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[TV] BSG Season 3.5 Discussion


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Guest Emperor

Wow did they really want us to believe Gaeta was the cylon or what!


It can't be Starbuck. She had her own thing where she went back to Caprica to get the arrow, then the cylons operated on her, took her innards and she shut down one of their farms. What was the point of showing us all that if she was just a cylon.


Yveva - Roslin also has visions. Starbuck is part of the greater plan is all.


Anders could be a cylon. However how long had he been a sports figure before the attacks?

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Guest Emperor

How about this!


We never see Cylon on Cylon love, but that one bot has the hots for her. If the girl I loved killed me over and over, I might take the hint.


Ok I take that back, we do see same sex cylon love as Xenabot and Caprica got it on (hooooooooot).


Anyway, there are three people I am sure can not be cylons and they are Adama, Lee and Starbuck. I think everyone else is fair game.


For my exit, I will go out Batman style. POW! BANG!!!



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But Cylons must have done some horizontal mambo at some time in order to learn that they couldn't reproduce. And if the Cylons don't know who the final five are it is entirely possible that they could try to get it on with one of their own and not know. The Chief and Helo were unaware that they were doing the grownup with cylons, why should a cylon be more aware of it?


At this point I think that they are really trying to get us to think that Starbuck or Gaeta are Cylons, but they're being too obvious about Gaeta (imho).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Emperor

Did I miss something in past episodes where Helo was reassigned to take care of those people? Why are the people coming aboard Galatica again?


Otherwise last night's episode was just a filler without moving the plot forward that much.

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The fleet is short on space, so the Galactica has been housing refugees since New Caprica.


And yes, they are doing that thing again where they put clips in the previouslys that never actually aired. I hate when they do that.

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Guest Emperor

Until they referenced Baltar's trial... I thought I had missed an episode or two. These kind of episodes will not draw more viewers which I know they are worried about.

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Guest Emperor

It wasn't awful, it was just disconnected from the main arc. It felt like busy work. The focus was on Helo and the senator from the Xmen movies.


When did Dee become afraid of Doc Cottle btw?

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I think Doc Cottle is a bit of a quack. From a character development standpoint I do think this episode was important. As Helo himself says, everyone just knows him as "the guy married to the cylon" this episode showed us a little bit more about him, and opens the way for Adama to give him more responsibility when his son is discovered to be a cylon :P (just teasin' but dont' say I didn't tell you so!)

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Guest Emperor

BAH! Apollo is not a Cylon. How could Adama have a son, raise him and then find he is a cylon? It is not like the Cylons replaced humans with pod people. The Cylons seem to to be unique people so far.


Unless the final five are pod people, and therefore are not copies, but unique sleeper agents.


Still, implying Apollo is a Cylon means his father is a cylon as well.


*shakes fist*

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Guest Emperor

Oh and Helo is one bad soldier. I mean he doesn't follow orders and seems hot headed. He puts his personal feelings first and, yes, that makes him quite human and a very likeable character, but a piss poor soldier.


Helo is the one that is going to die, probably protecting Baltar or something against orders....


I am being half serious of course.


I no longer think Dee is going to die. If so, she would have died this episode.

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Yup. Last episode was all tease about Gaius living/dying/being a cylon, this one's tease was about Dee dying. They can't tease too much or it will be crying wolf and I won't even care when whoever dies actually kicks the bucket.

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yeah, that was why I was guessing this episode was to make us feel more connected to him. I don't quite, but I do know a little more about him I suppose.

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Guest Emperor

Pfft, I think that after season 1... you know the one where he was stuck on Caprica and got busy with Sharon... I think that would have made us like him some.


Really they are setting it up so when he dies we are sad. Really I am ok with it. Especially when it is his wife that does it because she has been pretending all along!!!!



No I don't believe that.... just popped into my head and felt like typing it and stuff...

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yeah, but it could happen. Frankly I don't think he's important enough for a Cylon to kill. Having Sharon kill him would be an interesting parallel to having him kill Sharon a while ago. (psst. Sharon, people don't just wake up and start again)

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Sooo...Consensus on teh intarweb seems to be that "The Woman King" was the Worst. Episode. Ever. for BSG. Does anyone here agree? It definitely wasn't one of my favorites, but I think "Black Market" or "Apollo Suddenly Starts Visiting Hookers and Reminiscing About Lost, Pregnant Loves" was much, much worse. Thoughts?

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I think Black Market and Hero were much worse. The Woman King was merely poor. It was hamstrung by the fact that the whole Sagitarron plot was supposed to have been started in the New Caprica episodes (the Sagitarrons refused to help the Resistance and got branded as collaborators), so rather than Tigh and everyone else suddenly turning into racists, it was actually an understandable reaction to a group of people who, it was believed, had hampered their chances for liberty and survival. This would then have unfolded through background subplots before reaching a climax in this episode, with some unresolved issues left for subsequent installments and Baltar's forthcoming trial.


However, they dropped all of this for time, which is fair enough, but they still used this episode in the same way, with absolutely no set-up at all. It just falls apart every time you look at it.


I'm hoping that maybe BSG stays at 13 episodes for Season 4. The shorter timespan will focus the plot much more tightly and hopefully bring back the quality that was lost when they started having to do stand-alone filler episodes to stretch a season out to 20 installments.

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