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Stress Case!! :)


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Guest nephitess

IC: looking at the sun, Zeveria felt extremely rushed. There was so much going on right now for her. The yellow Ajah class and her planting of herbs, her sums for mathematics, her weaving classes with Ali Sedai and of course chores and other responsibilities. The late nights in the Infirmary where getting to her. She was extremely tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep but NO right now she had to meet with some of her class mates to work on a project. It made her want to burst out in tears and scream. To say the least she was not in the most pleasant of moods at the moment. In fact she had been like this for months and had actually snapped at a few fellow novices. She had heard whisperings about herself in the novice gallery hallways. The looks that she sometimes got from the other girls was well….like they were looking at a feral cat.


As she walked into the library and headed to the area that was agreed upon to meet, she felt like that cat, she could feel her tail lash as she walked over to the table where she saw Opal and Sandry. They were talking and surly gossiping and wasting time. Opal she had met a few times and even had some meetings together with their mutual mentor, Alicatia Sedai. Sandry she did not know so well but she seemed nice enough. They were there to work on their case for a mock trial in her law class. The grey sister who was their teacher was a slave driver and at times demeaning!! The sister could make a stone feel lower than dust. The Basics in Law class was tough and she was struggling. Zeveria wanted a good grade, she NEEDED a good grade. She always felt horrible when her mark slipped but expessally with this class. She knew she should not be so obsessed with her marks but she could not help it. She had many a late night talk with Ranine about this very issue. Ranine always told her she needed to relax and just enjoy life.


Standing there she looked down on the girls. With all the strength she could muster she put down her books without slamming them. She was here to work, not have time pass her by with useless gossiping!! When they were done, she said with a roll of her eyes,


“Let’s get going on this, I have a lot to do today and can’t waste time with gossiping. We have a lot to discuss.†looking at her paper that she wrote down her notes on her looked back up and continued “we need to figure out our argument for the Illianers side of the trade agreement between them and Arad Doman. I think I should take the lead because this trail is worth a lot of marks and I want it done right.â€


Looking at her notes again, Zeveria did not notice the shocked looks on her companion’s faces. Speaking without looking up Zeveria ordered...


“Sandry, you look up books on Illian’s trade agreements from 940 to 955NE. Opal, you look up the same for Arad Doman.â€


Fully expecting them to follow her instructions, Zeveria was surprised that she did not hear them moving. Looking up she saw Opal and Sandry with arms crossed under breasts. Why weren’t they moving?? Did they not understand the importance of this project? She was about to issue her instructions again when Opal and Sandry cut her off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Opal sat in the library with Sandry, they were waiting for their other partner in this project. A mock trail for The Basics in Law class taught by a grey sister that demaned perfection. Opal had her hair pulled back in her thick single braid down her back. She tucked a few stray hairs behind her ear.


She and Sandry had been talking about this assignment off and on sense they had receved it. Opal had found an odd intrest in the law, she had no idea why it apeiled to her so much, but she ffound it more interesting than some of the other classes.


This case was intresting to Opal, between a Milliner and Arad Doman, a trade agreement.


"Well," she told Sandry. "Both parties are going to want the best agreement for their side, that's a given. However merchents will bargan harder for profit." Trying to think how it would have been handled in her family.


Zeveria, the other girl came up to the table where they said, and put her books down with a lot more force then nesscary, just short of slamming them down. She seemed to be very irritated. “Let’s get going on this, I have a lot to do today and can’t waste time with gossiping. We have a lot to discuss.â€


Gossiping? What did this girl think they were, housewives talking over the back fence? Opal felt her spine stiffen, who does she think she is?


Zeveria didn't pause or look at them, only at her notes. She shot out oders at them. “we need to figure out our argument for the Milliners side of the trade agreement between them and Arad Doman. I think I should take the lead because this trail is worth a lot of marks and I want it done right.â€


Opal fumed, what did she think they would ruin her grades with their inferor work? She shot a look at Sandry, and saw that room mate was none to happy.


The girl finally looked up from her notes she opened her mouth to speak.


But Opal cut her off, "I don't see why YOU should take the lead here. I know quite a bit about the law myself, so does Sandry she's a lord's daughter. Anyway, we are all asigned this we should work together. I'm not going to let you take all the credit for MY hard work!"


She glared at the standing novice.



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Guest nephitess

IC: Zeveria's eyebrows shot up as Opal spoke. How dare she!! what nerve!!! Interrupting and accusing her of wanting to take all the credit. this was not true, she only wanted to get a good mark and not be kept back by others. especially by gossipers and princesses like these two were. they probably never had to work a day in their life until coming to the tower. Zeveria disliked people who thought themselves better than others. Her father was that way...that’s why she had not heard from him in ages. The hurt feeling from reading his letter of disownment, came back to her briefly. How could he do that?? tears came to her eyes and she willed them to stop before they fell.


Zeveria looked at Sandry with eyes that would have pinned anyone to a wall, she turned and ignored her. she just sat there and did not say anything. poking a finger at Opal, Zeveria spoke quietly...


"Look here sister, I don't know about you, but the only education I got was on my own. I work hard and expect others to work hard as well. If you don't like taking a little direction that’s not my problem. Deal with it!"


