan ranks.

A wall of dead men and horses began to build up as the Seanchan were relentlessly attacked by arrows, slings and Aes Sedai. Yet they kept on coming, and kept on dying.

Then suddenly, it was silent, silent apart from the heavy breathing of the exhausted Band and moaning of the dying.

This is one of my favourite battles, because firstly Mat is fighting for Tuon. Although I really don’t like Tuon, I think that Mat fighting to save her from being murdered is a really good point in the book, it proves he really does like her. Also I like the way Talmanes crept in behind the Seanchan unnoticed, that the Seanchan were so obsessed with getting the gold to turn and run away. I also like that this is the first time you really get to see Aludra’s slings in use, and see how effective they are going to be in the next book.


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From the Horse’s Mouth - News of the Cavalry!

By Lady Twinnieflower (Captain General)



Greetings from the Yard!!


The Rider’s of the Storm have been a busy group this January! Some facing court trials, others carrying out spotfines, those who are participants in the Feast of Lights, oh my the list goes on!!


Two new members have joined the Cavalry this month, Moose, a RR from a while ago, returned and is settling in, and we welcomed Dicetosser home! A Cavalry member from long ago, Dice returned, completed the RR program and choose the Cav. Keep an eye out…..Dice was the first Raw Recruit to win the Jousting Cup..we anticipate exciting things happening around this horseman!!


Congratulations to Lady Katiora and her lawyer, the Buccaneer Barrister for winning their recent trial!! Lady Kat was spotfined for poking of all things and challenged this ridiculous fine! A stunning defense was played out by Sir Riva and truth and justice prevailed when her innocence was declared!!!


In other news:


The Cav’s Redarm, K’Jar has kept the courts busy and band members hopping with sharp attention to the law and a mischeivious penchant for fun and silly spotfines!!


Sir Auld Manriva was promoted to Leuitenent-Captian. The first band member to achieve this rank! Congratulations Manny!!


Sir Goldeneye’s, Angyl, Manny and Twinnie have been making a good showing in the Feast of Light’s competition and even winning some of their events!!


Congratulations go out to several members: Steel Axe and Myst on their banding; the RR Karaj who won the Jousting Cup; and to Myrelle, Karaj, Dice and Hazlyn on receiving their Achievement pins!


In December, we welcomed Direwolfjon to the Cavalry, switching from the Archer’s Regiment. He has successfully completed his Page training and is now the Squire of Sir Steel Axe, and aspiring to the Sarmation Order of Knights! DJ has also taken on the mantle of Assistant Joust Master and is doing a fantastic job!!!


A couple of highlights from December…two Cavalry member’s achieved their Knighthoods: Sir K’Jar who joined the Arthurian Order and Lady Angyl, the second lady Templar. Four members also received the Regimental Wreath award, Lord Horn, Sir Goldeneyes, Sir Steel Axe and Sir Riva. Congratulations to all and thank you for all you do and give, not just to the Cav, but also to the Band!!


Also regognized this month in the Matrim awards, Sir Goldeneyes shared the honor of Jester of the Year, and Lady Twinnie received the Regimental Matrim as Cavalry member of the year. Receiving honoroable mentions is several categories were Sir Steel, Sir K’Jar and Sir Goldie! Good Job to all of you!!


On a final note…we want to thank everyone who attended the Christmas Ball! We had a wonderful time with our guests from the Infantry Regiment and shared the Stirrup Cup at their leavetaking. New bonds of friendship and commaraderie have found their seeds in this event! Growing out of this interaction, we even staged a mock battle and rivalry with each other, discovering a common bond of fun and talent for chaos!!


There you have it….from the Horse’s Mouth for January!


