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Why, Hello There [/fake british accent]

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Ello, there. As of 8:47 PM EST I am the second newest member here. As I figured out, through boredom and a time consuming five minutes, it doesn't take long for someone not to be the newest guy (or girl, for all those high-minded sexist females out there who get offended by being lumped with us "guys"). I was procrastinating doing my homework and roaming around EncyclopediaWOT when I decided I would go check out RJ's blog and see what he had to say. I read a bit there and thought I'd look around the site a bit and finally decided to join. And thus is the story of how I came to your humble doorstep, probably too wordy and completely unnecessary but hey, I'm bored and need to humor myself.


I started reading TWoT in 8th grade some five years ago and am now in the middle of re-reading all of the series so that I can read KoD and have some idea of what was going on, because, I don't know about you but five years ago, I wasn't as perceptive a reader as I am now. And by CoT it was, "Yea, I'm reading big books, look at me, nerdy freshman. 8B" Most of the finer details in the books obviously whooshed over my head. So now, being older and wiser, I'll be able to understand it all. And the things that I miss... well that's what EncyclopediaWOT is for. Because, sadly, I do not have the time in my schedule to read and re-read the books a thousand times over like the nerd I am. Though I read a lot, I am possibly the slowest reader you'll ever meet. And with all the other books I'd like to read piling up, plus video games and the ever ominous homework, it's just a tad overwhelming. But I stick a different book in between each WoT book to balance it out. Like after I finish TPoD, which I'm reading now, I'm going to read Eragon and, then WH, and then Stephen King's Lisey's Story.


But I'm rambling and I'll save your ears 'cause of the kind and benevolent person I am. So list time.


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Zodiac: Gemini

Where am I? Beautiful, sunny, and god-awful hot Florida

Ed-joo-ma-ka-tion: High school, senior (W00T '07!)


Favorite book genre: I dunno, it's a toss up between fantasy and Stephen King(yes, he's cool enough to have his own genre, although I think Dean Koontz might beat King out, I have to read some more Koontz to really decide)


Favorite video game genre: Legend of Zelda-style games, although I love Final Fantasy games too. The problem is I don't usually ever finish them. I've only ever finished FFI and X. I've been working on FFXII but that game is fricken long! 80 hours + on that game and I'm still no where near finished.


Favorite music genre: I really like gothic rock, Nightwish, Within Temptation, Evanescence. I also seem to be partial to a mix of techno and rock, like that seen on the FFVII: Advent Children soundtrack.


Let's see what else there is... I'm a really slow reader, as stated above, I ramble a lot when I'm tired or bored, oh, right! I have a girlfriend, so sorry ladies, this handsome hunk is taken.


I'm a Nintendo fanboy, but am humble enough to admit that Sony can kick some serious butt with game consoles if they put their mind to it. They have a lot of good games on the PS2, too. Also, be aware that I despise Microsoft and that includes the X-box. Don't mention it to me and I wont have to maim you or anything with the sword hanging on my wall. Yes, I have a sword, so don't make me use it. I'll show a pic of it later if someone is interested.


I have also coined the term "The American Hardcore Gamer Misconception." Throughout my travels of the internet, I have found increasing incidents of this phenomenon. So I gave it the name TAHGM. Since this phenomenon is mostly in America, or at least I think so, seeing as I live here, I label it "American", please note that this may not be true and can happen outside of America. Essentially TAHGM consists of a large group of gamers who think that to be a hardcore gamer they must play only first person shooters, such as Halo, and other games that consist mainly of going from point A to point B and blowing everything up that you can manage in between. This also consists of the little ten year olds who got their hands on Daddy's Halo online multiplayer and gang up on unsuspecting players and blow them to pieces while shouting "OH MI GODZZ! WEEE KEEIIILLLED J00!" In my eyes that's just immature and in no way hardcore. A true hardcore gamer should have a healthy balance of all the genres and not just play Mass Murder Spree 3. Sadly though, most people have misconceptions about hardcore gamers and think that all they need to do is play MMS3 not have broader horizons in the gaming world with other great games that don't consist of watching a ball of fire for five hours. I know, because I live with one such American Hardcore Gamer Misconceptionist, my father. Unfortunately this is the fan base that Microsoft has for it's system and this is one of the reasons I dislike the X-box. If you've ever watched the game channel G4, the show X-play is a great example of TAHGM. So there you have it folks, Silver's general theory of idiocy, TAHGM.


I just hit the preview button and looking at what I've typed I was like, good lord! I'm going to kill them all before they finish reading my first post. So I'll try to wrap things up quickly.


