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  • Community Administrator


/holy mother of awesomesauce.


About 5-6 years ago, I had an idea for what I would consider my perfect video game.

And this one? It nails nearly every single criteria for said video game!


Once it gets space-ships, intersteller travel, and planatery landings in-game... It'll have achieved near-perfection.

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  • Community Administrator


Its still very early alpha. so all you can really access is two maps (some multiplayer), and those two maps, are finite atm. (Mostly they are in engine-testing mode) with access to only.. I think 8 block types (for building). Weapon system atm just spawns random combinations of random weapons.

Vehicles, random generated quests,  infinite planet, intersteller travel, crafting-in-general (aside from creation of those said 8 block types)  don't exist atm. at least not in the alpha build. I'm sure the devs have their own version.. Hopefully they updated more within the next month or so. (I think they said they wanted to release this fall.)



And yea, Graphics are superb atm. Looks like a FPS, with medicore graphics, built on top of mine-craft esque building, (better graphics), Landscape that could put skyrim to shame. (If they had more graphical assets to use!) And runs fairly decently compared to minecraft.  (atm) Digging, is set for the next build-update and that'll operate differently then minecraft, but resource aquistion would be similar. (dig/hit = drops resources, use Those to build blocks. Limited Capacity.)

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