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Bander's Anonymous

By Footman (Lieutenant Captain - Infantry)


Seeing as we in The Band do more drinking than any other Org at DM, I thought about starting up a twelve step program. Then I remembered that we also have The Band’s Lottery. This led me to thinking we needed a Gamblers’ Anonymous. Then there are the bar brawls and this would call for an anger management class. To avoid all the confusion, I’ll be starting




I’m not a doctor, nor a licensed therapist. I don’t even have any training in counseling! What I do have is the experience. I’m one who has been there. I’m still there!! What I also have is the knowledge that I’m good enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it! People like me! *gets hit with some rotten vegetables and a couple of eggs* Gosh darn it, people at least don’t hate me. *Gets pelted with stones and has to get up and run from an angry mob waving torches and pitchforks*


*A few minutes later, a tarred and feathered Footy returns*


Well, at least the tar and feathers hide the bruising and cuts. It also seems to keep the bleeding down to a trickle!


Back to the subject at hand! I know that Banders’ Anonymous might be met with a bit of hostility and hatred at first. Yet, I have faith for those who have sunken deeply into the depravity that infests The Band to come to realize that they need help! Eventually, more and more folks will see the light! As a result of this optimistic attitude, I’ll be running a monthly installment in the Hornsounder for anybody that needs help in recovery from the anger, drinking and gambling that has mired The Band of the Red Hand in a cesspit of horrid behavior.


To show people that I am serious about this, I will begin with my introduction!


Hello, my name is Footman, and I’m a recovering Bander! I have been clean for about 15 minutes now! *Waits for any applause to die down, but only hears crickets. Clears his throat and continues.* I have realized that the time spent drinking, carousing, fighting and gambling is ruining my life. *Realizes his Everful Flask is sitting on the podium, and quickly moves to hide it, but takes a quick drink first* OK, so I’ve been clean for a few seconds now. So what! *A lotto ticket falls out of his pocket* Hey, where did that come from?! *Bends down and wads the ticket up in a ball to throw away, but stuffs it in his pocket* Ummm, don’t want to litter, and I don’t see a trash can anywhere! *Nudges the trash can next to him behind the podium.* As I was saying, this is a difficult road, but one we can travel together! If we all get together, we can combat the deadly cycle we are in! If we can keep from breaking into a brawl when we do get together. So, Banders, let’s help each other and help ourselves!!


Any Bander who feels they need a shoulder to lean on, or a drinking buddy... umm.. a support buddy, just PM me or post it for publishing in the Hornsounder, and together we can get tore up! .. errr...through it!


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Musing With Myst - An Interview

By RR Hazlynn



During my time as a recruit with the Infantry, I had the opportunity and pleasure to interview the lovely Mystica.


Myst became a member of the Band in October of 2006 and found a home within the Infantry regiment. She was first drawn to the Infantry because of her love of the WoT books, and because the Infantry was Mat’s favorite group of his army.


When describing her time with the Infantry, her pride in her division is almost palpable. She states that Mr. Pink is “a natural leader people would follow from the heart, much like Mat himself”. For Ashandarei she has the following to say, “He’s a born diplomat, and a knack for making you feel silly when you’re overreacting”. Nighteyes gained recognition for her “hilarious dry humor”. Taymist and Kristine both got honorable mentions for " dedication to the regiment and the band” and as “someone that takes her task to heart” respectively.


She recommends joining the Infantry because unlike the Archers with their bows and the Cavalry with their horses, it’s in the one on one confrontation that one’s true strength is shown. The Infantry’s strength of character, courage, determination, mind and dedication is what sets them apart from the others. When the Archer’s loose their bow or the Cavalry ride their horse, it is the Infantry that keeps them safe.


Myst has not been with the Band for a long time, but already her dedication to the Infantry and the Band as a whole is admirable. She goes out of her way to interact with others and makes all feel welcome. On recent posts, it has also been mentioned that she should be the official PR officer for the Infantry! I feel honored to have met her and consider her an excellent role model for recruits.


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The Naginata

By RR Midian



The naginata is a halberd-like weapon that was used extensively in feudal Japan. Described by some as simply "a sword on the end of a long pole", the naginata was actually a sophisticated weapon which required considerable skill and stamina to use effectively in battle. It consisted of a curved blade, 1 to 2 feet in length, mounted onto an oak shaft that was usually 5 to 9 feet long. The actual dimensions of a naginata were primarily dependent on personal preferences and battle conditions. Attached to the butt end of the shaft was a sharp end-cap, or ishizuki, which was used to pierce between the plates of an attacker's armor.


