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What kind of stuff do you want to see in AMOL?


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I want to see Moghedien live, and be the only one of the Forsaken to live.


It'd be amazing if Cyndane were to take a moment where Moridin wasn't looking, spell out that the Great Lord wants to end time, not to rule it, but to have absolutely nothing left of the Wheel. Moghedien would be beyond dead, she would never have existed. So, Cyndane tells Moghedien to go to Rand, to tell him to cut her connection to the Great Lord.


Subsequently, Moghedien heads to FOM, and disguises herself hoping to get to Lews Therin to surrender herself. She can't get close to Lews Therin due to the Aiel watching things like hawks, so she grits her teeth and shows up at Nynaeve's tent. Leading to hilarity as Nynaeve panics because OMGMoggyisheretokillme, striking out. This time Moggy punches her out when they have an evenly matched fight, and then Moggy sits around waiting for Nynaeve to wake up. When Nynaeve wakes up alive and unharmed but shielded, Moghedien has a more reasonable conversation that leads to Moggy letting go of the OP, Nynaeve shielding her and taking her to Rand, who is talking with Egwene at the time.


This leads to Egwene insisting Moggy must die for her crimes, Rand citing multiple things that Moghedien did during the war, and Nynaeve supporting her. Min has a viewing, and Rand eventually decides to do to her what he did to Asmodean, and giving her a chance to redeem herself.



In the epilogue, Moghedien sets up the world's first stock market, and eventually dies a wealthy and rich member of Andor high society.


That would be beautiful.


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