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question about bonding


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No you are wrong... Moraine attempted to use compulsion on Rand by way of the coin...reread EotW when she is talking with Suin. She also makes mention to Lan when she told him about passing of the bond that she never tried to use compulsion on him.


Alanna has tried to manipulate Rand in this way, but it is his stubborness that prevents it from working. Also, the Ashaman did add something special to the bond which is outlined in the books to make the Aes Sedai obey them as if bond to the oath rod.


Umm... no, im not wrong. Sorry.


Actually the 'something special' is in addition to the wife bond, which has no inbuilt compulsive effects.


The coin was supposed to make him more ameneable to her suggestions, and she specifically states that she should have guessed he was the Dragon, then lists incidences that indicated he could channel--the healing of Bela's tiredness, and the failure of the coin to have any effect amongst them.


Finally i wasn't talking about Moiraine, i was talking about Myrelle, who does compel Lan.


Aside from which, we know from Sammael that it is holding saidin that makes a man immune from compulsion. So sorry buddy.


I think it would be possible for Aes Sedai to invent another bond that allows for compulsion on male channelers and the only reason the current one does not, is simply because the weave is less complex.


Except that, again, we know from Sammael that compulsive weaves do not work on men wrapped in saidin.


I assume it is meant here that both men have strong wills, and that whatever is possible for Lan is the same for Rand. However, Lan willingly accepted to become a Warder, Rand didn't. I would think that counts for something.


Lan did not willingly accept being Myrelles warder, and you can be damn sure that between Nynaeve and the death-absortion he didn't accept her forcing him to have sex with her.


Now, knowing that he can channel, I would think that Alanna would try to compel him quickly before he has recovered enough to do anything with the Power.


He seized the power the second he felt what she did. There wasn't enough time for her to weave a shiled, much less a compulsion web, which, we know has to be delicate.


No. I think resistance to the bond is due to the relative strength in the power.


Sammaels comment makes it clear that it is the simple act of being wrapped in saidin, not the strength of the channeler that is important.


Aside from which, all the women amongst Toveines expedition were strong, and whilst men are on average stronger, the likelyhood of all 51 women being bonded to a man stronger then that is small. Especially given that Logain's men would not have come anywhere near their full strength yet, even with the forcing that takes place at the black tower.


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