Despite the uncertainty surrounding its origin, it is a well-known fact that the naginata was being fully utilized in battle by the 10th century. Cavalry battles had become more important by this time, and it was difficult to repel mounted warriors simply by means of the bow, arrow, and sword. The naginata proved to be a superb weapon for close-up fighting; it's sweeping arcs of destruction were used to cut a horse's legs and kill its rider once the horse fell to the ground. During the Gempei War (1180), in which the Taira clan was pitted against the Minamoto, the naginata rose to a position of particularly high esteem. Because of its extensive use at that time, changes were made in the type of armor worn by warriors.

The introduction of firearms into Japan in the mid-17th century significantly altered battlefield strategies, and the naginata gradually became a weapon used solely by women for protection in their homes. Naginata training was also used as a means of exercise and character development. During the Edo period, a time of relative peace in feudal Japan, all Japanese women were required to master the naginata by age 18. By this time, naginata were usually ornately decorated, and were considered an essential part of a woman's dowry.




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Footy’s Words of Wisdom

By RR Safia


It is time to get to know Mr. Pink, also known as Footy. It is also a good time to learn from him and his experiences (and all of you who know him, stop laughing). First we must look at the Redarms, the Band of the Red Hand police. Mr. Pink, though he claims Northie is the “baddest of the baddies”, has been in plenty of trouble himself. Bringing him to a total of six spot fines and three punishments, excluding the fact that if they had gone on trial he would have had at least a dozen punishments, especially considering when he broke nearly every law in one post. On the ironic side, he is now the Redarm Leader, so watch out for him!

However, this did not hinder his ability in moving up in rank. He moved up from a Rare Rercruit to the highest rank there was in one go, since they did not have the Raw Recruit system at the time and had not yet changed the rank structure. He moved up from a private to a corporal in the first promotion period (two weeks), and would have moved up to the next rank as soon as he rejoined the Band and finished the Raw Recruit program.

One of his favourite experiences in the Infantry was the Quest throughout Dragonmount. He also enjoyed his competition with Mallett for power and leadership as both a Redarm and Infantry C-G. And Mr. Pink was the person who actually founded the Raw Recruit program.

Why did he join the Infantry rather than the Cavalry or the Archers, you ask? He was in the United States Army and spent time with all three of the different Regiments, with exception of the Archers, which was replaced with the Artillery. He found the Band organization and automatically knew which Regiment he wanted to join because of his real life experiences. He explained in the interview how the Infantry fit his personality perfectly. The Cavalry are highborn, the Archers are skilled, and the Infantry are those who get down and dirty, fighting hard. At the time, the Infantry was the smallest Regiment, but he expresses his loyalty and claims he would never think of changing. He has always been happy with his choice, because the Infantry members make him laugh, which is the main reason he remains in the Infantry.

However close he is to members online, he would prefer not to meet any of them in real life. Some he could probably recognize from the way they act, but meeting them would take the “getaway” feel of the Band away, ruining the escape from reality. I hope this has helped everybody get to know Footy better, and hope it helps you to learn from his experiences.


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Infantry Row - January

By Taymist (Lieutenant General)


Welcome to the Infantry news desk for the first round up of 2007.


The month started off with promotions for Evrem to Master Sergeant and Nighteyes to Sergeant. A further promotion came mid month when Ashandarei also made Master Sergeant. The eagerly awaited naming and story of Kellan’s weapon, Laughing Death, finally happened and details are posted in the Library. Kieran also provided us with the background story to his blades and this can be read at The Barracks.


Another highlight for January has been the return of Mushu and 12thr’s promise to remain with us at the off board site. Great to have you back guys.


Results of The Matrim awards were announced this month and congratulations go out to Kristine for getting the Best Infantry Member award and to Footy, our amazing triple Matrim award winner, who gained the awards for Best Gamer, Best Red Arm and Funniest Band Member. The Infantry are very proud of you two, well done.


