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It wasn't often that Muirenn Alianin invited a sister of another Ajah to her quarters in the Red Halls, but it had been known to happen. Usually, they were influential Sitters in the Hall, or Ajah Head who knew one another through the network. Occasionally a pawn. But now, things had changed. What she was once able to do would no longer suffice. She was no longer Ajah Head, she could not summon other Heads to visit. She was no longer Sitter, she could not summon other Sitters to her rooms. She now had to work by proxy, and that certainly grated. At least, she mused, she had been in a position of authority long enough that few questioned her right to do whatever she bloody well pleased. Age had definite advantages here.


If another sister could remember being switched by you, or sent to be switched for filching honeycakes, it was very hard to look you in the eye as an equal, much less a superior. And Muirenn did have a habit of bringing up one's most embarrassing moments at the worst time. And with Karana gone, there was no one to hold her...youthful misdeeds...over her head any longer. If only some of the other sisters knew. Stealing out past bedtime was nothing compared to some of Muirenn's misdeeds. She recalled with a shudder how she and two cohorts had been sentenced to take all their lessons and meals with a particular sister who had been pranked repeatedly. The experience was...less than pleasant. Fortunately, there was no longer anyone who remembered.


The ward she was weaving as she thought was intricate in the extreme. Barely a whiff of saidar was used, in filaments fine as cobwebs. But trying to cut those cobwebs would be akin to attempting to batter down a stone wall with bare hands. Skill. So many sisters simply went along with the Tower hierarchy which valued strength, but there were only perhaps a half-dozen sisters who could duplicate the weave she wove now. Long years of work with the Power was another advantage of age. As she finished the weave and pulled it tight around letter, sliding it into it's envelope at the same time, she thought of the intended recipient.


A proxy, or so it would seem to any who looked too close. A young sister of the Gray Ajah. And the Gray stood with the Red. It would seem that some political matter was at hand. Which, in truth, it was. But that was secondary to the more important purpose of this meeting. Nyssa Deschain had proven herself valuable in ways that were not of note to the White Tower as a whole. In ways known by exactly three sisters. And so, she would recieve two invitations today.


Muirenn sealed the envelope carefully, and called on a passing Accepted to deliver it promptly. Now all that remained was to prepare for tea.


-Muirenn Lina Alianin

Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah

Head of the Black Ajah



The letter was a surprise on it’s own. It wasn’t that she hadn’t expected it. After all, the discovery of skimming had once again opened the door for negotiations between the Red and the Gray Ajah. And she had been there, when Phaedra announced to a group of sisters that she could teach them how to skim. So it was entirely possible that people had seen her as the aide of Phaedra in this case. It was a little insulting, to still be seen as a little helper at her age, but as she looked at the name of the sender, it wasn’t all that miraculous. Muirenn Sedai was said to have been around since the dawn of this age. Nyssa was sure that that was over exaggerated, but when no one even wished to guess about the age of a Sister, Nyssa was sure that she was well over two hundred and fifty years at least. Best to be careful.


A slight tingling passed over her hands as she turned the letter in her hands, as if it urged her to open it. She was tempted to embrace saidar, to see the ward that Muirenn had placed on the letter, but she refrained from it. Muirenn was known for her wards, and her skill in them was renowned through the entire tower. Whatever this ward was, the chances that Nyssa could tamper with it were too small for her too appreciate. So without further delay, she opened the letter. One didn’t keep an Aes Sedai like Muirenn waiting, after all. Again the skin of her hands tingled. It wasn’t an entirely unpleasant sensation. Nyssa guessed it was a ward attuned to her, assuring that only she would open the letter. A clever ward. Perhaps Muirenn would feel inclined to teach Nyssa about it one day.


The contents of the letter were simple. A shiver coursed down her spine, and she almost dropped the letter. She regained her composure swiftly, once more the picture of the perfect mediator. Her features didn’t betray the suspicions she felt. An invitation for tea. Involuntarily, Nyssa’s mind travelled back to a certain day, no more than twenty and seven years after she had been raised to the Shawl. An invitation for tea, by a sister so much older than she was that it was almost impossible for that sister to realise Nyssa even existed. Yet she had gone, and found herself immersed within the Black Ajah before the day was over. This message, coming for a sister so much older than she was… it was almost the same as she had received on that day.


Still, Nyssa would not ignore such an opportunity as it was given to her. She changed into something a little more appropriate, a deep indigo gown of a modest Mayener cut, instead of the fiery red dress she had worn before, which was also from her homeland, though nowhere near as modest. It had been years since Nyssa had felt the urge to wear her shawl on every occasion she left her room. This time she wore it though, pulling it around her tightly as she left the letter on her desk, and walked to the Red halls. Her step wasn’t rushed, but she made sure she didn’t dawdle either. A little while later she found herself standing in front of Muirenn Sedai’s quarters. She ran a hand through her long black hair, almost a nervous gesture. Then she knocked, only to find that the door opened before her knuckled touched the wood. As Muirenn revealed herself behind the door, Nyssa’s face was unreadable again. “Sister,†she started, inclining her head in a way that was appropriate for a younger Sister, “You requested my presence?â€


OOC: Sorry for the huge delay… I wasn’t entirely sure what you meant with the second letter.

