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[ Kin ] As an FYI - Bowl of Winds


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There is "talk" about the Bowl of Winds story arc trying to be finished within the next few months, so, if you're wanting to join and be a part of this but haven't yet decided... you got a bit of time yet. However you'll probably enjoy the rp more if you have already made your pc and are interacting with everyone else in The Kin before then.


Personally, I've pushed my own story forward a bit so I can begin interacting with Kin as an established memeber (and rp out how that came to be, in retro rps) & get us moving in the super active direction as a group. So, if anyone is ready to kick this off and get rp'ing... just let me know.


I'm totally eager to get some "introduction" threads going (aka: rps where we can feel each other's pcs out a bit, not necessarily "Hi my name is..." stories) and have a few ideas for fun, short, stories that we can do.


Just thought I'd share the good news on the main plot and encourage everyone who is wanting to join us to get their bios in.


Hope you're all having a GREAT day!



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Just an addendum :)


The bowl of winds itself will only really be played if there is interest. And if it is played, there won't be the three ring circus attempts to do so, including my own. Most likely 3 threads at most, just focused on the main bits. Everyone getting together, finding the bowl and then using it. The last thread would also include an attempt by the Seanchan to take Ebou Dar that will be repelled by the Seafolk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have moved past the Bowl of Winds rp seeing as there was zero interest from the Staff in doing that particualr rp......the rp that has been mooted is the meeting between the White Tower and the Kin that took place after the Bowl was put in play. That rp is being planned/talked about now. In case it has not been made clear, we are not starting on the Path of Daggers timeline...so that is were we are officially...or supposed to be



*eyes James and wonders where his sheep concubine is*




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ouch, my poor poor heart just broke.


So there's no way we can get the Bowl of Wind into things somewhere anymore? I mean, last time we didn't have Seanchan who liked the idea. Now we have Seanchan who like the idea. We have Kin who like the idea. I'm pretty sure that if we were to ask, we'd also have WT people who like the idea.


We even have Sea Folk who like the idea. Or rather, we will have Sea Folk who like the idea.


And technically, scrapping the Bowl of Winds kind of also means scrapping the return, and that kind of also means that I might as well stop trying to get the Seanchan involved anywhere, because they wouldn't even be on the mainland with a serious force.


So my suggestion is to have a Bowl of Winds rp, after the return, which is going to happen from February the 10th (I think) to April the 10th (just a wild guess there.)

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Sil i would love to say to you go ahead and do the BoW rp. but twice i tried to get this going and got nowhere. We are talking over an 18 month period here.


But, to be fair to you, and the others who want to do this? Please send me an outline of the rp and who is definately invovled and i will read it and see if we can do it. The sooner you get it to me the sooner i will make a decision.


That sound fair to you?




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You got time for a chat this week any? Email me at: deanna[at]innlost[dot]org and we'll talk turkey on this. I'm a bit behind but I'm here. I want to make this happen for all the players who want to see it occur.



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As I understand it they would be. I would check with James on that one to be sure. James, do we have a write up for this rp or should your 'wenches' touch base and get to writing so we can get the ball rolling as it seems there has been some hold ups on it in the past?


Let me know who needs to be involved and what you need done and we'll knock it out.



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3 phase write up. 4+ phases seem to experience long lulls inbetween, so if we keep it to 3 main threads it should stay on track, or thats the plan anyway. Plus we need to sort out the Kin/SC stuff to make sure this all works. To the staff board!


Dunanananananananananana *spinning Freelander Logo*

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