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Lyssa sighed deeply and continued to clean her room, Light I am so bored and out of sorts that I have cleaned this room twice already, there can't be a speck of dirt left in it. Bloody Ashes why am I so upset lately, used to be I could control my emotions with no problem but here I am worrying over every little thing. Like anyone is every going to come into my room to see any dust anyway. I've got to be the most pitiful female Tower Guard in the Tower, for gosh sakes most of these women got in bed with someone almost nightly and she was sitting here, still a virgin, afraid to take the last step despite the fact that she had had the chance. She ran the dust clothe over some of the things she had started collecting, swords, one with roses on it her mother gave her a raising gift. Her Mother! That was her problem, she knew it was. Sirayn was never going to want to bond her and she was going to spend the rest of her short life pining for a woman who didn't want her, had in fact never wanted her. Light no one even knew who she truly was, and those that had or did were dead, broken, or to whipped by her mother to say a word.


No one would risk the wrath of Sirayn Simeone, including her. She winced and eyed the bed she had bought, the finest featherbed, the bedstead itself carved with roses. It was her mothers signature flower and she figured it was only fair to use the roses from back home with their black thorns in her life as well. Her mother reminded her alot of those flowers, prickly! She smoothed her hand over the satin bedspread, marroon with silver swirls on it, she had found it for cheap in the marketplace not long ago. Her newest purchase was a thick rug in marroon, silver, gold, and green that graced her floor. Realizing she was thinking about laying down on the bed for the rest of the night she put the cleaning supplies away in the chest that matched the bed and decided she would go to her commonroom. She belonged to Aethan d'ma Shain and had never even been there. Lyssa turned away from the bed and walked over to the matching wardrobe, it had taken her two years to buy that set. She opened the wardrobe and considered her options for clothing. It wasn't vanity but the fact that she didn't want to look like the ugliest Tower Guard there. With that she pulled a pair of black suede leggings from one of the drawers.


She pulled out one of her laciest undergarments, checked to make sure she was looking ok and then pulled the leggings over the lace. A dark green small top came out next and she pulled the satin over her top garment. It felt strange to have her breasts in something other than binding and she felt as though she was revealing something. Moving to another part of her room she pulled out a kit Jaydena Sedai had given her, one of the few who knew who she really was. Lyssa put the curling iron in the fire and then began to work on her eyes. Accenting the bright blue color and adding color to her pale skin and lips. When she was done she curled her waist length black hair into corkscrew curls over one shoulder and added a rose clip to her thick black locks. She eyed herself in the small mirror and tried to bounce up to check the rest of her body. What am I thinking, everyone is going to laugh at me, I never get fussy about me looks.


She shrugged her shoulders and added a short black suede jacket over the top of the shirt with roses on the lapels and put her cloak over the top. Lyssa hooked her sword around her waist and her money purse to the other hip. Her long legs took her quickly from her quarters and she made short work of the distance to the Aethan d'ma Shain Commonroom. She took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping inside, there were several people already inside and the room sported comfortable chairs, a board that looked like was for throwing daggers at, in fact a couple of guys were doing just that. There were also tables, food set about in bowls and open kegs. Eyeing the group she took a seat at one of the tables and wondered again what in the light she was doing here, she removed her cloak and short jacket and ignored the size of her chest, looking up at the ceiling she contemplated going back to her room...


Lyssa Simeone

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The Feast of Abram was one that Aran had been looking forward to. Mainly because it was a good excuse to have a meal in the common room instead of the mess hall. Stealing tables and chairs from other common rooms without being caught had been fun. Picking the right times and judiciously inviting a few people from those different commonrooms had worked out well, and things were smoothly underway. Tables had been set up as had the chairs and lounges, food was being cooked at a barbecue just below the windows and brought up as it was done.


Soon there would be a substantial amount of people, and they could get underway. Not that this had stopped Aran from starting early, indeed he'd already had a few mugs while he'd 'directed' proceedings, even lending a hand here and there. He'd been so busy that he almost hadn't managed to dress himself, but then again there was always a little bit of time for that. Emerald green breeches that were tucked into black boots much in the manner of a Taraboner, his light blue shirt was likewise puffy and the blood red vest with its yellow threads that he wore unbuttoned only served to clash further. All in all, the dress was Cairhienin and festive in colour.


It had also given him another opportunity to play with a hair dye. For this occasion, he had gone with a distinct dark purple. Incongruous, but it got a laugh out of people and that was what was important. Besides, if you couldn't have any fun then what was the point of it all?


Turning as the door opened, Aran grinned as he saw another person enter the common room. Lyssa Simeone, she had only been with them for a couple of months since her raising to the Tower Guard. There were a few people who managed to keep to themselves a fair bit in the company, and she had proved to be one of them. In fact, as far as he was aware, Lyssa didn't seem to have a single friend amongst the company. Not even amongst her fellow Path members, which was strange. You'd think in a path of training that forbade the eating of red meat, drinking and many other forms of relaxation, they'd be desperate for the few things they could have.