Fun and games continued this month with 12thr getting himself several spot fines. For one, he had to post using only smilies for a week, creating much confusion and laughter. This confusion was added to with Kieran facing a Red Arm Challenge to post in pig Latin for a week. Mystica, on the other hand, successfully challenged her spot fine for assault on CG Danya of the Archers. She was proclaimed innocent and set free much to the Infantry’s delight.


The Feast of Lights has continued throughout January with some strong representation from the Infantry. We appreciate everyone’s efforts in taking Game Lessons and entering into the spirit of the events. Here’s hoping we have some medal winners to report next month !! It’s been a joy to see the cross regimental participation in the Feast and the friendly competing for the monthly Regimental Competition.


Several Recruit Award pins were issued this week for outstanding recruits who completed all of their tasks and joined in with posting. The following warrant a special mention for achieving this: Myrelle, Hazlyyn, Gaul, Johnnysolstice and Safia.


Look forward to seeing you all again next month for another new round up.




Please check out the changes to the posting format on the Review Boards. Horn has worked hard to create an Index to all Reviews as well.


Recruits, please note the introduction of the Recruit Tents on the New Recruits’ Board. This is your special area for meeting other recruits and asking questions of the XO and TO.


Can all members also remember to keep up to date with their events in the Feast of Lights? It helps to keep everything running smoothly.


Congratulations to Mystica (Infantry) and Steel Axe (Cavalry) who announced their banding on 11th. All the best to both of you.


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The Bow + Arrow

By RR Taliquemet


A bow is an ancient weapon that shoots arrows powered by the elasticity of the bow. Energy is stored in the limbs of the bow and transformed into rapid motion when the string is released, with the string transferring this motion to the arrow. The bow is used for hunting, sport (target shooting) and in historical times was a weapon of war.

The technique of using a bow is called archery. Someone who makes bows is known as a bowyer and a fletcher makes arrows. Together with the atlatl and the sling, the bow was one of the first ranged weapons or hunting tools which used mechanical principles, instead of relying solely on the strength and skill of its user.

Modern-day use of bows for hunting is a matter of controversy in some areas, but common and accepted in others. Modern hunters are often drawn to bow hunting because it generally requires more practice and skill than taking game with a firearm. While modern rifles allow hunters to shoot large game (such as deer or elk) at distances of 100 yards (metres) or more, archers usually take large game within 40 yards (metres) which requires the archer to stalk the game more closely without frightening it away. Bow hunting is also still practiced in traditional cultures worldwide.

The bow is best used for long distance attacks. It allows you to take out opponents from range, which gives you a better chance of victory when you come up against them in numbers. One weakness to the bow is that, with a strong enough shield, the arrow can easily be deflected. I chose the bow over other weapons (such as the sword) as it has been a vital part of war/battle history. It introduced a completely new side to warfare that, at first, none had defenses against.


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The Reason I Joined The Band

By RR johnnysolstice


Ok, heres my article on why I joined, the questions are:


1. What do I like about the band?

2. What do I think about the people I've met?

3. Why did I decide to join in the first place?



1. It seems really fun, and the fact that I'm 13 and can get drunk is great. (Without hiding it from my parents)


2. The archers seem really nice, I have yet to see the cavalry, but Angyl, says they're really nice. The Infantry just seem, um... how do I put this,... Oh yes, like Prince Habeeboo said off the movie Click: It's simply awesome!


3. Why? Theres no other reason why I first wanted to.... to bug mom...umm... Angyl.


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Why The Band of the Red Hand Is The BEST ORG

By RR Gaul


Well the Band of the Red Hand is the best ORG because they are laid back, relaxed, no uptight little brats and you let younger people "drink" and serve! A lot of your members are funny, nice, understanding and don't jump to conclusions when someone says something.

The other ORGS don't match up because they aren't as laid back as you guys are... plus I'm in here so that has to help. Some ORGS are really serious or inactive, whereas the Band of the Red Hand is really active. I actually had people reply to my posts two minutes after the actual post. We have lots of members and they are all active (most of them anyway).

