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Attn Rowul Advanced Ax-craft: Learn from past battles


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Learning from my mistastakes)


Rowul zoned completely out and entered the Illusion of Elsewhere, a technique he had learned from the master at the Fortress of Light.


Once he had entered the Illsuion he was off and running, diving and chopping as he rihgted himself, spiining and slashing. Rowul was trying to build up endurance and do everything he knew how to do, and do it over adn over. The greatest key to the ax was to never stand still to always be pushing forward,


A high ax blow was followed by a sweeping cut, that in mid swing turned into a gutting stab. Dive Right.


Rowul came up from teh dive and slashed at wasiste hieght, behind him, then twirling the ax he choped as hard as he could, then in mid stroke, altered the path from a cleacing blow to a chop aimed to take off the oppentents arm.


No feeling was entering his mind, though his memories flowed like water, trollok on the right was smashed with the flat of the blade only to be gutted on a sweeping blow.


Fade in front was kept at bay by the whirlwind, till the fade made the mistake that allowed him to cut off the weapon arm, and then with a return blow cut off the other one, Fades never died quietly but at that point it was useless, but that didn't stop Rowul from removing its light blasted head..


Never leave a fade standing was a rule that he had learned early so he proceeded to chop teh lefs off the the thrashing figure, now it was of no use to the dark one so he made sure to wipe away the blood, take the black cloak, (ooc which he still has) and stuff it behind his belt, thats when the spike drove through him, he should have kept moving but seeming youth made him invinvible in his own eyes. So he paid for it, if he could do that battle agian he would never ahve grapped that cloak ,no matter haow cooli thad looked, Which remided him, he needed to have one of those black coat wearing guys look at it and make sure it wasn't dangerous.



Rowul began the dive that he had named death force, this dive was used when you knew that your oppenedt was far better than you and all you anted to do was kill said aoppenedt, he never used it, felt no neeed, but he still practced it just for kicks, you dove forward and rolled but the rool was to be real close to hte enemy adnyou chopped as you came up so that you hit center mass, the only problem was in the split second a person knew whwas comeing they would stab you though the heart.


Standing back up Rowul began to flow ,like water, to be firm in the midst of battle like a Metal, to be a solid place for his allies lke earth, he was violent adn ever changing like fire, adn was as insubstacial to his enemies like air. He imbodied all that was elemntal, he trained to be like the elements, he trained to kill.


suddenly something shattered his Illusion


"and so i says to the guy i need my HAMMER back"


that one word shattered his reason and he was driven into the depths of his memories




Hammer," he shoulted, andhe knew yo would be there he would help him save his men he just had to listen.. and as always the answer came "Anvil" he told his men to make a push towards the other Lord Captain soldiers[/b


Rowul fell to his knees and slashed out, trying despreatly to fight off his own past, hack spin shaft right, hack with the lefthand, no one would defy him in this,...... no one.



Rowul stood and began his cool down strecthing his arms and legs where they burned the most then went off for a short job,

"mayhaps i will visit Iron Heart"









(ooc done right?)





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