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A World of Warcraft type game?


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Has anyone ever thought that there should be a World of War Craft type role playing game? The possibilities would be endless and Blizzard have shown a great example of the quality of game they can produce. What Wheel of Time fan has never thought about and dreamed of being able to wander around in Randland, discovering sa'angreal, fighting against warders, being in control of a Seachan damane. If there is anyone out there that knows the legal situation on other Wheel of Time games being made, and also anyone with influence that could see my dream and I believe many others dream become reality, please comment here and lets try and get the ball rolling.


Thank you for reading this.



Fraser Sim.


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We just had this very same subject either here or general discusion forums..


Quite simply a MMORPG is what its called not a 'world of warcraft type game' *sorry had to say that, WOW is not the first 'mmorpg out there, nor the 'best one', there is no 'best' one out there.*

A wot MMORPG would not work, SPECIALLY if it was within the same time frame as wot. It would have to be before/after wot, and even then that would make mmorpg's and wot people say 'ewww not another swg'...


There used to be a few WoT MUD's (think text based MMORPG) out there. It's been a long time since I've played any of them, but they were pretty fun. As for a WoW-esque type of game. Most of that isn't RP unless you are on a server dedicated to roleplaying. A run around and kill things and do quests game for WoT could be fun, but I think that the only draw that it would have over current games of this type is the reader fan base. I don't believe that that draw would be big enough to make the game very profitable since the two MMORPG's that I'm familiar with (WoW and Dark Age of Camelot) already have a huge fan base. I don't know how Everquest is doing since I don't know anybody that plays that anymore.


On another note, I believe they are doing this with Lord of the Rings. One of my co-workers just got a beta test key for that game. I haven't read anything about the game and he hasn't actually started playing it yet, so I don't know if it's any good.

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EQ, EQ2, SWG, DAOC, L2, Horizons, FFXI are just a few of the number of 'mmos' out there, there are alot more free/pay mmorpgs out there. And the ones I listed are doing well enough. EQ, EQ2, SWG, DAOC, L2, Basically have had the same ammount of players they've had since before wow as they currently do. *Alot lost people when it came out but gained them back afterwords. But prior to wow the populations were heading 'down' anyways. They are still alive and kicking. EQ just released its 10th/ or maybe 13th expansion now. WoW stll hasnt released there 1st yet, and its been 2 years. did I mention that WoW = Biggest fanboi following in the world, and ever since wow hit the market the average IQ on the internet dropped about 30%?

I would not want to insult WoT like that. I would rather see it as a single player RPG with possible, but not required or even non existance mutliplayer options.


a mass RPG for WoT is possible. the only thing that people leaves out is why WoW is not as good as it first apear is because of the challenge of the game. people are drawn back to EQ after WoW was left out because tthe lack of chalenge init. if they did a WoT game say befor or after i think it will work just fine. and if RJ got involved in it with a good programer and some good chalenges. and some good ideas of expansions to keep the ball rolling I think it wil do just fine. I think in a era like befor the breaking or after the series would be best. since there would have the option of the use of male users of the one power. then to come up with missions or item serch you can use off of factions of kindoms, ajahs and so forth. there is so many ideas you can come up with a good mass rpg off of WoT. just need a good programer and some good ideas and a little Help from RJ himself.


A Wheel of Time MMO could easily work in any of the series Ages (includeing the 3rd) and provide ample material for multiple expansions.


The major characters from the series would have to be NPC's and we as players could interact with them completing quests and missions which could all relate to the familar story arcs. Just because something is not seen in the books does not mean it could not happen off stage which would be perfect for players in an MMO.


If the story takes place during the current Age of the series players could choose to start off in the game as a Hero of the Horn, one of the many types of Seanchan soldiers, a Sul'dam with her pet Demane, an Aes Sedai, Warder, White Cloak, Aeil warrior, Asha'man, Mercenary, Ogier, or even one of the many Shadowspawn. The possibilites are pretty endless.



Players could band together to "raid" the Forsaken, assist Perrin in the Defense of Two Rivers or the attack on the Shaido. As the actual time line of events is not nearly as important as the experiance itself any of the major events from the series could be worked into the game as "end game" content to be completed by players.