Seeing as he wasn't required to do anything else for the moment, Aran decided to refill his mug. Well, that and go over to her, maybe even have a bit of a chat. Worst that could happen was being told off, and that was far from unusual. Walking over to the chair next to her, he sat himself down and gave her one of his more ridiculous grins.






Tower Guard

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Lyssa eyed the ceiling and noticed a crack needed fixed, she sniffed the air and was surpised to smell chicken and steak. She looked around the room and saw what she hadn't noticed before, the room was decorated in shining decorations and many snack foods graced the tables. Lyssa didn't think it was a holiday but you never knew, she picked up a piece of dried fruit from one of the bowls and ate it while she tipped back to look at the ceiling again. She wondered what holiday it was, it was obvious from the smells, food, and decorations that it was. A notice hadn't shown up on the board, she always checked that even if she never went to anything that was posted on it and there had been nothing. Her stomach grumbled and she considered going to see if that chicken was for them. Grilling was one of the best ways to each meat and it smelled very good.


Since I am all dressed up maybe I should go to the city and see if I can hire someone to make me a woman, at least I wouldn't have to worry about complications, I could just get the deed done and that was that. I still don't know why I didn't do anything with Lonrick, you would think sitting in water naked would loosen you up more. Maybe he just wasn't the right guy for me. Tipping her chair back she propped her legs up on the table in front of her and crossed them at the ankles. She ate a dried apple and was just about to go ask about that chicken when someone walked up at took the seat next too her. Her feet thumped to the ground and she eyed the man in bright colors with purple hair as he spoke in a rumbling voice, "Hi." She eyed him, "Please tell me that's not you best greeting, otherwise I can see why you have to dye your hair to get attention." Sarcasm was her friend, she often used it to push away anyone who tried to care, after all caring meant hurt and she had had enough of that. Her own mother hated her...


Lyssa Simeone

Tower Guard

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Laughing at the response he got, Aran could appreciate a quick jab when it was given. It'd be interesting to learn what this Lyssa was like beyond quiet and shut off, seemed like there was someone rather fiery underneath. Leaning back in his chair, he was clearly amused as he responded. "Some of us aren't blessed with quick tongues and fair faces, so we do what we can. You are Lyssa Simeone no? I've noticed for the past couple of months you've been pretty quiet. I was wondering why." Nothing like a sledgehammer to break the ice.


Lyssa eyed him and wondered exactly who he was, she thought she might have seen him around the yards a few times but it was so hard to match the purple hair and way to bright clothing to a face. It seemed like she had seen him working on forms but she knew he wasn't of her path


"Some of us aren't blessed with quick tongues and fair faces, so we do what we can. You are Lyssa Simeone no? I've noticed for the past couple of months you've been pretty quiet. I was wondering why." She blinked at him and wondered how anyone could be so rude. "Maybe did you consider that I don't want guys that would think it's ok to dye their hair purple to come onto me or otherwise engage me in conversation. I just don't like people that's all." She turned away and looked around the room.


"Not really, I'm very inconsiderate." This was going to take some doing. Still, he'd brought Cairma around even if it had earned him a knee to the crotch in the process. Not to mention being chased about by her treeslaying sword that was bigger than him. "But I thought I'd come over and talk anyway. So, why don't you like people? We're not all that bad... Well, me maybe but there are some others who are rather nice."


Lyssa tuned him out and then began to tune in when he continued, "But I thought I'd come over and talk anyway. So, why don't you like people? We're not all that bad... Well, me maybe but there are some others who are rather nice." She pushed the anger down and embraced the Void, as she did voilet flecks entered her eyes, something she hadn't know happened until Lonrick had pointed it out to her. "You want to know, my twin brother became a darkfriend, tortured and then tried to kill our aunt because he felt she had done him wrong. This just happened a couple of months ago so I am not to happy with people currently."


Well. That hadn't been exactly what he was expecting to hear. People were loathe to admit a darkfriend from their family, and it had been her twin brother. Aran hadn't even realised she'd had a twin brother and he would have thought it an outrageous jape if it weren't for the seriousness she delivered it with. How to get back on the horse from that? "Well, that wasn't quite what I was expecting." Honesty was all he had. "I'm sorry to hear it. I'd offer you a drink but you follow the Path of Perfection no?"


"Well, that wasn't quite what I was expecting. I'm sorry to hear it. I'd offer you a drink but you follow the Path of Perfection no?" She turned her face back to his and was amused slightly by his topic change, either he was to much of a coward to handle the topic or he was trying to make her feel better, of course he could just be stupid and foolish for how was he to know she wasn't a darkfriend as well. She decided to let him off the hook, for if he could handle this that he could talk to her and amuse her for a few minutes. "That's right, I guess what they say about men with purple hair isn't true. Did you figure that out all on your own or did someone mouth that behind my back?" She let her face slide into a grin and a smile lit her blue eyes up. "I could however go for some juice or water if we have any?"