The Infantry are a lot of cool people, very active and playful. They have plenty of bars to drink at and get in some brawls. I actually serve in one! We've got our famous Guinfantry which is very potent. So, if your wife leaves you, come on in and get drunk at our taverns! Or, if someone looks at you the wrong way, come on in and knock off his socks! Or, if you got your teeth bashed in, then you had to eat mashed corn, well then, YOU SUCK!

So that concludes my article on the Hornsounder!

Thank you for all who have read my article to the Hornsounder!


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Full Interview With Mystica (PR/HR/AnyR Officer, Infantry)

Submitted on behalf of Mystica (Lieutenant)


Haz sits down in a quiet section of the barracks and gets out a pen and pad of paper and prepares to interview the wonderful and lovely Myst.


Mystica strides up to the table and sits down, bringing a couple of pints and a box of Belgian chocolates.


Hi there Haz I was told you needed me?


Myst I have a few questions for you here, please answer them whenever you have a spare moment or three.


Sure thing, hon. Go ahead.


What drew you to join the BotRH and the Infantry specifically?


Pooh, that's some story... lol Ok, I hope you're comfortable, here goes...


I was kidnapped into the BoTRH by North Star, who was helping me with my activation problems on DM. Before I was even active on DM I found myself already a member of the Band. lol


The Infantry was the first regiment I spent time in as an RR. Taymist and Spacey (who you haven't met as he's gone, though hopefully not forever) made me feel really welcome here. Though I must say that a lot of Archers too added to me feeling good in the band. Especially Cadsuane and Leane, who both left recently (but also hopefully not forever). Being someone that's quite faithfull to the books and an absolute Matt lover, I was (in the story) more drawn to the Infantry, as that is also Matt's favorite group of his army. Mostly because of his adversaty against Nobles But also because (again in the books) they are the ones that show a discipline and a grim understanding of the uglyness of war, where the others are all blind eyed focussed on glory and whatnot. I share Matt's view that glory and fancy names and titles don't mean much when you're dead Nore are you able to help anyone when dead, so basically a heroic dead can be seen as a selfish act, if you look at it that way. Dying in the blaze of glory 'sounds' pretty nice, but what of those that will have need of you afterwards?


In this Band, I was a bit overwhelmed by the activity and intensity of the Archers with which they seem to undertake things. Being a highly intense person myself, I realised that joining them might just add oil to the fire on both sides and that what I needed may not necessarily be what I wanted. The Archers are a fun bunch, extremely active and quite big. And though that is of course all great, it's also (from my experience online) a sign of possible 'forced activity'. I needed a place where I could also be as silent as I want to be, when I want it and for how long I wanted it, without feeling guilty over it (regardless how much I would be told I needn't feel guilty, I still would in a big active group. I would feel like I'm not contributing enough). So, the Archers being a crazy bunch one can have fun with even if you are not in their regiment, I decided against joining them.


During my RR time, I had almost no interaction with the Cavalry and didn't feel very much welcomed there, except by Wilson, their crazy flirting basket ball and Bridmorgan. lol Weirdly enough though, both my banded are from the Cavalry now and they're the ones I interact with most now. LOL Strange how things can go I think Twinnie made a SUPERB call in making Steel Axe an RLO, thus forcing him to interact with Recruits. They also recently gained new members and things seem to have picked up around Recruits again. Had I known the fun the Sarmatians were, I would most definately have been in trouble with my decision and choice. I now think my impression of the Cavalry during my RR time was somewhat colored by the absence of this interaction, which was most likely due to bad timing.


Still, I think even then I would have picked the Infantry. This is a small regiment, and during my joining most of the members were on LOA. I believe there was only Taymist, Kristine and Nighteyes active then. I decided to join the Infantry for all the reasons listed above but also because I hoped to be able to become a valuable member that would be allowed to contribute something of her own to the group. Not that this isn't the case in the other Regiments, but being the smallest one, I figured there was more need for it here and also more possibilities to chose from, so I could find my own nitch, sort of speaking.


How long have you been a member?