In expansions players could travel to Shara, Seanchan, use the portal stones to go to the worlds of If, or maybe even travel back in time to aid Artur Hawkwing conquer the world and Lews Therin fight in The War of Power.


For me personally, as long as the classes were unique and balanced and the content well thought out I would love to play a MMO which takes place in the Wheel of Time universe.

  • Community Administrator

The problem with that your are all seeing is this. If you make a game that is in the wot universe following the story line, an MMO is out of the question, you can not, keep the games story line going the way it should. Single player yes, mmo no.

Escentially think of it like this...

In a single player game, while the 'content' remains the same, the world 'evolves' around you, as you progress, so does the surroundings, so in a single player game it would be possible to actually See the battles happening, and eventually continue past the 'last battle'.


An MMO is a little bit more 'static' then a single player game..

In a Single player game, with that character once you've done something you can't go back in time and re-do something, or whatever. In an MMO Lets say you do a quest, you have 'vanquished the evil in a cave, and it collapsed around you'

30 minutes later you 'vaquish' the evil in that same cave again and again. The world is escentially in a stand still. Until a content patch or an expansion happens, Either way, its still static the only difference is you can reach higher 'progression'. But the world is still the same.


I'm not sure about you, but I would rather play an 'evolving' world game, then one that remains static, Specially when its the Wheel of Time, WoT is hardly 'static' its constantly changing. A single player game has the advantage of being

A) Any time frame, during, before, or after the series.

B) Single & Possibly Online play.

C) More people will buy it, over an MMO, we can't compete with wow/eq/ect, it would have to go along the lines of a 'free mmo' until a producer picked it up.


Now an MMO would have to

A) Be before or after the last battle. After is better, because like any mmo, you get 'expansions' and new 'content' which escentially moves the 'years' ahead. So escentially you'll have the problem EQ has had with EQ2. Technically EQ servers have been around so long, there world should be 'destroyed', and there characters are some where around 20,000 years old, which is a bit 'long' for a human. :P *thats what I mean by static*

B) Not everyone likes MMO's, And how many 'wot' fans play mmos? vs single player rpgs? Chances are, most wot fans don't have 'uber computers' nor 'cable+ internet'. So you'll have to obviously branch out to the MMO crowd, apeal to them. That = bad.

You will then be 'updating' content to the whims of your biggest paying player base, the MMO crowd, instead of the 'wot lore crowd'. Meaning the game loses its integrity...


What I would personally like to see is an Oblivion/NWN2ish game. Oblivions graphics, physics, combat, overall play style/questing. As well as NWN2's mutliplayer ability. As well as a unified easy 'modablility'.

That meaning several things.

1. Can make a wot game before, during, or after wot.

2. Can make an evolving world that follows the story line, on a day by day schedule. *ie day 384, rand and army march, day 392 they raid caemlyn, that kind of thing, and you actually being able to witness it. *And making the 'world have a duration of scripted events for about '5' ingame years.


3. Online allows for well obviously Online Role playing, as well as meeting other people, and making the world a bit more... Lively.

4. Modability = People will make, 'modifications' of the game, allowing escnetially more 'content' at a far more rapid pace then any company could produce. This also creates a 'community'. And in some cases, actually makes the game more 'playable'. Some cases its improves the gameplay, as well as graphics.


*see morrowind, grahpics looked great at the time, compared to now horrid. Add mods, and all of a sudden they look pretty good, not to mention all the encancing people have done.... the problem is there 'engine' isn't workable with online play, which would mean creating your 'new' engine. the other issue would be making a game with such good graphics actually 'work' online.


Lopar you have taken the words straight out of my mouth. The possibilities are endless. The great thing about a Wheel of time MMORPG would be its world is so complete and realistic and very familiar to us. WOW and other games surfer from not having a cohesive world and also having very minimal if any plot lines. The one thing I do not like is the limited amount of classes and races in present games. As you said you could be Aes Sedai, Warder, Asha’man, Two Rivers Archer, Trolloc, Myrddraal, darkfriend, etc. The base model of most characters could be the same but then you evolve into a class, for instance a Male from White Bridge could go train in the Two Rivers under Perrin, join the dragonsworn, the Queens Guard, the White Tower to train to be a Warder (you could be Bonded by your friends and have unique “bonded†quests), or you could do all of these things and STILL be a darkfriend. It would be absolutely awesome and I don’t even think it would degrade the books themselves as it would be an interactive adaptation of the story, a story you created yourself depending on class and race, encouraging people that haven’t read the books to go and explore the back bone of the Wheel of Time. I just wish this could be produced by Blizzard (for example), in conjunction with RJ himself or even a select group of very dedicated fans. I know literally hundreds of people that would jump at the chance to be involved in the creation of something like this (for free! just to have there name on the credits) But alas. If anyone with influence or knowledge on the legal arrangements for tWoT games please post something here and shed some light, cheers.




