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Character Name: Benella Morin

Email address: loraine.kilaine@gmail.com

Division: Shayol Ghul

Physical Description: (One paragraph; height, weight, eyes, hair, other outstanding features)




Benella is average in every way, from her mousy brown hair to her dusky gray eyes. She's of a mid-height, standing at 5'7" in her booted heels. Her skin is nothing notable, though it would probably be pretty fair if she stayed out of the sun long enough to let her tan fade. She weighs somewhere around 125 pounds, which allows her to be more agile than those persuing her, but she's not skinny enough to stand out in a crowd. There's no visible outstanding feature to her appearance, though she does have a round scar on the back of her neck.





Place of Birth/Raising: unknown



Character History: (Max of a page; should include any major events in the character's life prior to joining the Division, as well as any significant RPs since)




Benella has no idea where she was born, who her parents were or even how old she is. It's not a great way to start a life, which probably explains what she's chosen to do with hers. Her first memories are of a home for orphaned children, but the skeletal woman who ran it had only ever had time to slap the children in her care between rants about her misfortune of being stuck with them.




At twelve, Benella and a few others ran away, picking their way across land without caring where they were heading, as long as it was away from that orphanage. Months later found them huddled in an abandoned warehouse in Tar Valon, where they were found by an Aes Sedai wearing a brown dress. It was the only feature Benella remembered about the woman. Upon being drug out into the light, they were taken to another orphanage. While better than the last, this one hardly fit Benella's opinion of what she wanted out of life. She only remained a few years before escaping again, this time with only one other person.




At the ripe age of fifteen, she and her companion, Reglis, set out to make their way in the world. Reglis spoke of a house and children, growing old and living respectably. Benella grew restless with this talk, however and left him on his own in a stable they'd snuck into seeking shelter from a particularly nasty storm. It had been a year since they'd left the orphanage and, in that year, she'd learned quite a number of tricks for picking pockets and becoming invisible to those who'd happened to have seen her. Memories of that Aes Sedai in the brown dress haunted her and she realized that finding the woman would be close to impossible. She didn't remember a single detail about her, not even the color of her eyes. She strove to leave the same impression on those around her, coming and going with a seamless invisibility that left her victims lighter in the purse and no more the wiser.


She was caught picking the pocket of a Lord in Cairhien at the age of twenty and, when faced with the prospect of a cell in the prison for a while, turned to her present line of work. She slit the throat of the Cairhien noble before the guards could reach her and disappeared into the crowd that had formed around them. Finding it quite easy to avoid capture, she began breaking into houses instead of picking pockets. The natural number of bodies stacked up as each town became aware of a thief in their midst, but she eluded capture and moved on to another town until the last forgot her face. Since she was less than remarkable in appearance, it never took long.




At the age of twenty-three, she took her first paid assassination for a local innkeeper who needed to rid himself of a troublesome client and has since made that her main form of income. Not that she doesn't enjoy picking a pocket every now and then, of course…

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