Grinning, Aran got to his feet as he spoke. "I might have asked. I think we have some water somewhere, one moment. Jaro!" The last was directed over at one of the other guards who was working on rolling a keg in. Wandering over to him, he soon found out there was actually some juice to be had, a bottle of which was handed to him. Why anyone would have thought to bring juice to a Feast like this was beyond him, but it was quite convenient. Taking his seat with Lyssa again, he handed the bottle over then offered his hand. "My name's Aran."




Tower Guard


Lyssa Simeone

Tower Guard

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He grinned up and stood up, "I might have asked. I think we have some water somewhere, one moment. Jaz!" Lyssa turned to look at a man that was pushing another keg into the room. Light how much drinking are these people gonna do, good this these are warders or I would fear for my innocence. She watched him walk across the room and admired his rear before shaking the though from her head, he is quite cute, a yummy tidbit, I can't believe I just told him that, she thought. She looked at the guy rolling the keg in and realized that the right side of his face was missing just like Jaydena's, she shook her head and turned back as the man sat back down, "My name's Aran." She smiled at him and then said, "My name is Lyssa. Thank you for the juice. So is that chicken for everyone, cause it'smelling very good about now."


Lyssa Simeone

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Well, it seemed like he was past the initial rebuffing. Something Aran was glad for, it hadn't proved as difficult as he had feared it could be. Not that it was to say that he was past it all yet, he wouldn't be so quick to assume. "Of course, here." Reaching over to the table, he picked up the platter and held it for her as he continued. "I thought everyone knew, this is for everyone in the company and a few others we invited. No one told you at all then?"


Lyssa took the platter from him and listened to what he said. She looked down at the platter and then back at him, "No one wants to be around me, no one talks to me at all. I thought I had made friends with someone but he hasn't talked to me since we first spoke. Anyway, that's besides the point, I have no friends, no one talks to me so no I did not know about this. Guess no one wanted me here."


She blinked back the tears that rushed into her eyes and was mortified that she would cry in front of him or in the this room full of her peers that saw fit to ignore her all the time. She turned her face away and blinked rapidly to try the tears.


Chuckling kindly, he put the platter back as he spoke. "Well that was silly, a few people already thought about saying hi to you but weren't sure whether they'd be welcome to or not. I'll have to introduce you to a few people tonight. In fact, howabout now. We need a couple more hands to help out, and I should probably do something myself."


Lyssa cleared the tears from her eyes and blinked as Aran spoke, she listened to him closely and was surpised at his kindness. There was a part of her that couldn't help but wonder if he was after something, the last time a man had been kind to her he had tried to take her innocence and continued to try until he left her because she wasn't ready for it. She stood up and said, "Sure I would be willing to help, just show me what I need to do to help out and I will. Thank you Aran." She smiled at him and then waited to follow him from the tables.


The first person that Aran introduced Lyssa to was Jaz, not only because Jaz needed help but because his shameless flattery could make just about any woman smile. Burnt face or not, he could still put a smile on a maiden's face. Marie was the next, mainly because as Aran had been cheering Lyssa and Jaz on with their keg the wench had punched him in the arm none too gently. And so others were introduced; Jakob, Maude, Fenwin, Raymond, Garrick and others.


As the preparations neared completion, more and more people were piling into the commonroom and taking seats, chatting though they kept clear of the food as the feast hadn't quite started yet. All well and good, because they would be helping take all the furniture back to the other common rooms. Well, the ones who were sober enough not to kill themselves in the process. When they were done, they had drinks in hand and food to eat. But first, there was something that had to be done. Something that only a man with purple hair could do.


Standing up on a chair, it took a couple of shouts to get some quiet. From there, Aran was solemn in his words, grave and sober in a way which was made ridiculous by his garb. "We are here today, to celebrate the Feast of Abram. Abram... Abram was a wonderful fellow, he did lots of great things and... stuff. Lets eat!" The last said with a grin, it got a few chuckles as well as comments as he jumped down from the table.


Spotting Lyssa at the back of the crowd, there was no chance of her getting to the table with the crush. Snagging a couple of chicken legs, he managed to get free and making his way to her he held them up to her. "I thought you might like one of these while we wait them out, no?"




Tower Guard

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Aran brought her to the man with the burned face and they chated for several moments, the man flirted till she was blushing. When they walked away she was feeling much better. The next person was another female guard, though she was much shorter than her, and she seemed to have a disliking for Aran for she kept hitting him. She met several more until the names and faces started to spin in her mind. Lyssa helped drag chairs and tables into postion, opened several kegs, and helped find things for people who were already too drunk to stand. The room began to fill and Lyssa was very suprised at the amount of people in their group. Several minutes passed and Aran stood on a chair and began to ask everyone to quiet down.


"We are here today, to celebrate the Feast of Abram. Abram... Abram was a wonderful fellow, he did lots of great things and... stuff. Lets eat!" Lyssa laughed with the rest of them and went to get in line to get to the table. The line was long and she almost winced, her stomach was already growling an hour ago. Aran suddenly showed up at her side and held two chicken legs in his hand. "I thought you might like one of these while we wait them out, no?" She eyed the legs and then chuckled, "So what exactly do I have to do for those pieces of chicken."


