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So, Erlene needs to meet the MoN and I have no idea how to go about this. Should I just start a thread and label it Attn: MoN? Erlene has been tested, but it was done at the tower, so should I still RP that?

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*runs in*


Hello!  I'm the MoN.  :)


You can rp the testing at the Tower if you want to, but the main point of the Meet the MoN rp is to get enrolled and...well...meet the MoN.  lol


So, including the testing is completely up to you.  You can rp it with an NPC sister, if you included one in your bio, or you can borrow one of my Aes Sedai for the process, and I can work through it with you.  :)

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YAY! What a wonderful vote of confidence. :smile: I have the post up. It's called Down the Rabbit Hole. Erlene has kinda set herself up for punishment, but she is stubborn.... >.<

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