All I can say is they tried to make a single player RPG and it was undoubtedly garbage. I obviously like MMORPG’s but I’m relatively new to PC games as I have only played WOW and felt it lacking in an abundance of areas. As to wither or not many WoT fans play MMORPG’s I have met a few online and any I express my ideas to love it as do some people here in Dragonmount. I believe there is a massive market out the for WoT and if the game is made even half decently it will crush most of its opposition and draw avid MMORPGers to it, widening the people Wheel of Time touches and inspires and at the end of the day that is what we all want.


I am sorry but none of the reasons you give would prevent a Wheel of Time MMO game from being successful. You make some assumptions about WoT fans that just are not supported by any facts at all.


It is totally fair to say that YOU don't want to see a WoT MMO and would rather play a WoT single player RPG because that is what YOU enjoy. Thats fine but don't try to say an MMO could not be based on the main storyline of the series because it does not fit your personal vision of what the game should or should not be.


MMO's do not NEED to present a story in a linear fashion, but it would be pretty simiple to design content based around early events in the series for low level players while encounters based on later events to be for higher levels. For expample mid level players could free Rand from the Tower Aes Sedai in the "Dumai's Wells dungon" at the same time other low level players are stoping the Trolloc advance in "Tarwin's Gap dungon."


It's a game not a novel. Player character advancment is the focus not plot progression. As long as the events tie into each other and the overall story remains basically intact let the players experiance the "story" at their own pace on their own time. That is how an MMO works. It is open ended.


Lady Vox in EQ has been slain 1000's of times and it does not affect the over all story of the game what-so-ever. Neffarion, Rend Blackhand, C'Thun, and the list goes on for WoW bosses which have been killed on 100's of servers over and over by differnt groups for months or even years. Its just the nautre of a MMO's and it has been proven to work.


I am not saying there would be no design issues to over come, but thats what companies like Blizzard get payed millions of dollars to do.

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All I can say is they tried to make a single player RPG and it was undoubtedly garbage.


That wasn't really an RPG, that is what you'd call a 'first person shooter' FPS. RPG's traditionally have "Levels", and sometimes 'Skills' that you can 'sometimes' purchase. I don't believe that game had any of that, it was a straight up FPS, game, where your only 'upgrade' were 'enchanced' ter'angrael'...



MMORPG's I just don't believe would make a good medium for WoT. One issue in MMORPGS is quite simply, boss dead, he should be dead period.. Not 'killed thousands of times'.

Every MMO is that way, I never said 'wow' was the only one. Of course EQ/WOW have bosses you can 'kill' millions of times, and doesn't affect the plot.. but through an RP point of view, your wondering around town and all of a sudden thrall yells YOU HAVE VANQUISHED REND! I'd be going... Uhh, but I killed Rend no more then 2 weeks ago. What the hell?!

In a single player game with online capabilities. *Mind you, NWN2, is a single player w/ online, the online part by many is considered 'mmo'. If an NPC is dead, they are dead. they won't be comin back any time soon. So In a 'persistant world online'. While that 'worlds up' the events could play out like they normally would. But, when the server 'restarts' and the 'world restarts' you could repeat them...


Anotehr thing I'd like to add about an advantage to single player games is this.


IN mmo's, theres only 1 way to 'vanquish' your foe, and obtain the 'item you need' inorder to complete the quest, as well as xp. Now, everyone knows theres more then one way to fight your battles. You could 'run'. Or you could Negotiate, among many others, like lead them into a trap.

But the only way a 'mmo' gives you xp for 'vanquishing' your foe, is to 'kill them'.