Lyssa Simeone

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The grin on Aran's face was anything but innocent as a flood of responses flooded into Aran's mind. A good deal of which would not have been a good idea all things considered, it was usually unwise to tell someone that they were going to skin their knees for a pair of chicken legs until you knew them better. That and Aran suspected he might end up slumped on the floor much in the way he had after Cairma hadn't taken his heshim dress joke as he had planned. Aran decided to play it safe rather than fast and loose. "Just the pleasure of your company for a bit longer, if I'm not imposing?"


Lyssa eyed him and waited for his response, she wasn't the greatest at flirting and she knew by the look on his face and the lack of response that he was either having bad thoughts or he wasn't interested. "Just the pleasure of your company for a bit longer, if I'm not imposing?" Lyssa chuckled and reached out to snag the chicken legs. "Ohhh well I am ever the glutton for punishment so feel free to join me. Where would you like to sit Aran." She smiled at him and tried to remember what she had heard about him, his reputation or anything at all. Her mind was drawing a blank but she knew she had heard his name several times in the women's bathhouse. She eyed him and wondered if she was ugly or if he really was a fruitcake and liked the male side of the fence.


Chuckling, Aran led the way to a corner of the room where there were few people nearby. Grabbing a lounge was easiest, plus it meant that there was no room for anyone to intrude on them. Handing the chicken legs to her, he took the opportunity to speak as he observed a rather peculiar form of consuming a chicken leg. "So, there isn't any chance of you cheating at all? A few of us are going to be up alot later drinking. Doesn't mean you can't stay with us if you don't, but a few mugs is always fun."


Lyssa followed Aran across the room and watched his backside as he walked, she really was getting entirely to full of bad thoughts tonight. He walked toward a lounge and they took a seat, pressed close together. She wondered why he had chosen a place where only the two of them could sit but pushed it from her mind. Lyssa eyed him and then began licking the chicken leg, she had no idea why she was doing it but she had to try very hard not laugh as she did so. When she saw that he was not going to respond to her in anyway she shrugged her shoulders and began eating the chicken. He was watching her closely and she winked at him as he began speaking, "So, there isn't any chance of you cheating at all? A few of us are going to be up alot later drinking. Doesn't mean you can't stay with us if you don't, but a few mugs is always fun." She thought for a moment and then decided to jump in with both feet, she nodded and continued to eat her chicken leg.


She laid a hand on his thigh and said, "Thank you for inviting me Aran, I am enjoying doing something other than poking people with sticks, of being poked with a stick." She blushed as she realized how that sounded and then began to glance around for her juice, not realizing that as she turned around in the seat her hand was creeping up his leg. She had been so comfortable touching someone when she never touched anyone that she had forgotten she was touching him.


She located her juice and stood up to get it, as she walked she swayed her rear a little more as she had seen some of the Greens do in the warders yard, she grabbed a wheat roll, a chicken breast, and a plate from the table before walked back to sit with Aran again. "I think I will go Aran, thank you for inviting me."


The hand on the thigh was unexpected but certainly not unwelcome, Aran definitely had an easy grin on his face as her hand wandered up a bit. She didn't even seem to be aware of it, and certainly didn't give any indication as she got up and walked off to the table and retrieved some food. Watching her with amusement as she returned, Aran waited until she spoke, completely oblivious to the fact that he was still there without a meal. Smiling, he decided to forego a meal for the moment as he spoke on. "Thats alright, besides it'll be fun to have at least one new face. I don't suppose you're any good at dagger tossing are you?"


Lyssa sat down next to him and began eating her meal, as she ate she wondered if she should get him something to eat. He didn't seem interested in eating and certainly no one had ever been interested enough in her to forgo eating so he must not be hungry. "Thats alright, besides it'll be fun to have at least one new face. I don't suppose you're any good at dagger tossing are you?" She blinked and finishing the bite in her mouth said, "Sure, I can throw a dagger fairly well, I practice at it, part of my path is being proficent in all weapons. However it's not any fun unless you bet, any ideas on what you would like to bet on or what you would like from me if I lose?"


Laughing, Aran was surprised at her words. She was surprisinly less shy than he would have guessed, certainly different from what he'd expected. Then again, it wouldn't be half as much fun if he could read everyone like an open book. In fact, it'd be downright boring. "Should be careful, I'm not sure if you could match my bet. We bet on anything and everything ranging from coin to guard duty. Maybe more, but like I said, those stakes might be too high for you." The grin Aran was giving her became altogether impudent, if she was playing then he would play in turn.


