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A New Day (Aran)


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ooc- I had this one saved on my comp! Missing your last post on it though.


A New Day (Lyssa)

Players: Lyssa and Aran

Plot: Lyssa and Aran make love for the first time and it’s the day after, this leads into a spar with Aran, ending in more relations

Posted on Dec 13, 2006



It felt good to have had a bath, and to have fresh clothes on as well for that matter. He suspected that Lyssa would most likely feel the same as well after their ‘catching up’. That had started somewhere yesterday afternoon and now it was late lunch, they’d taken the opportunity while everyone would be in the mess hall to go and clean up. That had taken awhile too, and sharing the bath hadn’t helped either but they’d managed to get through it and get back to their rooms without being seen.


Pulling his boots on quickly, Aran didn’t bother with any weapons, there was no need for them. Younger guards tended to make a habit of wearing them about a lot, as did the older guards who were far too serious for their own good. Those ones were particularly easy to make fun of, but that wasn’t what concerned him. What concerned him was getting a meal, he’d missed dinner last night and breakfast this morning so he was definitely having lunch.


Wandering to the Mess Hall alone, Aran didn’t wait for Lyssa. The pair had decided to not let on what had just happened yet, while Aran was well known for getting around, Lyssa wasn’t and nor was she comfortable with the idea. Didn’t bother Aran to go along with it, if she wasn’t comfortable with it then she wasn’t.


The Mess Hall line had dwindled by the time they got there, just a couple of trainees that Aran was quite happy to push by to get a feed. A bowl of stew, a few slices of bread, some cheese and a pitcher of water later and Aran was seated and trying not to be too obvious about the fact that he was starving as he tucked in. Lyssa would no doubt join him when she finally finished fixing herself up.




Tower Guard


Lyssa blinked in the early morning light and stretch, wondering why she was so sore. It was then she noticed the strong arm laying heavy around her waist. She blinked and then looked over at Aran's face, light it's not morning she thought. It's late afternoon. Lyssa blushed as she realized they had been making lover since yesterday afternoon and hadn't eaten and had just fallen asleep an hour ago. It was the unfamiliar weight of his arm that had woken her up. She looked over and regarded Aran, who had known that he would have so much stamina or that she would have wanted him so much. Of course it had been many many years full of repression. Lys traced his jaw with his hand and smiled at him. The man was much more caring that he gave anyone credit for. She knew he was with many women but she had felt special in his arms last night. Feeling like the only woman for just a moment had been nice and she didn't feel like anyone could have made her first time better.


She kissed his cheek gently, it was time to remove herself from his bed, she didn't want to be embarassed when he woke up or worry about him feeling like she was in love with him or wanted to be his exclusively. Though she wouldn't have minded being his one and only, she knew that he was like a butterfly and couldn't be caught or contained. It was something she would learn to live with, knowing that he had been with someone else or even smelling her perfume on him. Many women went through worse for the affection and passion of such a man. Lys tried to ease out again and looked over to see his brown eyes regarding her with passion again. His cocky grin regarded her before he rolled her onto...


A couple more hours passed and she walked from the room, sore and actually walking bowlegged. She shook her head and walked to her own barracks. The towels were quickly grabbed and she made her way to the shared bathing area. When she was clean she walked from her rooms and headed down to the mess hall. Aran was already seated and eating his food, she was starving as she hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. She made her way to the line and picked up some food and drink. Sliding into a seat across from Aran she nodded to him like normal and began eating her food, wondering if anyone had any idea what was going on with them. If he gave her just the right look she was afraid of jumping him....


Lyssa Simeone


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Smiling as Lyssa took a seat opposite him, they passed their meal in relative silence. As they did with seconds. Aran wondered whether anyone would be able to spot the difference in Lyssa, she'd almost floated into the mess hall. Languid, relaxed, without the worries and burdens she normally carried pulling her down. It had been easy to forget for a time, and hopefully she would forget for awhile longer. Her fears and worries, both those he knew and those she kept to herself, even after all this time they were still there.


Of course, there was another problem. Lyssa didn't want it to become abundantly obvious that they had spent their time together, she didn't like the idea of others knowing what they had been up to. At the same time, Aran was fairly certain of what he would be spending the rest of the night doing. There was something else they could spend their time doing though, and it would be something that would help her out in a number of ways. Maybe give her something to think about as well.


