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Accepting applications for SGL


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This is a call for applications for the Band SGL position. Applications for this position will be open until July 9th.



Job Duties for Social Group Leaders:


1. Able to dedicate at least 10 hours a week to this Social Group and DM Staff. This includes keeping up with threads on the DM Staff boards, engaging in Staff discussions, participating in Staff projects, posting in your Social Group, reading posts at your Social Group, leading activities or discussions in your Social Group or any other leadership responsibilities for your Social Group.


2. Group Leaders must develop a plan to include some WoT content within the Social Group. This can be as simple as an occasional WoT based game (mafia, clue, cookpot, etc.) or as complex as an ongoing discussion series.


3. Social Group leaders are expected to post Social Group reports once a month on the DM Staff board. Your Social Group report should reflect how well your Social Group is performing. Formats and examples are found on the Staff board.


4. As stated above, Social Group leaders are members of DM Staff. They act as representatives of the members of DM and therefore their input is vital in the decision making process. Social Group leaders should be actively engaged in discussions on the DM Staff board.


5. Social Group leaders act as role models to other DM members.


6. Able to give at least a 6 month commitment of being able to devote 10 hours a week to your duties. LOAs will come up, of course.



Anyone that thinks they can fulfill the requirements may apply.



The Application Process:


If you are interested, please send an email to me at verbal32@gmail.com.


In each application, please include:


* Your DM Handle;

* Some details about who you are in real life, including anything you think will have prepared you for leadership (including past online leadership experience);

* Ideas/goals for improving this Social Group. If you can, please specify what you would aim to have accomplished within the first 30, 60, and 90 days of getting the job;

* Ideas/goals for improving Dragonmount as a whole;

* Ideas/goals for incorporating WoT activities into the Social Group; and

* Anything else that you think would set you apart from other applicants.


Note: We generally receive many good applications, and can only choose one person to fill the slot. To give that person the benefit of the ideas suggested by other applicants, I will forward the new Group Leader a copy of the ideas section from all applications submitted, so they can decide whether to implement some or all of those ideas (with appropriate credit, of course). If you do NOT want your application shared with anyone else, please say so in your application and I will honor that request. I can also send a de-identified copy if you want your ideas shared, yet do not want your identity revealed. Otherwise, your application will be shared with the Group Leader.


Once the application deadline has passed, I will set up a time to interview each applicant by Googletalk, Skype, or MSN. Basically, I will review your application and may ask a few follow-up questions. This is also a great opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about the position or any expectations I may have.


This position is currently open only to members of the Band Social Group (of any rank). If I do not receive at least 2 real applications from within the Social Group by the deadline (meaning applications that meet the requirements laid out above and are not there to simply meet the 2 app req), I will open up applications to all of Dragonmount. Nobody (including me) wants to see an outsider come in to take over the SG, so please apply if you think you'd even have the faintest inkling of doing a good job at it.


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and I will try to answer them.



  • 2 weeks later...
  • Moderator

Just wanted to thank everybody that applied - really solid apps!


I'm going to be reading them all over the next couple of days and schedule some interviews. I'm on vacation tomorrow through Sunday, but I'll have my phone. What this means is that I'll read the apps, but won't be able to do interviews until next week. However, once the interviews are done, it is only a matter of a couple of days to hire & install a new SGL.


So stay tuned, and thanks for your patience.



  • 3 weeks later...
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I've interviewed 1 applicant so far. I have a couple more that we're trying to figure out scheduling on....our availability doesn't line up that well.


Just wanted to let you all know - I'm working to get this done ASAP. Just timezone availability getting in the way. This should resolve itself in the next few days.

  • Moderator



Another interview completed. Timing due to work & kids has hampered the last interview from taking place. It shall happen....soon.

  • 2 weeks later...


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