As my profile says, I joined the Band on the 2nd of October 2006 So not that long ago. (feels much longer though, it's amazing how fast you get drawn in here making it feel like you've known these people forever).


What has been your most memorable moment with the infantry? (and please explain as I probably wont have a clue what you re talking about )


Hmmm... LOL I remember my sparring with Kristine, during my RR time. I had absolutely no clue on how to go about this and so I literally would stand in my living room trying out different 'forms' with a broom as my 'sword'.

Apollo returning from wherever he had been hiding and actually speaking to me.... Still dazed about that experience.

Their Blademasterships Ash and Pinky gracing my Lair with their presence. (got that moment framed and insured).

Taymist trying to teach me the Org Game (im sure she lost a bunch of hair on that one lol).

Nighteyes' dry humor and easy going way and how she would make a new member feel quite welcome by participating in her lair, creating some hilarious moments in there.


I'd like to add an experience that goes bandwide though and shows (in my view) just how we Banders will stand together regardless what happens.


At some point, Kathana, the Amyrlin of the White tower, made a comment on Corki and the Band in one of the WT threads. I saw and came here to see if Banders would join me in defending our MG. (note: the comment was not bad, only good fun teasing). That thread suddenly saw Banders emerging left and right, including àll 3 Captain Generals of the time. It was such that even Mother commented on 'where do all these Banders come from??'. This showed to me exactly the spirit of the Band as a whole and though I would love to claim that spirit for the Infantry, I think all regiments have it equally strong.


Knowing how much trouble Corki has to make Banders post at DM, I was honestly stunned at that kind of responce from so many. Made me strut around IRL all day LOL.


If you could take another infantry member as your alter ego, whom would it be and why?


Pfffffff, that's a tough one!! See each of my brothers and sisters have things I love and stuff I don't like that much.


His Pinkyness

for the absolute fabulous balance he manages to maintain between fun & serious. He comes across to me as one that's a natural leader people would follow from the heart, much like Matt himself. He doesn't take himself too serious, listens to other people's opinions and let's them be as strong as they can be without seeming threatened by it and in doing so comes over stronger still himself.

What I don't like is that he actually made me like a guy wearing pink!



His ability to listen to everyone and then phrase things in such ways that everything is said without knocking down people's dignity, integrity or sensitivities. He's a born diplomat, has a good head on his shoulders and a nack for making you feel silly when you're overreacting without actually accusing you of such. lol He's one that brings out the best in people, even if they themselves don't know they had it in them.

He shares with Pinky a way of involving all regiment members in things, thus making them actually féél part of the regiment rather than just another name on the roster. For me, at least, that's important.



For her absolutely hilarious dry humor, her ability to stay out of politics and the way she makes up her own mind and doesn't let events dictate her actions and interactions.



Her dedication to the regiment and the band is beyond belief. Her heart is as fiesty as her hair and she can show a loyalty most can only dream of.


Apollo, Kieran and Kellan im afraid I haven't gotten to know them too well yet, so they are shrowded in a vail of mystery for the moment.


Last but certainly not least: Kristine

She's Irish. Need I say more?

Our CG is someone that takes her task to heart, you can talk to and will listen to what you say. She broke the CG curse of the Infantry (apparently Infantry CG's tend to go inactive after becoming CG). Though she has a tendency to think she must do everything herself, she shows genuin gratitude and supports all good ideas that come from her subjects. Our CG stands behind her members ànd in front of them, depending on what's needed. And we all feel it. (and admire her front and back accordingly )



So you see, Haz, I can't possible point to any one person, as they're all too great in their own way to pick and choose from.


and last but not least ... drum roll pls...


As a recruit myself, why would you recommend recruits join the Infantry over the other two divisions?


Hmmmm, you need more reasons than the above mentioned? lol ok let's see....