As they finished and returned their crockery to be cleaned, Aran inclined his head for Lyssa to follow him. Instead of leading back to the barracks, Aran led her to Faith instead. Checking on his trainees didn't take long and he had first and foremost taught them how to teach themselves. That meant he would have time to show Lyssa something, and people would be able to see them together training and thereby shrug their disappearance off with that rather than entertain other ideas about what they had been up to. Besides, considering how relaxed Lyssa was this was probably as good as time as any to learn.


"Time to show you a little something, come here and take up a stance. Thats it, a little bit closer. Now lift up your guard. No no, not a fist, open your hand up." Laying the back of his right hand against the back of hers, Aran smiled as he continued. "The idea of this is to get your opponent off balance. No punches or kicks, you may only push. The other restriction is that you have to keep in contact with the other person's upper arm. Well, that and you can't grab. Remember, you don't have to be the one to shove to put the other person off balance."






Tower Guard

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lyssa ate her food, and was silently plowing away when Aran stood up and got himself a second plate, also getting her one as well. She chuckled and began eating it as well. "Trying to get me to save my energy?" They were alone at the table so there wasn't much of a chance of anyone overhearing. Most everyone had already eaten or was still in bed, after a long night of drinking on their day off. She finished eating and sipped on her milk as Aran got up to get a third plate. When he finished they returned their plates and he motioned with his hear for her to follow him. She nodded and followed him as he led her out to his trainees, she waited as he checked on each of them and wondered what he was up to. Luckily it was pretty normal for them to be seen together, so they didn't have any worries.


He led her to one end of the yard and spoke, "Time to show you a little something, come here and take up a stance. Thats it, a little bit closer. Now lift up your guard. No no, not a fist, open your hand up." Her front was against his front, their hips almost touching, he put his hand on top of hers, she opened her guard up as he continued. "The idea of this is to get your opponent off balance. No punches or kicks, you may only push. The other restriction is that you have to keep in contact with the other person's upper arm. Well, that and you can't grab. Remember, you don't have to be the one to shove to put the other person off balance. Try." She nodded and began to push, as she did she almost tipped over and toppled to the ground. Smiling, she said, "Imagine what this is going to look like to anyone watching us." Lys pushed again and then topped over, straddling him around the waist. Laughing she shook her head and stood up, holding her hand out to help him up...


Lyssa Simeone


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Laughing as he took her hand, he got to his feet and they renewed the exercise once more. It wasn't the last time one of them ended up on their back, though for awhile it was Aran as Lyssa would find herself pushing against nothing all of a sudden and fall forward onto him. With time as she become more experienced, she learned not to throw everything into her push and she began to control the pressure she applied, even learning to give way on occasion to try and bring Aran off balance. While he was too practiced to do that, he nevertheless was impressed with Lyssa as she began to improve.


The exercise wasn't just about balance, it was also about control. More so, it was also learning about your opponent. Not just what they commonly did, but also how they adapted to you in turn. If you knew what to look for then you could learn quite a bit, and even if you didn't know what to look for precisely then one could gain some basic understanding after a time regardless. People moved in different ways, and even if they learned how to move within the game, some of that still remained. There were still hard edges to the way Lyssa moved, mostly marked by sudden swings rather than gradual motion that Aran preferred.


It was sometime before Aran called a halt to it. Now they were going to change the exercise somewhat. Telling her to go fetch a lathe, he fetched a long handled sword for himself. He didn't normally use them but for the purposes of this exercise he would. As he expected, she had helped herself to a lathe similar to her larger blade. She seemed surprised at his own choice but he just grinned as he gestured to her with his lathe. "This time we do the same thing but now with the lathes. We can move around slowly in terms of our footwork, and we move our lathes as we did our hands, always in contact. The challenge is to start slow, then to build up speed and intensity as we go."


Standing close to her, he lifted up his lathe and laid it against hers. It would be interesting to see how she adapted. "You have the first move."




Tower Guard

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Lyssa kept knocking Aran over but at least he was good natured about it. Of course there was a part of her that thought he might just like her being on top. He laughed again and grabbed her hand as she pulled him to his feet. They kept trying and soon she wasn't knocking him down as often though she did have to admit that a couple time she lost her balance on purpose just so she could flirt with him. She was soon controlling how much she was pushing and had managed to gain her balance, and not fall on top of him every two minutes. At first she had just been thinking about getting him back into bed but now she was actually throwing herself into the techinique. After all she was Path of Perfection and she had those personality traits within her. Not that is mattered to certain people how good she hod gotten or how hard she had trained.