Not sure about you, but Theres more to wot then just 'killing' theres alot of 'diplomacy' going around, so why also shouldn't it be possible to 'talk' your way out of a fight and just get that much more xp? In an MMO thats not possible, not to mention making 'leveling up' impossible. In single? Not so important.


Each have there advantage....

As for 'you don't know what everyone likes or what pc's they have'

Do a poll if you don't believe me. I bet you, the average wot reader rarely 'games', let alone have a 'top notch pc'. The "younger readers" might, afterall, if your '13 and read books you probably nerdy enough to have a pc' :P and I bet you, any 'kid' under say 25 has at least played 'diablo'. But wot fans are made up more then just a bunch of kids under the age of 20. We stretch across many age barriers. And when it comes to an mmorpg, your talking around 5000 people on one server... While wot has alot of readers, we have even fewer on our forums. So you as a 'producer' of a game have to decide who are you going to cater to? The Gamers so they can sell it....


As for the Status of MMO's, you'll find theres alot of people quiting/joining back and forth between mmo's, and some quiting all together 'getting fed up' over the same bs over and over again. And I doubt a wot mmorpg would be any different. At least in a single player game you don't have to hear the cries of 'ZOMGZ THAT CLASS IS SO OVERPOWERDZ!'




I think the major differnce between us is that you want a game where the story is central to the play experiance which lends itself better to a single player RPG. I would rather play a game where my character is central to my experiance which is better accomplished in an MMO. We just want differnt things from a game. However, I feel the WoT is rich enough in lore, history, and material to fit into either type of game. They are not mutually exclusive.


Also target the market does not have to be limited to only fans of the series. Anyone who plays MMO's and/or RPG's could find a Wheel of Time game (MMO or RPG) enjoyable as well as people who are fans of the series but may have never considered themselves gamers.

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Also target the market does not have to be limited to only fans of the series. Anyone who plays MMO's and/or RPG's could find a Wheel of Time game (MMO or RPG) enjoyable as well as people who are fans of the series but may have never considered themselves gamers.


That might be partially true, but when it comes to MMORPGS the people who produce the new content do it around the whims of the 'gamers'. Now while the 'lore' might stay around the same. Eventually they'll stray further and further away. And for an MMORPG it would have to be 'after' book 12. Before, works, but only to a certain point. *After has advantages, in that you won't get a 'timeline conflict'.*


Now Its true I'd rather see a game that follows the story line but show me an rpg where you can gain xp, asside from 'quests' and 'killing' monsters. Ie not always 'killing' 'creatures' or rather 'npc's. And along the lines of, if a characters dead, they remain dead. *not necissarilly players though*.


The problem with this is of course, every mmorpg has one important thing. Hardcore gamers, who try to get to the top boss, beat em for the best gear... Well if yo uhave 1 guild that does this, no one else will get to that content.. so obviously the game has to follow tradtional mmo rules, or yoru going to have some really bad things happening like I pointed out.


Also, the #1 thing I don't want to see is the 'wow community' enter DM or any other 'wot fanbase site'. Spend an hour on wow forums and you'll see why. Its enough to make anyone want to hit people for being so damned stupid...


Classes, like talked about before can be difficult in wot.

Aes Sedia, Ashaman, WhiteCloaks aren't classes. Those are called 'factions'. IMO you would have to meet certain requirements to join them. Otherwise you'd come up with classes more like 'Wilder, Warrior, Adventurer, Rogue, ect ect.' Basic templated as to what each character can become... Warrior would be along of the lines as whitecloak, warder, ect. Adventurer like a gleeman, rogue probably along the lines of a 'thief' or an assassin.. That is of course under the possibility that 'factions' also lead you to becoming an 'aes sedia class' after joining the faction... But not inherently being an aes sedia...


That premice can work well in both mmo and singleplayer.

Sinister Death: Classes, like talked about before can be difficult in wot.

Aes Sedia, Ashaman, WhiteCloaks aren't classes. Those are called 'factions'. IMO you would have to meet certain requirements to join them. Otherwise you'd come up with classes more like 'Wilder, Warrior, Adventurer, Rogue, ect ect.' Basic templated as to what each character can become... Warrior would be along of the lines as whitecloak, warder, ect. Adventurer like a gleeman, rogue probably along the lines of a 'thief' or an assassin.. That is of course under the possibility that 'factions' also lead you to becoming an 'aes sedia class' after joining the faction... But not inherently being an aes sedia...