Lyssa laughed and then spoke, "Hmmmm well I don't know, I would be more interested in things that would do me some good physically rather than Tower Guard duty or a new dagger. I have plenty of coin, after all I don't spend that much on food and such and I don't need another dagger, well I guess it depends on what kind of dagger it is and who is giving it." She winked and grinned and then stood up holding and hand out to see if he wanted up. She was standing much to close to his legs so if he stood up they would be face to face almost, legs pressed to each other. She smirked and waited to see what he would do.


Laughing at the words and the wink, Aran took her hand as she offered it and let her help him to his feet. She was remarkably keen if he was following the game she was playing, a game he was more than happy to play. After he got something to eat, he'd need it if he was going to be drinking. Pointing to the main table, his tone was casual much like himself. "I think I'll need some food first as do you if we're going to be drinking, you should grab yours as well. Meet you by the daggerboard?"


He grabbed her hands and Lyssa pulled him up, his thighs brushed hers and she returned his grin. She released his hands and turned around in a circle, her rear brushing his for a moment before she before she stepped away from him. He spoke behind her and she looked over her shoulder at him and then nodded, "Ok see you over there, we still need to decide on a bet?"


She walked away and began to make her way over to the tables, she picked out several things that she could eat. She walked over to the dagger boards and stood there eating her food as she waited for Aran to make his way through the largest table with all the high fat foods. She finished her food and went to wash her hands, when she came back he stood up next to her, she leaned close to him, swaying back and forth to the music that had started to play now that some people were done eating. She hit her hip to his and grinned at him and she watched the players as she waited for one of the boards to free up. "So what shall we bet eh Aran?"


Aran had learned many things from his childhood, and one of those things had been how to wolf down food with an almost unnatural speed. By the time he approached Lyssa he was done, and surprisingly so was she. Once again she surprised him as she leaned into him, though the surprise was beginning to fade away quite rapidly. It was clear that some of his guesses about the new Guard were a bit awry. Of course Jaz was entertaining at this point, he might not be the prettiest man but he was still a fair gleeman in his own right and it was a rare day that Jaz turned down the opportunity to show his talents.


Grinning back as she bumped her hip into him, Aran was finding himself contemplating certain ways to end the night if it kept up. Her question was certain leading thoughts in that direction. Still, it would be amusing to throw it back on her and see what she could come up with. "Oh, a gentleman always lets a lady make the first bet. Not that I am one, but I've been told I should try it and see if it grows on me. If you've got something in mind that is."




Tower Guard

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Lyssa clapped her hands to the music and eyed him as she waited for him to speak. "Oh, a gentleman always lets a lady make the first bet. Not that I am one, but I've been told I should try it and see if it grows on me. If you've got something in mind that is." She grinned and thought for a moment, "Well I think that I don't need a new dagger and I surely don't need to take anyones guard duty, how about you have to do something for me no matter what it is without complaning." Lyssa grinned and him and looked over to see a dagger board had opened up. She waited for his answer and then picked up a dagger, "So how long have you been a guard Aran, I have been one about two months. Do you do alot of guard duty, I mean I seem to always be on duty, tonight is my first night off in awhile. I always get stuck doing the middle of the night, so my sleeping is all messed up. Must be part of being a newb, I get stuck doing night duty."


She grinned and then threw the knife at the board, it landed a little offcenter but she nodded with approval, she had been practicing this art and it was showing, she also was working with these little metal circles that were very sharp to the touch. Waiting for him to throw it she eyed him and spoke again, "So tell me Aran, between all the women, oh yes I know who you are now, how does a week of yours go. I mean I pretty much sleep, do guard duty, sleep, eat, guard duty. I don't do any socalizing and I rarely even go out into the city. Usually just on market days to get my foods and such." She waited silently as the threw the dagger...


Lyssa Simeone


ooc- figured we should get my req in before we go much further so we don't have to worry about it later oh and the answer on the other rp is yes! *winks*

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Watching the dagger sail just wide of the mark, he picked up three points leaving Lyssa in the lead by one. So, she was still getting most of the duty then. It had been like that for him when he had started, though that was mainly because Con had been entirely displeased with having someone such as himself as part of the guard. Hadn't helped that Alex had come back at the same time, it had put Con in a right foul mood. Still, night shift, that was interesting to know. "Oh, I have a couple of students courtesy of Ginae, despite specifically telling her no. And then any other way I can entertain myself. Going to take your toss?"


Lyssa watched as he threw he dagger, he turned to her and began to speak, "Oh, I have a couple of students courtesy of Ginae, despite specifically telling her no. And then any other way I can entertain myself. Going to take your toss?" She nodded and picked up the dagger, she threw it again and this time it landed just a hairs lenths short of the bullseyes. Grinning she turned to Aran and said, "I don't have any students yet, I guess I am still pretty young and I haven't been a guard very long. I am not sure how good I will be at teaching anyone but someday I think I will take a chance at it. After all you never know unless you try." She winked at him and handed him his dagger.


"Teaching is overrated." Tossing his dagger for another three high on the ring, he wondered whether she could keep up her string of fours or not. They'd find out soon enough. "Students take up too much time that could be spent on other things. Like sleeping. You try doing graveyard shift then move on to teaching a student instead of getting some sleep, it wears after awhile trust me. Oh, and if I win you owe me a favour as well."