Not only did she have to learn to trust this man to give as good as she gave and not let her fall but she was also learning teamwork and control. Learning to work together wasn't something she focused on, after all she had lost the one person she had ever learned to work with and had lost him in the worst possible way. He had become everything that she fought against, everything that she fought, and everything she would die for some day. Anger surged through her at that thought and she pushed to hard, in a sudden swing that toppled both of them again. They had been friends long enough that he recognized her mood and just smiled at her before getting to his feet and working with her again.



More time passed and soon Aran asked her to go pick up a lathe, she nodded and walked over to one of the barrels, she checked a couple and then found one with the right weight and length for her. She turned back and walked over to Aran. Aran had also picked one and she eyed his choice before waiting for him to speak, "This time we do the same thing but now with the lathes. We can move around slowly in terms of our footwork, and we move our lathes as we did our hands, always in contact. The challenge is to start slow, then to build up speed and intensity as we go." He moved up close to her and lifted his lathe to lay it on her own, "You have the first move." She smiled at him and then pushed downward with her lathe and then outward, working on control and not toppling them. "This is much like dancing, though I never got a chance to do much of this as a child." She chuckled and pushed at him again, her lathe pushing both of theirs inward this time...


Lyssa Simeone

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  • 2 weeks later...

"It is, in fact you're getting the idea." Smiling as he shifted to divert her blade to one side, he raised his lathe and let it slip overhead even as the her lathe touched his own's hilt. Thrusting forward with his own attack, she diverted it to one side as she tried to score his leg which he stepped back from as he twisted her lathe around in turn. "Fighting for some is like a race, you're trying to beat the other person to the mark. You need to be faster, stronger, any advantage you can get to beat them."


Driving her lathe down, she almost ended up trapped on the ground but slipped around his own lathe and nearly scored his sword arm for his trouble. She was starting to get a little faster, for which he launched a riposte at her which slipped over her shoulder. Receiving her attack, he kept talking. "For others, combat is dancing. Rather than trying to beat your opponent with speed, you move with your opponent. Like this, you read my movement and you change yours not to beat mine, but to move with it."


It was a time before Aran spoke again, perhaps half an hour later when they had reached a good clip of speed. Not only because of familiarity with the style, but also familiarity with the opponent. One learned what moves to expect more easily through this style as there were only a limited amount of movements that could be performed without breaking contact with another's lathe. Diverting a last blow, Aran lifted his lathe clear and held it in an easy salute, signalling the end of the exercise.


"You improved quickly. It takes alot more practice like everything else for it to become more instinctive, especially with people you don't know, but it is handy. Thats enough for one day, in fact I think I'm pretty tired and might need to lie down for a bit. Howabout you?" Laughing at the answer he got, he took her lathe while she went back to the barracks. He'd get to her room in a bit, and she'd be there waiting.




Tower Guard

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

ooc- ok maybe I forgot. *chuckles*


"It is, in fact you're getting the idea." Aran smiled at her and she felt her pulse speed up, she smiled back and refocused on what she was doing. She did her best to get him but he mangaged to knock her blade aside, he trust at her and knocked his aside. This went on for some time before he spoke again, "Fighting for some is like a race, you're trying to beat the other person to the mark. You need to be faster, stronger, any advantage you can get to beat them." She nodded, but worked on paying attention to what was going on, he could far to easily distract her if she didn't stay focused. He knocked her blade down and she came very close to almost getting her blade stuck in the ground. She managed to get around his blade and almost got him but he managed to stop the blade in time. "For others, combat is dancing. Rather than trying to beat your opponent with speed, you move with your opponent. Like this, you read my movement and you change yours not to beat mine, but to move with it."


Lyssa grimaced at him and continued to move with him, working on understanding his attacks, trying to not let her own show in her body movement or in her facial expressions. She tried her best to pick up on his signals but he was very very good. Time passed and she could feel the sweat running down her back, she gloried in it and the feeling her body was giving her. Not just being physically toned but also being this close to her lover. "You improved quickly. It takes alot more practice like everything else for it to become more instinctive, especially with people you don't know, but it is handy. Thats enough for one day, in fact I think I'm pretty tired and might need to lie down for a bit. Howabout you?" Lyssa winked at him and spoke, "Oh yes I fear I am all but exhausted, I think I will also retire for a late afternoon nap." She smirked at him and walked away from him, knowing her hips wiggled a little bit more than usual. Making her way to her room she got cleaned up and did some stretches and was waiting for him when he walked in the room.


Lyssa Simeone

Tower Guard

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