1. True Strength


Shiny bows and cute horses are nice and cool. I like them too. But it's in one-to-one confrontations that one's true strength is shown. And I'm not just talking about fysical strength, but strength of character, courage, determination, mind, dedication, etc. It's a whole new ball game between facing a foe from a distance with a bow or aided by a fierce looking horse than facing that same foe standing in front of him with nothing but your own self. And though one could say that the Cavalry and Archers can carry swords and daggers, it is in the Infantry that one can come to claim mastership of these weapons. Any child can swing a sword, it takes training and mastering to turn that sword into a suitable weapon. Only in the Infantry can one learn that. Much the same as having 20 cars in your garage, but no driver's licence. You'd still be taking the bus...


2. Infantry Blademastering


Though the first that comes to mind when thinking of Infantry is swords, we actually master all kinds of different weapons that are not a bow or a horse. From staffs to lances, from daggers to chakrams, from swords to axes. All and everything that is not a bow or a horse can be mastered with us, under the training of our Blademasters, ending in earning the title of Blademaster yourself. When the Archers lose their bow or the Cavalry their horse, it is the Infantry that sees them safe. When the Infantry stands without weapon, our bodies become our weapon. The only time we are ever truelly helpless is when we're dead. This doesn't come easy, of course, and much training is involved.


3. When the veil lifts.


When you scrape off the shiny lure of beautiful bows and put off the Lady's gowns and stable the horses, what is left is 'you'. The Infantry (usually) doesn't put much importance on superficial appearance, as we know that regardless the look of the mantle, it's the body underneath that counts. Therefore we don't care how you look, but 'who you are'. For that is what will count in the long run. Speaking for myself, I don't care about your titles, ranks or positions (or lack thereof), but what you do with them and how you interact and react to people and events.


4. Space to be and do what you need/want.


Being the smallest regiment, there's plenty room with us for you to bring your own distinctive ideas in and if they don't collide too much with existing things, see them implimented. You can be as active or inactive as you want, depending on what RL allows you to be. Our regiment has a good relationship with both other regiments, which means we are always welcome on their boards and vice versa. No one will come down on you for not participating in things if you don't feel like it, though you will be encouraged to do so, and given all the support you need to be able to.


5. Huge array of possibilities


I suppose you could keep making bows and add ever more horses to the pasture, but let's face it. There comes a time where it all becomes old. Having no other choice in weapons than 'only' a bow or a horse, you'd soon end up almost forgetting about them unless on the rare occasions where you would use them. In the Infantry, you can train in àll weapons belonging to that Regiment, even if you can only become a Master in one. Not only that, but you can actually also ùse all of them in battles and brawls (a regular Infantry passtime). Now the Cav and Archers may claim that they too can train in it, but what's the use if they aren't allowed to use it in battle? Ok, so the Cav might swing an axe or two... Not the same though. Still need that horse to back them up. And we all know where the true skill in those weapons is to be found.


6. Various other reasons

If all this still doesn't convince you, then ponder this:


- Brawls: has Infantry written all over it

- Plucking chickens: not happening with us, we don't need feathers

- Horsepoo: we don't have any, so don't need to clean it either.

- Cloths: you wear what you are comfy in, no silly armor, bowstrings cutting into breasts or throat, no annoying gowns fluttering all over the place just so some guy may gawk at it.

- Drinking: we are the masters in this department, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And we don't get hangovers (much)

- Cavalry: they love us, so they come visit a lot

- Archers: they love us, so they come visit a lot

- Nekkid: we actually look GOOD without cloths, because of all the training *points at his Pinkyness in his Pink Loin Cloth*



Feweeeeeeh...... lol I need a drink. I hope this all answers your questions suitably, Haz


Page 14.





Archers Column - January

By Morrigan (Sergeant/RLO)


Hey! Welcome to the news set from the Range!


In the beginning of the new year and the new term several Archers got promoted. Helike, Chaelca and Ozzhammer were raised to full Lieutenants. Congratulations the three of you! Blade, who is on extended LoA, won the Matrim Award for the Best Trickster and the whole Archers Regiment got the Best Regiment award. So congratulations to all of us!


The new staff of the Archers for this term started off a bit late…but wait what am I saying? We’re never late!

So! Our new Captain General is Danya, with Sheliara as her Lieutenant General and Northie as her Banner General. To keep the order in the Range during this term Chaelca, Odette and Goldeneyes were chosen as our Red Arms. The Regimental Liaison Officers are Dragonlover and I, the humble writer of this column.