"Teaching is overrated." She eyed his throw and realized she was up by at least two, she wasn't sure exactly how the game worked but she was for sure ahead of him. "Students take up too much time that could be spent on other things. Like sleeping. You try doing graveyard shift then move on to teaching a student instead of getting some sleep, it wears after awhile trust me. Oh, and if I win you owe me a favour as well." She nodded and picked up the dagger, eyeing the board she threw it and watched with glee as it landed in the center. Grinning she said, "Well hopefully I won't spend the rest of my nights doing guard duty. I can think of far better things to do with my nighttime hours. Ok a favour for you." She chuckled and held a dagger in her hand for her next turn.


Flipping his dagger, it sailed easily for another three high on the ring, in fact all three of his daggers so far seemed to be almost equally distant from one another. Taking a sip from the mug he was bearing, he looked up to Lyssa. "You're curiously good at your dagger throwing, where'd you pick up the skill from. Twelve points in three goes is quite a fair effort, I bet you can't repeat it though."


Lyssa grinned as he got another three and started planning what she might want. Aran took a drink of his ale and she watched him adams apple bob, curiously enflamed by the action. [/i]"You're curiously good at your dagger throwing, where'd you pick up the skill from. Twelve points in three goes is quite a fair effort, I bet you can't repeat it though."[/i] She coughed and shook her head to clear the thoughts that were running through it. Throwing her dagger she landed in the four again and winked at him, "Aran I have no friends, I spend most of my time alone in my room or training. I have something like this in my room, I use daggers and also these small metal circles that I had created, sometimes I lay on my bed and study and throw the daggers, it's the most exciting thing that ever happens in that bed." Picking up her own mug of spiced apple cider she waited for him to speak.


"Really? Ah well, there must be fun to be found elsewhere then." Getting another three, Aran smiled as palmed his last dagger. Sixteen to twelve, she was well ahead, in fact some would say it was impossible for him to win now. No doubt she was already planning what favour to ask of him. "Besides, I think we're well onto being friends no? Not going to have much time for your daggers if you're going to be spending time with the company. Which is pretty much a given now, especially since you'll be staying up tonight. Who knows? You might even like the change of pace." Pausing, Aran chuckled. "There is no chance of you getting another four."


"Really? Ah well, there must be fun to be found elsewhere then. Besides, I think we're well onto being friends no? Not going to have much time for your daggers if you're going to be spending time with the company. Which is pretty much a given now, especially since you'll be staying up tonight. Who knows? You might even like the change of pace." Lyssa nodded and wondered what the night would bring, just as she was about to respond he continued, "There is no chance of you getting another four." She laughed and said, "Is that a challege I hear, hoping to get back some of your own. What did you have in mind?"


Aran chuckled as he pointed to the board with his dagger. "I tell you what, if all five of your daggers are sitting in that ring by the end of this game I'll owe you two favours instead of one. Double or nothing no?" He'd be interested to see whether she was game enough or not.


The man chuckled and pointed to the board before speaking, "I tell you what, if all five of your daggers are sitting in that ring by the end of this game I'll owe you two favours instead of one. Double or nothing no?" She eyed him for a moment, Light what could he be after, if I lose than what would he want and if I win what do I want. Does he want me to win so I can be the agressor. It was a hard decison, to lose or not to lose. She weighed the dagger in her hand, lifted her eyebrows, testing it before she threw it at the board and once again hit in the same area. Her dagger made a ring of their own. She grinned and turned to look at him.


"Hold this." Handing her his mug, he grabbed the chair behind him and stood on it. Not paying attention to her as he took aim, he hurled rather than tossed his blade this time. A clatter immediately followed as his blade fell to the ground, and with it two of her own. Standing back down from the chair, he took his mug and finished it before grinning at her. "A draw, who would have thought it?"


"Hold this." Lyssa took the mug he handed her and watched curiously as he grabbed a chair and stood on it. She blinked as he threw his dagger and knocked two of her daggers out of their spots. Eying him, he just smiled at her and took his mug back, "A draw, who would have thought it?" She glared at him and said, "I don't know what land you are from but my daggers were there before you knocked them out, that doesn't make you the winner that makes you a cheater." Grabbing her glass she strolled off to get herself something to drink.


Laughing, Aran decided to retrieve the daggers and hand them off before getting himself a drink. My wasn't she a sore loser though, or perhaps she simply hadn't known the commonroom rules beforehand. Either way, he didn't really have any problems with what he'd just done. Lyssa clearly did because it was apparent on the look on her face when he rejoined her. "Commonroom rules, your daggers have to stay in the board until the game is finished. If they aren't there when it does, then it doesn't count. And I believe you owe me a favour no?"