I've mentioned before that I'm a slow reader, but I am an even slower writer, which is a shame because I really do like to write. I've got ideas for a lot of stories but I rarely ever take time to write. There's just so much I'm already doing that it's hard to quiet my thoughts enough to listen to my muse singing in my head. I took a creative writing class last year but most of the stuff I wrote seemed too immature compared to the level of writing I'm seeking. All of my other free time writing either falls under the category of cliché poem or unfinished long story, with the exception of one story which I did actually finish, but then again it falls into the too immature and cliché category. But I have grown as a writer somewhat and my most recent story doesn't seem so immature, just unfinished.


So that's me in a not-so-small nutshell. If you took the time to read it all, I commend you and hope I haven't put you in a comatose state. I'd offer to pay the hospital bill but I don't even know how I'm going to pay for college. So all I can offer is my sincerest apologies, if your not so veggitized to hear it, that is.


Now I get to collect my unfinished homework and tomorrow get to pretend like I didn't spend my entire weekend reading and surfing the net and did my homework. I warn you now, don't ever take AP Macroecenomics willingly. I started reading through the chapter two study guide and by the bottom of the third page, I swear my brain had melted and started leaking out my ears. So yea, beware... Very confusing and boring stuff.


And now, with thunderous applause, I shall shut up.


:shock: WOW... and the award for longest Newbie introduction post ever... goes to Silvermuttfromhades!


Welcome to Dragonmount, Silver :D Have you had a good look around as yet? After about on paragraph, I had you down for the writers (you'll find them in the Illuminators Org), after the second paragraph...'should look in on the WoT discussion boards and read Robin Hobb's Farseer series instead of Eragon.


Third paragraph... Gemini... *nods... thought as much :wink:*


...further along... hmmm.. check out the Seanchan Org for other gaming enthusiasts...


...near the end... *well, if this is things in a nutshell, it's got to be a coconut at least...


Thunderous applause!!!!!!!!!!!!!


....and maybe a visit to Fiddlesticks if you want to practise short post posting *g* :wink:


Look forward to seeing more of your writing exploits!!


Sweet, already earning some rank on just my first post. XD


I am just now starting to settle into the place, and I must say I like it very much. I've joined the Illuminators earlier today and have already posted some stuff there.


I'll look into it, but right now I'm kinda curious as to what all the hype is about Eragon. It's like passing a car wreck on the road, you can't help but look.


Gemini's rock. 8)


I'm sure they'll be interested in TAHGM. Perhaps tomorrow when I have some more free time.


My creative writing teacher last year always said that I had a problem with diarreah of the fingers when it came to writing. But then most of the stuff I turned in was always under the max page limit, except for maybe the last couple of stories I wrote for her, so I don't see what she was complaining about.


Aw, fiddlesticks. I can write short posts. I just had a lot to say. :P


And I look forward to seeing more of... uh... you. *rides off on non-existant horse, clacking the coconut halves that contained his post together* To Camalot! ... On second thought, let's not. Tis a silly place.


I'm glad you can psot shortly, the length of your two posts here would give the Fiddle folk a heart attack since we're mostly lazy at heart. 8)


lol... you should see the post on the Writers, SBW!


Thanks for that treat, Silver. I have already posted a comment there... loved the third poem!!


Oh, ok... read Eragon... actually, I quite enjoyed it... it isn't the best book I have read, but it was entertaining and that is the main thing (and compared to R. Newcombe, it was high fantasy!!!)


My husband is a Gemini... recognising another wasn't difficult *g*


*Jumps in a little late*

Welcome to DM! I see you are already makin yourself at home round here. I've seen your post on the illuminators board, I really liked the third poem you posed. Have fun!



Well I hope they've been taking Bayer. It prevents one in three heart attacks.



Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed them. I should have a few more up by the time you read this. Cause I'm a complete poem hore like that.


Yea, that's the reason I read some children's series still. I mostly read more mature books but every now and then it's nice to read something simple like Harry Potter or Artemis Fowl.


We're just flamboyant like that. You can spot use from a mile off.



Better late than never. Besides, it's the thought that counts. It's nice to have some good people say hello to the newbies and make them feel at home. I remember I joined this one forum, and their form of greeting was to dismember the mewbie as strangely and graphically as they could. And then there was this strange guy who took everyone's coat... I think he might have had a coat fetish or something.


Well I hope they've been taking Bayer. It prevents one in three heart attacks.


Well I took 2 this morning... mostly for my knee but I'll take the heart attack side effect... It may hvae saved me the day I read your post :D

Guest Emperor

Welcome Silver! I see you have already paid a visit and joined SC and we look forward to having another gaming expert in the ranks. I can really only speak to the 360 these days.


Eragon... haven't seen it but I heard it was rubbish (the movie). We have a post somewhere on the SC boards about it.


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