First off faction is a mesure of standing between a sertain race or class. Second you can use Aes Sadia as a class. and warders and darkfriends and so on... what you can use as faction base is the land or kindom your in..... that makes more sence of faction for a MMO....




Sinister Death: So you as a 'producer' of a game have to decide who are you going to cater to? The Gamers so they can sell it....




Even if you cater to the gamer you can still follow the story line in a MMO... I also read it would be hard to since you can kill the bosses over and over again. The same argument could be made about a single RPG... In a single RPG after you beat it or get so far or want a sertain item that did not drop that your friend got you can reply the game and redo the boss. my brother does it often in his single RPG. With an MMO you have the option just like in a single rpg to go back and kill the boss again or not. For a drop or what ever other reason you want to... If not then he is Dead to you.. Others can kill him just like they are playing at home on a single RPG... time line wise can move foward with every expansion... or how ever the program figures it out.



The whole thing is that a programer could come up with a MMO and a single RPG and benefit off both and both options are out there... and it will be benificial to both types of gamers. And I dout people will flock to DM just because a game came out... There will be new web sites and new forums for the Game that will pop up. Just like the Thousands and i do mean thousands for EQ. Some will come to see what the site is about. and some will stay and go after they find out this site is for the book lovers not the game lovers.


Sinister Death you just bash on A MMO because you probly had a bad experience with it... but, others here like MMOs just as well as single RPGs. I do not see why they wouldn{t make a single version RPG game and a MMO... Makes more sence to profit off it. and the whole thing about having to run it free until a company picks it up is not true. The original creaters brought out EQ befor sony bought it and done well. They was charging... But, at a cheap fee..

  • Community Administrator
Sinister Death you just bash on A MMO because you probly had a bad experience with it... but, others here like MMOs just as well as single RPGs. I do not see why they wouldn{t make a single version RPG game and a MMO... Makes more sence to profit off it. and the whole thing about having to run it free until a company picks it up is not true. The original creaters brought out EQ befor sony bought it and done well. They was charging... But, at a cheap fee..


Your talking about 2 different era's of gaming. Back when EQ came out, they were escentailly one of few companies that pioneered the 3d mmo, not to be confused with those other 'text based mmos'.


Right now, free mmo's are outnumbering paid for mmo's. Not necissarilly in 'people' but in games alone. Indepentent people made them, or independent teams. Running there own servers, or renting servers, ect.

The Orginal team that made EQ were an actual 'game making company' Kinda like Blizard is to warcraft, or Bethsada is to Oblivion. Infact, I believe they are Still making games.. Infact, they are making Vangaurd.. Somewhat dubbed 'EQ3'.


You know I find it funny that you try to insult my persona with out actually knowing me...

I have played EQ for 6 years,

Wow Since Beta, I love them both, yet dislike many different aspects about them.

I like EQ's somewhat class balance compared to wows. *since theres a lack of PVP its not that much of an issue*

However EQ = VERY Slow Leveling, and all content = end game and getting to end game requires you to have end game gear.!??


Wow = Fast leveling system, some say to fast, I say just right. Not Enough End-Game, same BS Guilds stuffs. The 'issues' I have with MMO's is not the MMO its self, Its the player base. The People who make up the MMOS make the game suck, or annoying ect, and like the box says 'game experience may change'. Its different for everyone. But would you really want to put that community into the wot one?


Look what it did to Warcraft? *Not that it wasn't somewhat that way before* Look what its done to LOTR. When you thought a lotr fan back before the movies you thought, wow you read one of the most boring, yet awesome books of all time, gj! Its an Accomplishment! If you could sit through that boring stuff, you might actually be worth talking to compared to them harry potter fans....

After the movies? They got younger, most never watched the movies.... Then the games came... The crowd even younger, most only seeing the movies, most never read the books..... And the MMO is coming....


And as always, everytime a 'game' based on a medium gets produced, communities 'swell' around where its origins lie. If you read LOTR chances are, you may have sought out a lotr community online after reading them if you read them before wot that is.. Gaurunteed people who play neverwinter nights games, 'might' have read the books, forgotten realms, to see where the story of the games came from....And sought out there communities. While I'd love a game, and mmo just wouldn't in my minds eye be the best course to go.