Zeveria could feel the loneliness filling her heart as she waited for one of them to speak. the emotions that were going through her mind and soul were a mix of sadness, anger and distrust. It tasted acrid on her tongue.

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Guest Sandrilene fa Toren

Ooc: Ok sorry for all the wait, rl got insane, but i'm back now. Hope this works, I made Sandry behave a little more cool headed than Opal since I think she is more of a cold fury kind of person. Opal is the words and Sandry tends to be the action in this group I think.


Sandry had to admit that though she normally enjoyed studies in law, at the moment she was a little frustrated by the project that had been assigned their group. It seemed to her that there should always be a right and wrong to a legal case, but in the case her group was assigned it was not a matter of right and wrong but of fairness to all. "Well, both parties are going to want the best agreement for their side, that's a given. However merchants will bargain harder for profit." She nodded in agreement with Opal and had just opened her mouth to respond when a stack of books thudded down right in front of her face startling her.


“Let’s get going on this, I have a lot to do today and can’t waste time with gossiping. We have a lot to discuss.†Sandry stared up at the girl one eyebrow arched, gossiping? Who in the Light did the girl think she was talking too? Sandry had never been one for gossip, and that certainly didn’t change upon her arrival at the Tower.


She gave a side-long glance to Opal to see if she shared her sentiments and was reaffirmed by the building thunder cloud evident in her roommate’s eyes. She thought about putting the girl in her place, but instead opted for a more diplomatic approach and simply returned her gaze to the book she had been scanning on trade laws in the Arad Domain. However, the ninny didn’t seem to want to let her comment lie. “we need to figure out our argument for the Milliners side of the trade agreement between them and Arad Doman. I think I should take the lead because this trail is worth a lot of marks and I want it done right.â€


Sandry could feel Opal stiffen next to her again and she glanced over at her roommate with a grim and annoyed look on her face. Opal looked ready to explode she thought, and with a slight nod of her head she handed the lead on this argument into Opal’s capable hands and returned to her book trying to calm the anger burning in her.


Opal cut the other novice off before she could continue her degrading comments, "I don't see why YOU should take the lead here. I know quite a bit about the law myself, so does Sandry she's a lord's daughter. Anyway, we are all assigned this we should work together. I'm not going to let you take all the credit for MY hard work!" Upon hearing herself referred to as a lord’s daughter she glanced up at Opal with a warning look; she didn’t need everyone pestering her and judging her because of her families connections, but Opal’s attention was all focused on the other novice.


As she trained her eyes on Zeveria again she nearly laughed at the glare the other woman was trying to pin her down with, the woman really had no idea who she was dealing with, her glare had nothing on the glare of a Commander of the Children of the Light. "Look here sister, I don't know about you, but the only education I got was on my own. I work hard and expect others to work hard as well. If you don't like taking a little direction that’s not my problem. Deal with it!"


As Zeveria finger poked at Opal, Sandry rose and reached out quickly with a hand callused from years at a bow string and grabbed the other girls wrist in a firm grip turning her attention away from Opal. “If you want people to accept your leadership then you would be wise to temper your words and feelings in such a way that is fitting to a situation.†She moved around the short table still holding the girl’s wrist in a strong grip her rough fingers feeling the other girls pulse clearly. “Neither Opal nor I have a problem with hard work, but we do not like being accused of being nattering goodwives.†As she reached the taller woman’s side she stood lightly on the balls feet; she finally released the other girl’s wrist when she stood in front of Zeveria.


She could feel Opal’s gaze on her back, but she did not look back at her roommate but coolly meet Zeveria’s angry gaze and rested her hand on her hip where her quiver and dagger had once rested. When the other girl did not respond at first Sandry had to fight with her anger for a moment before continuing, cold fury burning in her bright blue eyes. Taking a deep breath she leaned her back slightly against the table forcing her hand away from her hip to rest behind her on the table. “Have we made ourselves plain to you? Neither of us have found you to be worthy of any difference. Perhaps you should sit down and we can all decide how best to settle this dispute.†She spit the word dispute out meaning all of the double meaning that could be included.

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Guest nephitess

IC: Looking at Sandry's hand with disgust, Zeveria turned her look back to her. The knives she had in her eyes, must have made the other woman nervous because she let go and stepped back. listening to what she had to say changed her mind. This girl could be my little sister she thought, what right has she to lecture me. I have been here longer and have earned the right to leadership, I should not have to explain myself.


Things were not going her way. She was losing control and did not know how to deal with it. All her life she had been very independent and took care of herself. Having to take care of herself these last 8 years was not something to sneeze at. but these two did not know that. She would have control of this situation!! stepping back mentally and physically, Zeveria addressed the two before her.


"though I find it ironic that we are arguing over a law assignment." she said with a cold laugh "I do not find it funny that you have wasted my time. thank you."


looking at the time and picking up her books she said.." now that our time is up, I must go. I have chores to attend too. we will have to meet again. let me know when you feel you can work."


giving them one more look to let them know she meant what she said she turned and she walked away with a stiff back.


OOC: So you guys, please feel free to plot our your revenge. LOL. let me know if you want to start an other thread for the pranks.


oh and Sandry, you've read the Circle of Magic haven't you?? my roomate got me reading the first one, Sandry's Book. good fun. :)

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