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Hi all... might call me a creator of sorts...


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Hey everybody. I haven't been on dragonmount in a long time... i forgot my information or if I even had an account... but I've got a new email, pseudonym, and am on a roll in getting back on my feet after being... well... hurt for a long long time. I got hurt in Iraq... blown up twice... stack of steel falling on my heads... getting jumped by 11 marines that were "Playing" and caused an aneurism... dozens of other injuries... and then left emotionally bankrupt and alone for a number of years. Well... 3 failed marriages later, and 3 children that I dont get to see unless their mothers approve of my presence... well... I've just lost all sense of give a darn... grr... darn... just doesnt have the same kick as the word I want... to use. But, well, I digress. I am physically injured, mentally defunct, and a melange mix of genius and insanity all rolled up into one... with a mental disorder that quite technically... does... not... exist. However... I am one HELL of a writer. I am one HELL of a Robert Jordan fan... and... I, being 100% medically disabled... and as such retired from my former craft of war... wish to extend a hearty hello... in love, respect, and adoration... to you good people. Your support of Robert Jordan... and his Loving wife... led to the succession... and soon to be completion... of a master's work of art... that has intrigued me so much over the years because of it's messages... in the form of logical equasions and expressions... representations of pure thought and understanding... epiphanal and whole... and... well... for lack of a better word... PAINTED WITH WORDS... without those words... I would not be the man I am today... I would not be alive. When no one could teach me how to live right... and just... and upright in a cruel and tilted world... his words... were inspiration for me to not only continue living... but to continue loving. I started a facebook fan page, in honor to Mr. Jordan. If it's requested, I'll take it down... but so far... I've written a few things, that yours... is the only audience... that could possibly... understand... how deeply this man has affected us all. This is my Tribute... to Robert Jordan. I offer my writings to you all freely, to use, and benefit from as you will, in whatever way you choose. I am not writing for myself. I am writing... to offer my writing... to you.



Scotty Camara


This is the link to the fan page, its on facebook.




don't know how to beg for your scrutiny... so I'll just ask with open honesty, and endearment...




"Bloody farmhouse ashes and bigotry... go check it out... and do a damn good job of it while you're there. I'd like... to have some motivation to continue writing. This is a world I know well. I just wrote the next things in this chatbox, imagine if you would... In the form of freeform poetic prose, the supposition made by Ishamael before the Aes Sedai, to bore into the seal. Imagine... IF... Ishamael... all along... has been, both creator and dark one... in the cycle... and lews therin... was also the creator and the dark one... and the two are 1... in the beginning... and the end.... of the wheel of time... and in the center, when they find balance... is peace. This is my mindset, and the way I view the limitless possibilities for the future of the wheel of time, once the master work is completed... this is freeform... fluent... poetic prose... i am not going to hold back, as I want your honest opinions... Thanks in advance.



"Even if an enemy approaches as a friend, let the enemy in and make him think youre his best buddy. Either way, you gain FULL loyalty... For if you gain his friendship... and talk him completely dry of mundanity... all that is left to think about for him.... is his plan of attack... and then... over time... one can not only prepare that attack in full... or... one can form a defense... or any other machination conceivable. In any case... keeping people close, and friendly... kills your enemy... and once your enemies realise this... they cease being enemies. A man... who plays chess with his life... with love in his heart... and pain in his flesh... is a living sacrifice... and all men are capable of this feat of power... they are called... the destitute, barren, soulless, misbegotten, woeful, sorrowful, and strife filled. None will pass the threads of time... without first being chopped infinitely by the pattern. In this way... our return to ashes, may yet propose to bring about a new era of innocent... peace.... and prosperity." - Scotty Camara... just random thoughts.


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