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  • 4 weeks later...

"I did indeed, Sister," Muirenn said, gesturing for Nyssa to enter the room. The two women took chairs by the fire, and Muirenn handed Nyssa a cup of tea. As she did so, she formed her left hand into the sign of one who has authority over another. The sign of a member of the Supreme Council addressing an Aes Sedai not of her Heart. It was done casually, as though Muirenn revealed every day that she held a high position within the ranks of the Shadow, but she watched Nyssa Deschain closely to see how the girl would react.


Muirenn’s demeanour was one to be envied by many within the walls of the White Tower. The ancient woman carried herself the way all Aes Sedai should, calm and regal. A hint of a smile curved Nyssa’s lips as she wondered how the Amyrlin Seat would look when compared to this woman. Like a tomboy, no doubt. The smile faded as swiftly as it appeared, and once again her features were blank. Calm. Collected. She was a Gray, after all. Even if she felt a little intimidated, she would not show it to this woman. Gracefully she accepted the tea from Muirenn… only to come close to dropping it when she saw the movement of Muirenn’s hand. The cup rattled slightly, the only sign that Nyssa had even noticed the gesture. She straightened her back, signalling a greeting with her left hand as she lifted her teacup with her right hand. The tea was still too hot to drink, but Nyssa needed a moment to regain her composure completely.


“Surprising.†She said, as if she was commenting on no more than the weather, or the flavour of the tea. She put the cup down in front of her, the contents of it untouched. One could never be too sure, after all, and there were only two occasions when a member of the Supreme Council would reveal herself. One of them was far more likely, and far less pleasant than the other. Nyssa kept herself calm, looking at Muirenn instead of following her instincts and glancing at the door. Even if it was the less pleasant occasion, there was little she could do about it now.


"It is safe," Muirenn said, as Nyssa put down her teacup. "Others saw you enter the Red Ajah quarters, and my rooms in particular. Do you really think I would be so foolish?"


“Oh I would never assume such a thing. But one does not become as revered as you by being rash either. Your skills are widely rumoured to be grand. I think I shall take no chances. Not yet, at least.†She smiled slightly and inclined her head. She wouldn’t touch the tea until she was sure why she had been invited.


"Prudent." Muirenn produced a second teapot from beside her chair, sitting at an angle where Nyssa would not have been able to see it. This tea was not laced with forkroot. A nasty herb, that. Muirenn poured fresh cups and sipped one herself before passing it to Nyssa.


“Thank you.†Nyssa muttered, accepting the cup Muirenn had tested for her, and taking a sip to ease the lump that had gathered itself in her throat. So the woman had shown her that she had no intent of killing her. Or had she? If Nyssa had been foolish enough to drink, what would have happened? A test, perhaps? But to what means? She pondered on this, waiting silently for Muirenn to reveal the purpose of their meeting.


"We have been watching you these last fifty years, Nyssa Deschain," Muirenn said gravely, "And while your methods are not always those I would have chosen, I cannot fault your results. Your Talents especially have been of great use to the Ajah. Your position within the Gray as well. You have proven yourself valuable to us. Today I come to you with an offer. It can be refused. Once." It was quite clear from the direct look Muirenn gave that once was all Nyssa would ever have again if she did refuse. "It is for you Nyssa Deschain to join your sisters on the Supreme Council."


-Muirenn Lina Alianin and Nyssa Deschain


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  • 2 weeks later...

The tiniest of shudders passed through Nyssa when Muirenn started to explain just why she was there. There was a hint of criticism and a hint of praise and finally a kind offer. Kind, if one chose to ignore the blatant warning that proceeded it. Deny us and die, that warning said. Nyssa smiled again, admiring the beauty of the trap she was in. It was quite elaborate. If she didn’t tie herself in with the Supreme Council, she would not live to see the next morning, she was quite sure of that. If she did tie herself in with them… well… that left little room for a life in the gray area of the Dark. Then again, it didn’t necessarily mean that she herself had to change. Merely her position in the Shadow. And what it would gain her. It intrigued her. This invitation alone had offered her more knowledge about the structure of her secret Ajah than she had ever hoped to figure out. “I accept.†She stated, simply, coolly. No need to let Muirenn know what she was pondering on just yet.


Muirenn nodded. As expected. She rose and led the girl to her bedchamber that had elaborate tapestries covering the white stone walls. Moving one aside, she revealed a hidden door. She assumed it was much like the one that would be in Nyssa's chambers. The other sister would have been instructed to choose certain rooms within the Gray Quarters. Today, Muirenn led her down the path to the sub-basement where the meetings were always held. Today they would not have to deal with masks and cloaks. Sisters of the Supreme Council knew one another's identities, if not always who led.