Glaring at him as he walked up to her she crossed her arms over her chest as he began speaking, "Commonroom rules, your daggers have to stay in the board until the game is finished. If they aren't there when it does, then it doesn't count. And I believe you owe me a favour no?" She sighed and then said, "So did it ever occure to you that someone who has never been to the commonroom wouldn't know that. Fine what favour do you want from me Aran?" She waited silently and wondered what horrible thing she was going to have to do. Light I thought I had that game, I wish I had know that rule


Well, that was said with a certain amount of reluctance. Still, she owned up to owing him a favour, and that was good enough for Aran for now. On the otherhand, he hadn't really quite decided what he wanted. He hadn't even been entirely sure he'd knock out a couple of her daggers, though he'd actually been going for three instead of two of them. What to have... "I don't know to be honest, I guess I'll just have to think about it for now. Howabout we grab a seat in the meantime?"




Tower Guard


Lyssa Simeone

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She waited for him to tell her what he wanted but he just told her that he didn't know what he was going to ask for. Lys eyed him for a moment and then uncrossed her arms, she wasn't a sore loser and if she had lost than so be it. Maybe she would actually get something fun out of it. She eyed Aran as he walked away and imagined tying him to her very large bed posts carved with roses. With a laugh she shook the image from her head and followed him over to the kegs, if she was going to drink than she was going to do it right. At least she probably wouldn't remember what had happened tonight when she was done. She stood in front of the keg and eyes Aran, he grinned at her and reached across her to pull himself a mug. His arm brushed the side of her and she shivered and pulled away. A part of her felt like she was ready for this but a part of her wasn't sure exactly.


Lys pulled her own mug and began drinking it, the taste wasn't unpleasant but she wasn't exactly used to it. She turned to Aran and said, "So is this what you do to get rid of the stress of your job. Drink and mess around with everyone, play games and such. It seems like alot of people do that as I am seeing many people in here." She finished her mug and pulled herself another one, maybe by the end of this mug when she finished she wouldn't be nervous the next time he brushed any part of her.


Lyssa Simeone

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  • 3 weeks later...

The look on Lyssa's face as she took her first swig of ale almost made Aran laugh but he managed to hold it in. The night would be an interesting one, of that he was rather certain. "It does the job." Grinning at Lyssa, he poked her shoulder. "Who knows? You might even get used to it."


The hours passed rather quickly at that point. The drinking helped but it was also the company, and Lyssa seemed to open up to others well enough with Aran to introduce her to them. More dagger games followed though not with such high stakes as had been played before between the pair. There was even a game or two of chop at one point but the main event was the chance to talk. Others got to know her better, and Aran was pleased to see that she wasn't a raging or histrionic drunk like some could be, in fact she was rather pleasant.


Her hands also wandered a bit more. Another point in her favour, though the touching was mixed with a good deal of blushing. Whenever she realised what she was doing, but Aran decided not to pick on her for it. Apart from the fact it was rather nice, there was also the fact that the blushing meant she wasn't used to being forward. That could mean it was a good deal due to the alcohol more than anything else, and he didn't like the idea of waking up to her screaming at him for having used her of some such. Incidents like that were rarely foundations for a good friendship. Of course, neither was embaressing her by spurning her.


So, he just went with the flow. That was, until it looked like she might fall asleep, that just wasn't good enough. Tapping her on the shoulder, he decided she needed to get a bit of fresh air. "Come on, lets get a bit of air eh?" Nudging her, she seemed agreeable enough as they walked out of the common room. Yes, fresh air was definitely a good idea.




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"It does the job." He grinned at her and poked her shoulder, she returned his smile as he continued, "Who knows? You might even get used to it." They continued to talk about the job and much more as she steadily drank, moving over to the others, she began talking with them about a variety of things and was surprised at how nice everyone was. She played daggers some more, winning some games, which made her not feel as let down about the earlier loss to Aran. She got to know some people she had only based in the yards and even beat a few of them at darts and other games. However the more she drank the more she had problems with hitting the bullseye. Several times through out the night she noticed that her hands would wander into Aran's lap and other places and each time they did, she would blush and jerk her hands away. She had never been this forward with a man before and the fact that he didn't withdraw from her gave her more confidence in her ability as a woman.



Lyssa sat on one of the couches, playing dice, trying her best to keep awake for each of her turns. Aran had his arm behind her head on the couch and she kept leaning in and laying her head on his chest as she drifted off. He would shake her awake and she would look up and take her turn. This went on for awhile before he tapped her shoulder and spoke, "Come on, lets get a bit of air eh?" She nodded and shook the tiredness off as he nudged her to her feet. Lyssa grinned at him and walked with him to the outdoors, as soon as the cold air hit her she started shaking and her head cleared. Although her head started to spin a little she turned to him and gazed at him, his grin was quite disarming and she wanted to kiss him. Their eyes met and he leaned in for the kiss, she leaned in, her body numb at what was about to happen, they began kissing deeply and the next thing she knew they were kissing with their mouths open. She was dizzy and a little sick feeling but the kiss was wonderful. She cuddled up to his chest, the desire pumping through her, just as something else pumped out of her. Lyssa managed to turn her head most of the way in time, vomitting only a little into his mouth and the rest of his shoulder and down his back. Leaning over she began to wretch in the bushes...


