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Everquest! Is now free to play!!


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  • Community Administrator

So, this just went into effect today.

I know its old' school, should have happened YEARS ago, but it happened. and even though EQ is to me, like Jordan is to Basketball, I' owned every expansion except for this latest one.



The F2P model they have is very workable, and aside from limiting races/classes, they have to be able to 'prune' money out of the players somehow.. right?

Besides you get the Original game, + 17 SEVENTEEN Expansions FREE!

Aside from the money limits, and 'spell rank limits (something you'll never have to worry about unless you get raelly far end game as it is, and if your that dedicated you'd just sub anyways.)

Theres somethings they could have done differently, Like add more 'pay to get this' feature, instead of restricting it, for sub only.


IF anyones interested in Trying it out, and we get enough interested, I have a fairly high level main on the server "The Nameless - Erollisi Marr". And he has free crack for all DMers. ;)

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Hell yeah! I got the email today also about EQ being free now. Haven't played it in years, but I did have a high level cleric when I did play...think it was like lvl 75, have no idea what it goes to now. The latest expansion I played was 2 after OoW..and I can't remember the name of it lol. Not sure if I'll pick it up again just to mess around now that it's free, but maybe =)

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  • Community Administrator

well, i'm installing EQ1 today, and if anyone is interested in joining me in it, i'll be on 'later' tonight.

Server remains the same; and I am willing to 'level up' beside anyone if they want to try that route. ;)

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