Due to the awesome guidance of the management the Archers are progressing and growing stronger, despite the crisis we experienced this month.

One of the great ideas is the March. Every month we are going to march to a new place and change our life accordingly. But no more shall I say. The surprise should remain a surprise

The first run of the Archer March is taking place in February.


Unfortunately we spent this month without four of our dearest members. Cadsuane, Woolhead, Leane and Stafmaster left in the beginning of January. Ozzhammer went on an indefinite LoA and so did Amavia. We hope we’ll see them back soon!


As if in return we had a lot of recruits in the Range this month. We enjoyed the company of a whole bunch of lads and lasses. Hazlynn, Safia and JohnnySolstice came to us in the beginning of the month, then arrived BeccaAnn, Myrelle and KaraJ(and her thinking cap ), and finally (today ) - Bladetosser. And during the whole month jolly spirits ruled in the Range due to the presence of fresh Raw Recruits. They also proved good poets amateurs with writing some very good Jak O’ the Shadows verse. Here they are:


Hazlynn – The Feast of Lights


Come on join the Feast of Lights

Sit on down and watch the fights

The winner's all earn bragging rights

To dance with Jak o' the Shadows


We'll dance all night at the ball

And drink our brew until we fall

But won't spill a drop, none at all

And dance with Jak o' the Shadows.


(Great Job!)


Johnny – about random Archers


Morrigan gave me shots,

I like to drink them lots,

And now I'm seein' dots,

To dance with Jak O' the Shadows.


Odette's a name from Kingdom Hearts 2,

I think she likes to drink some brew,

I like to drink it too,

To dance with Jak O' the Shadows


(special thanks to Johnny from the writer that blushed a sunset at the sight of the 1st verse)


Myrelle – about her time at the Band so far


We’ll go to the paddock to try and find

A horse to befriend, a special one mind,

And many cavaliers, both funny and kind.

To joust with Jak o' the Shadows.


We’ll learn the moves and practice them more,

Find amazing people behind every tavern door,

With reviews on films and music galore,

To fight with Jak o' the Shadows.


(very good verses)


BeccaAnn – about her time with the Archers


Despite the bitter chill and snow,

Among the Archers tents I go -

A raw recruit with fresh-hewn bow -

To dance with Jak o’ the Shadows.


Inside the taverns brew flows free

Their jolly voices welcome me;

I raise my mug in salute to thee,

‘Ere we dance with Jak o’ the Shadows.


(awesome work)




As a raw recruit I have to ask,

how to include an arrow in this here task?

aah, nevermind I'll just drink a cask,

'til I'm drunk as the Jak O'the Shadows!


To write a verse of rhyme or two,

is not the easiest thing to do,

but like an Arrow my mind flies true,

To write for the Jak O'the Shadows


( :D )



Thank you for reading. See you next month!


Page 15.





Tay Kite

By Mystica (Lieutenant)


It is a public secret that Infantry men love to pounce on each other over the Infantry women. Recently, this has again been demonstrated and in a valiant effort to save her Lieutenant General, Mystica has jumped to come up with a solution that would avoid the men killing each other off and dragging the LG with them.


Sadly though, this new solution was just another reason for them to get at each other and our lovely LG is still in the midst of it all....


Please join us in our prayers to the Light to keep our LG safe and to knock some sense into our men.






Head Hunter Kris


Hearing that our CG felt a little left behind on the whole Kite thingy, I decided that it was time for a special little attention jùst for her. After many nights of collecting the needed parts, days of cleaning the blood from my clothes and more nights of mixing and matching, I finally came up with the perfect present.


Not only does this present reflect our Infantry Captain's 'real' nature, it also shows beyond a shadow of a doubt the truth behind her goal of recruiting people into the Infantry. And we all know the saying that 'the truth shall set you free'.


Although, how we poor Infantry will ever enjoy such freedom after this, remains a mystery. Maybe some Aes Sedai could offer some small measure of hope in this case.




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