When they arrived, Muirenn gave the knock that identified her as a fellow Supreme Council member, and waited for the door to be opened. If she had not been who she claimed, she would have been killed on the spot. As expected, she felt one of the women on the other side release saidar as the heavy oak door swung open. There would be a surprise here for Nyssa Deschain. And a hard lesson.


As she followed Muirenn Sedai, Nyssa wondered on what would happen next. Silently she steeled herself for further testing. Surely the trick with the forkroot wouldn’t be the only thing the other woman had up her sleeve. She wasn’t surprised to see Muirenn led her through the secret halls that connected the rooms. She had wandered these at night, and at times in Tel’Aran’Rhiod. The dreamworld provided a perfect reflection of the real world. Nyssa smiled when they stopped in front of a heavy oak door. Now that she knew it was here, she would be able to find it again in the Dream.


The One Power used to open the door felt like a breath of air on her skin. The door opened, revealing three women. Two of them stood with their back to the door, but the other sat in the centre of the room. The one sitting lifted her face to Nyssa as she entered. “Ava.†Nyssa muttered. A surprise. The woman who had taught her to keep her head held high even when things didn’t work out her way. A warm women, despite her cool logics. Nyssa had known her since she was a Novice, and had been tempted to choose the White Ajah, if only for this woman, whom she still admired. Ava started blubbering, begging to be released.


That snapped Nyssa’s attention to the other two women. Now that they turned towards her, she recognised them easily. The woman who had brought her over to the Black Ajah, and the woman who had taught her to skim and travel. All this time they had been right under her nose, and yet she had never known. She fought the temptation to laugh out loud. It was marvellous, or would have been marvellous at least, had Ava not been looking at her with eyes filled with pain and grief. “Not you.†The woman whispered. “Please, Light, not you…â€


"This one has knowledge of the Black Ajah now, Nyssa Deschain. She must be disposed of in order to preserve our Ajah. You will deal with her Nyssa Deschain, and return what is left to her rooms for her sisters in the White Ajah to find. In this way you will prove your worth and your loyalty to the Great Lord," Muirenn said, her voice soft, like silk covering the steel of her words.


A wry little smile curved Nyssa’s lips. So that was how they would test her. They would force her to kill a woman who had been like a mother to her, and do it silently and secretly. And if she did not… Her own life would be forfeit. “There is no love lost between Sisters of the Black Ajah.†She muttered as she walked towards Ava, who had heard Muirenn’s words as clearly as she had. “No love at all.†She took a hold of Saidar, both loving and hating the look of fear on Ava’s face. The woman opened her mouth as if to say something, but Nyssa bound her with a gag of air instead. “Spare me your whimpering, woman, and spare me your forgiveness or damnation. I need neither of it.â€


With those words said she wove air and earth, using the weave as a club. Ava slumped further, unconscious but not dead. That didn’t happen until Nyssa weaved again, elaborately this time. She used just enough Saidar to reach into the elder woman’s chest, and stop her heart. All in all it was a peaceful death, one to be envied if not for those final moments of fear. “If you will excuse me?†Nyssa took a hold of the body with air, lifting it from the ground with ease. “I have a body to dispose of.â€


Without another word Nyssa walked out the door, keeping Ava’s body close to her. Swiftly she walked up the stairs, towards the White Halls, thanking the Great Lord once again for her talent. If she had not wandered the secret halls of the White Tower before in the Dream, she would have gotten lost. Instead she found herself standing in an abandoned room in the White Halls, steadying her breath before wandering towards that door. She released Saidar, letting Ava’s cooling body lay on the ground as she tried feeling the presence of other sisters in the White Halls. She held her breath as she opened the door, peeking out into the hallway. There was no one, and Ava’s rooms were just on the other side of the hall.


“Here we go.†She muttered, lifting the body again, without Saidar this time. Thankfully the body was still subtle enough to bend, and thankfully Ava had been a slim woman. Still, it took some effort to get her across the hall silently. When the door to Ava’s room was closed behind her, Nyssa stood still for a while, breathing heavily and listening for sounds of people rushing to this room, to detain her. There was nothing, for no one expected to find a Black sister in the room of a White sister, hauling the body with her Ava’s desk. Fools, the lot of them. Never expected anything. Carelessly she dumped the body of Ava next to the desk, taking only a moment to hook Ava’s foot under her carpet. She had seen the woman stumble over the carpet before. And if she had seen it, then so had others. And that just made it a lot more likely that Ava had stumbled, fallen, and hit her head on her desk, after which she had died from shock. It had happened before, especially to those of her age.


The test almost seemed too easy for Nyssa. That was why she took her time to make sure the details were alright. By the time she left the room it looked exactly as she wanted it to. As though Ava had fallen. An unfortunate accident, but accidents happen, even in the White Tower. As swiftly and silently as she had come, she left again. Before long she found herself standing in front of the heavy oak door again, mimicking the knock as she had heard it from Muirenn before.

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