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Hello Freelanders


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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to speak to wolves?

To have improved senses?

Have you ever wanted to explore the realm of Tel’aran’rhiod?


If you’ve said yes to any of these you may want to consider writing a wolfkin character. There are lots of opportunities in the works for those that join us and there’s even a staff position available for those that prove themselves. We also have a few Talents available for any interested parties, such as Uncommon Luck and Sniffing(such as what Hurin does in the books). We are a growing division and would love to see some of you talented writers come and join us. Any questions, please feel free to pm or email me. Or you can catch me on msn, I’m on there most of the time.

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Hmm is this considered bribery? One WS point for making another char? Does this mean that there is no limit to how many characters you make and RP?? This has potential, but we will have to wait and see what the verdict is *impish grin* how much trouble are you two willing to take on



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As Shawn said, the limit is one character per div. With exception to the FL though, you can have one seafolk, one Ogier, then one character of any other type. And the WS boost will only apply to one of those chars, not all three :P I think of it as incentive as opposed to bribery.


No worries Shawn :)

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