Lyssa Simeone

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Turning aside, Aran spat out the vileness that found its way to the back of his throat. Light but it was ten kinds of terrible, pervading and fouling his mouth while the stench of it ruined his nose. He had a strong stomach, but it was in and outside of him, there was no escape from it. Turning back to Lyssa who was busy gracing the bushes with her meal, Aran tried to say something but something else came out instead.




And there went his dinner and drinks into the bushes as well. Spewing so violently that he fell to his knees, at least the power behind the heaving sent his bile clear of him into the bushes. Settling it in three or four goes, Lyssa was unfortunately still going as her stomach kept pumping its contents clear till there was nothing left and continued to for awhile after that. During that time, Aran had an opportunity to survey the damage done. His vest and shirt were half wrecked, he'd have to wash them soon if he were going to have any hope of salvaging them.


The aroma that wafted from them was almost enough to make him spew again. Shedding both of them, he was just thankful that there was a water barrel nearby. Splashing water onto his face to rinse it off as best he could, he also gargled a fair bit and spat it aside. That made it a little more bearable. By the time he was done and returned to Lyssa he had goosebumps running everywhere from the cold and she was done with her spewing.


She was saying something about being sorry, but Aran wasn't really listening as he took one of her arms and led her over to the water barrel. "What? Did you mean to do it? No? Well don't be sorry about it. Just wash your face, come on. You'll feel better for it." Taking note of her clothing as she did so, Aran noticed she'd gotten a bit of splashback from when she'd hurled on him. Her shirt and jacket were going to be ruined as well unless something was done, he'd have to fix hers as well.


He also noticed that her legs were shaking a little. By the time she was done, he knew there was going to be little choice but to put her to bed. The night was done for her well and truly, still she'd had a good run for her first go at drinking. Slipping a free hand around her waist to help hold her up, he told her to give him directions as they went. If anyone saw them and had any ideas about what was going on, those were quickly dispelled when they saw Aran's shirt and vest in his other hand.


Letting her open the door to her room, Aran was just glad there was no roommate in there with her to complain. Releasing her, he quickly located her towel and pulling back the covers of her bed laid it down. Kicking her bin over so it was sitting at the edge of the bed, he turned to find her looking at him in a rather confused manner. "Towel is there just in case you spew again to keep your bed clean, but if you can try and put it in the bin instead."


Stepping outside, he turned and pointed to her jacket. "I'm going to close the door, when its closed I want you to take your jacket and shirt off and pass them to me. After that, go get some sleep. We'll talk in the morning, no?" Closing the door, he knocked on it. "And hurry up."




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Lyssa could feel him move away from her, she had been so interesting in her but after what she had just done who could blame him. At this point she couldn't take in alot, she was to busy getting ill into the bushes. Behind her she was aware of Aran kneeling and then beging to become sick as well, hitting the ground on the other side of her. She felt guilty for a moment before she continued to be ill. She had sprayed all the food and drinks she had consumed, which was quite a bit and she continued to heave until there was nothing left. Holding her stomach she managed to stop the heaving and noticed that Aran had moved to the water barrel. Lys was shaking violently and managed to speak, "I'm so sorry Aran, I didn't....mean to." She coughed and was about to continue when he spoke, "What? Did you mean to do it? No? Well don't be sorry about it. Just wash your face, come on. You'll feel better for it." She stumbled forward and washed her face in the water, splashing it on her face, and even gurgling with some and spitting it out.


Her legs were shaking and she was having trouble standing, she leaned mostly on the heavy water barrel to keep on her feet. Aran said something, and she looked down and noticed that she gotten sick on her jacket and shirt. He put a hand around her waist and let her lean on him, they made the way to her room within the barracks. She opened the door to her room and he led her inside, the man even went so far as to find a towel and pull the covers to her bed back. This was no how she had intended to end the night with him, yes in this bed with him, not however covered in ale and vomit. Her stomach was rolling again and she looked at the towel he had laid down on her bed and wondered what he was doing. "Towel is there just in case you spew again to keep your bed clean, but if you can try and put it in the bin instead." She nodded and watched with bleary eyes as he walked away, "I'm going to close the door, when its closed I want you to take your jacket and shirt off and pass them to me. After that, go get some sleep. We'll talk in the morning, no?" She regarded the closed door he had just shut behind him and was suprised when he knocked on the door and said, "And hurry up." A smile smile crossed her face at his arrogance before she began removing her clothes, the man really was amazing. When she was finished she knocked on the door and passed the clothes to him. "Thank you Aran, I will see you in the morning. I am sorry I couldn't carry through with the thoughts I had about you all night. I guess I'm not a wild or sexy woman like I wanted to be. Goodnight." She walked back over to the bed and lay down on the towel, pulling the covers over herself as she waited for her stomach to stop pitching...


Lyssa Simeone

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