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Three Ta'ver'en... a normal part of the wheel or a creator made strike at the Dark one?


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I'm just curious to see what other people think about this. It hasn't even been hinted at that this has ever happened before, not even in legends, because they are so rare. Is the creator playing a wild card in an effort to have a final victory and lock the DO away for good? or is it part of sealing the prison that occurs every time to usher in the fourth age?


Ta'veren are a correction mechanism for the wheel, which has nothing to do with the creator. It is like a computers anti-virus software, yeah, it has to be installed (at the beggining of time) but when a virus pops up, the program spits out ta'veren to correct it. Nothing unusual about it, nothing to do with the creator.


Generally, the creator is believed to take no action, RJ has said many times that the creator will take no direct action. Potentially, someone, most likely Rand might be able to tap into the powers of the creator, however, basically until aMoL confirms or denies it, the Creator has not, nor will ever act to help against the DO.


Perhaps, but that still doesnt really cover what I mean. Do you think that this happens at the end of every 3rd age? or is this something unique?


There seem to be many oddities about this age, Fain etc. im curious to see whether people think its something unique or a normal part of resealing the bore until the next second age(AoL)


Nothing really unique about this age, it is the same as the previous 3rd age, and the same as the next one, in a general sense. We don't know the specifics of what goes on in each age, so it could be that individual things are unique, like Perrin with the wolves doesn't necessarily happen every 4th age (It might, just an example) As RJ explained, the ages are like tapestries, they depict the same thing (the DO prison incomplete, weaken seals, DO getting freed, sealed back up) but if you look closer, the little things are different. So the exact events don't happen, like ToG rescue, Aiel across the Dragonwall are not necessarily events that happen every time, but the general fight v Shadow and Dragon does happen.


In terms of Fain, he IS something different and unique, apparently he somehow "sidestepped the pattern." according to RJ. Obviously this had led to speculation that Fain will be the centrepoint to destroy the Wheel of time, make time linear, kill the DO and all sorts, however, it is unlikely. RJ has said that there isn't anything different about this age overall.



INTERVIEW: May, 2001

Marcon Report - Sorilea (Paraphrased)



At one point in the story we see Ishamael talking to Rand, and telling him that they have fought countless times in the past, but this is the final time. Is there anything about his Age that makes it special?



"No...every Age is repeated, there is nothing that makes this age any different from any other turnings of the Wheel. The Wheel is endless."


well, basically. here is a bit more explanation.


INTERVIEW: Nov 30th, 2000

WH Signing Report - Matt Peck (Paraphrased)



I asked that as the Wheel turned, each time an Age rolls around, is the Pattern exactly the same each time, or does it change?




He seemed to like this question. He likened it to a tapestry. When seen from a distance, each Third Age (to make it easy to track) has exactly the same pattern as the previous Third Age. However, when seen up close, there are differences. Threads are different, different nations exist, geography is different, different personalities rise to prominence. These changes, while minute in the grand scale of the Pattern, affect the Pattern enough so that while two iterations of an Age are almost the same, the first "Third Age" may be wildy different from the hundredth "Third Age".




thanks that just about answers it :-) so they are effectively tools to aid the Dragon seal the bore


You are too focused on your preception.


They are tools to keep the Wheel in balance. It goes well beyond the sealing of the bore and/or assisting the Dragon. Yes, in the current age and dealing with Rand, they are there to assist with that goal. In past turnings of the Wheel, it has been implied that the Dragon wasn't a ta'veren or a very weak one. Namely, the Wheel didn't "need" a Dragon that was also a strong ta'veren. This time around Rand happens to be, perhaps, the strongest ta'veren ever.


In the past, ta'veren have been spun out of the Wheel for various reasons. I imagine that the Trolloc Wars and other wars saw a few ta'veren to help bring things back into balance. I would go as far as saying that not all ta'veren have been on the light side. It isn't about good and evil, but about balance.


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