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Chance Meeting (Attn Coraman)


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Jaydena rolled her shoulders and attacked the dummy again, she had worked up a good sweat and was feeling like she was ready for some action. Didn't matter what kind, if she didn't live in a city full of Aes Sedai she could lose herself in the crowds, go out and dance like a normal woman. Stabbing the sword into the dummy she sneered, Of course normal women were burned so horribly they had to wear a mask. Right now the mask of a black color made of ligher material that allowed more breathing when she was working out. Already she had run fifty laps, done sword forms, push-ups, and several other exercises before moving to the practice dummys. Something was coming over her, she felt like something big was coming but she didn't know what it was. She grimaced at the dummy and decided she was done for the day, she was going to go out and see the city. Light who cared if she wore a mask on her face, let them stare, she was done with hiding.


She began her cool down and when she was done headed through the secret passage into the Green Ajah Quarters. Jade pondered what she wanted to do as she wove the ward off of her room and entered her quarters. She looked everything over to make sure the servants had come in today and then walked over to begin getting ready to go out. Several quick stride took her to her room, she stripped off and running water into the tub, took a bath in scented oils before climbing out and drying herself off. The lotion she used was one that Seia had picked out for her long ago as the perfect scent for her. Why she didn't stop using it she didn't know, after all the woman had left her and broken her heart, but she loved the scent and would probably use it long after Seia was nothing but dirt. Stalling her morbid thoughts she finished applying the lotion to her body and then sprayed on the perfume before making her way back into her bedroom.


She walked to her wardrobe and picked out a pair of skin tight leather britched in a emerald green, the same color as her eyes and then added a low cut v necked white shirt with long sleeves. Next she added a tight black vest vest which did nothing but enhance her shape. A silver and emerald chocker with a rose handing from it, which used to contain her marriage dagger hung around her neck. She wore matching earrings, bracelet, and ring. When she was done she picked out a silver and rose studded mask and put it on over the scars that covered the right side of her face. Black leather books came up to her knees and she added them next. She added a small amount of makeup to accent her eyes and then picked up her sword, her cloak, a shopping tote, and her money. Jade walked from the room, her auburn locks laying dry and curly down her back. She had used the power to dry it and it felt to the indent of her back.


She walked from the room and left a note for her gaidin, she left her rooms and walked down to the secret passageway. In not that much time she had left the Tower and excited the gates. Waving at one of her gaidin who was on guard duty to cover for a friend. Making her way into the town she decided that she would buy a few things and have them sent to the Tower and then pick the first Inn she saw. She strolled through the city, ignoring the looks at her mask and picked out a new rug, a statue that she thought Raisa would like, some sheet music for her gaidin, and some new soaps for her as well. She picked up a new sword belt for Coran and then decided it was time to find a Inn, she glanced around and saw a Inn called theThe Rose's Thorn She looked down at the rose on her chest and decided it was fitting. As she entered the Inn she decided that she would just be herself and not notice the stares. Jade walked in and stepped forward a few steps before her feet stilled and she stared in shock. The Inn was still pretty much empty at this point so it was easy for her to spot the woman sitting at a table talking to what she could only guess was one of the serving wenches. Jade blinked her eyed and shook her head, her thoughts were flying back to when they first fell in love and the day she had admitted it to Seia. She had caught the woman with a serving wench in her lap. Stepping forward she walked to Seia and spoke, "Well isn't this quaint, I vaguely remember a situation just like this before you ripped my heart out and stomped on it. So how are you doing today Seiaman, destroyed anyone else lately."


Jaydena Sedai


ooc-I am not sure where this falls in the timeline, is this after Jade is Ajah Head, cause Seia is now FL right. So is this after Sira becomes Ammy or before. :lol:

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