Even if you cater to the gamer you can still follow the story line in a MMO... I also read it would be hard to since you can kill the bosses over and over again. The same argument could be made about a single RPG... In a single RPG after you beat it or get so far or want a sertain item that did not drop that your friend got you can reply the game and redo the boss. my brother does it often in his single RPG. With an MMO you have the option just like in a single rpg to go back and kill the boss again or not. For a drop or what ever other reason you want to... If not then he is Dead to you.. Others can kill him just like they are playing at home on a single RPG... time line wise can move foward with every expansion... or how ever the program figures it out.


What your talking about is a confusion of what I was reffering to....

An MMO is like a single player game run on a server. You the client can 'create' a character, run around in that game. And since there are thousands of players, and only so many creatures they need to 'respawn'. quests have to be made available upon every new character. A quest done once can be done by thousands of other players. And by any other character you create. Time is escentially frozen. Sure you can move around, same with the npcs, but no matter how many 'evils' you kill, or whatever, nothing changes. The only time, time advances is when the 'patch' says so. EQ had a 'time' system, an actual ingame date/time. Asside from that, every 'expansion' was a sudden 'shift' theres no 'evolution' it just 'shifted' like moving 1 frame in a picture....


In a single player game the server is run on your end, as your client. If you kill Bob the smurf, he remains dead. Through out the entire duration of the game. He doesn't respawn. Infact everything he owns, you now own. Time isn't frozen, infact, its constantly moving, people are moving around its a vibrant world. One day the towns peaceful, the next its being taken over by giant spiders. The next? its burned down. 2 months later you see an army marching towards an enemy nation, a few weeks later you see that army attacking the enemies capital. 6 months later they finally take the city... Mind you, in a single player game it would be possible to actually Witness this.

An in mmo, you would only see 'shifts' like one moment peacefull village, next attacked by spiders, next army marching, next army sieging, next army in control of city. In large 'time shifts'..

Now sure, you can 'create' a new game, but think of it through an RP perspective. you won't be hearing 'zomgs I just killed papa smurf' "wow so did I!" Infact once he's dead he's dead..

And since single player rpgs can potentially have multiplayer presisant worlds, the world would be running through those 'events' constantly even when your not there. With out 'patches'. *Think oblivion but online* Now if you had 30 players go into that world, you would all be in that world at the same time, time progressing normally, and if papa smurf dies on one end he dies on all. And since this is escentially exactly what NWN1&2 does, and they are considered MMO's..





Sinister, I think I may have to break some cold hard facts to you. If this series ever goes beyond the books it will be distorted. Either by time or by a producer. If it becomes a game, more content will have to be added eventually so it will stray with time. With a movie, it will stray because of time constraints. IT WILL NEVER BE PERFECT.


That said, I think that a WoT MMO would be great. With Directx 10 coming out with Vista(suppossedly twice the max resolution of anything we have today) the possiblities are endless. They would be able to intricatly program weaving of the power, fighting with a sword, and combining forms mid battle.


True, it would be a gamers game, made for people who want to play a good game. But, what better plot line can be made for a game than WoT? I can think of none other. If anything, a WoT game could possibly be one of the best to play, best to experience, best to see, and with intricate storyline attached.


Even with WoW most people fail to see the massive amount of lore that goes along with your questing. Most people simply turn on instant quest text, by pass and mindlessly level thier character. This is saddening but will happen with any game. If you just look in WoW you will notice many things.


For instance, for anyone who is familiar with the game, in the instance of UBRS,(Upper Blackrock Spire), the Rend fight. While you fight the little mobs that come out of the door, if you stand next to Nefarion and Rend, you can hear them having a conversation about Marshall Windsor and Onyxia. Tying together many quest lines and much lore.


This can easily be done with WoT. Put in all of the lore and storyline for anyone who is willing to look can find. The true fans will find it, see it and be proud of what was done.


I agree with you a 100% OnePower-Napalm and everyone other points on why a MMo would be good. And Sinister has good points for a single RPG.. which would be smart for a prgramer to come up wtih both.. He would profit off both side of the game playing industry.. even a game for x-box or playstation would be a good idea with a good programer... There is so many possibilities you can come out with from games off of WoT if a good programer was working on it and someone that knows about the books


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