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Character Name - Addison Andres Séaghda



Email address – hingstman@gmail.com



Division – Seanchan (Exotics Handler)



Physical Description – Addison is as tall as his father, reaching an impressive 6'4". Like his father he seems to think this height is quite unsuitable for a lad of his standing, so his shoulders droop in a way that is supposed to make him look smaller. His hair would have been wavy and ashblonde like his mothers if he didn't keep it cropped short. His eyes are skyblue, a trait that he shares with neither of his parents, but one he does share with his only living grandfather. He has a fairly athletic build from working around the exotics stables his entire life, and training to become a morat himself. He has a scar on the right side of his lower ribs from a nasty encounter with a Corlm. All in all he'd be a good-looking man, if not for the seemingly perpetual worried frown in his face.



Place of Birth/Raising – Seandar



Character History –




"Come on Rylen… this is a bad idea, and you know it. I'm going to leave you here all by yourself, you hear me?" Addison hissed, which was more of a low rumble than an actual hiss in his case. His long time friend waved his worries away, a look of mischief on his face. A look that meant trouble. Addison imagined having to explain his presence in the Corlm stables to his mother. Petite as she might be, especially when compared to him, she was a fierce woman to deal with when angered. And Addison was getting more and more convinced that she would definitely be furious. "Stop worrying you big oaf." Rylen whispered. Addison snorted. He was one to talk. Even if he did get caught, which was not likely because he was like the commander of sneaking around, people would excuse him because he showed so much potential. Everyone always talked about how good he'd be on a Raken. Addison grit his teeth. They never said those kinds of things about him. Maybe that was because he hadn't picked an animal to handle yet…




He was distracted from his musings by a nudge from Rylen. "Time to go." He said, mirth clear on his voice. Addison couldn't help but snigger to himself. It really was going to be a good prank. He could just imagine an entire squadron of Morat'Corlm falling from their corlm's because their saddlestraps had been slashed through. Silently the pair snuck to the end of the stables, where the saddles were stored. The Corlms they passed threw themselves against the gates of their boxes, eager to get out and tear the two intruders to bits. "Nasty…" Addison muttered. He'd already decided he was never going to become a Morat'Corlm.




Just a few more yards and they'd be at the storeroom. Addison could hear his friend giggle, something the shorter boy would never admit to if Addison confronted him with it later. "this is going to be gre…" He was interrupted by a sound at their back. An instant reflex saved Addison, as he managed to leap aside as a loose corlm stormed at them, screeching and generally looking as if it was out for their blood. Despite his training, Rylen was nailed to the ground. "No!" Addison shouted as the Corlm didn't waste time in tearing into his friend. Distracted by his shout the beast turned to him, quite intent on killing both the intruders, it leapt at Addison. A sharp pain pierced his side and he passed out.




When he woke again he was lying on the floor of the stable, with someone pressing a cloth to his side. "Stupid kids…" he heard someone mutter. He glanced aside and saw what was left of Rylen, covered by a sheet. A few yards away a lieutenant was raging about something. Addison didn't get it. "The Corlm that escaped was his favourite." The man at his side explained. "And this is the third time it managed to injure someone, even if this is the first fatal accident. They're going to put it down, and he doesn't like it." Addison sighed, thinking of what his mother would say of this. He'd managed to let his best friend die, and get on the wrong foot with an important Morat'Corlm all in the same stupid attempt to be funny. She wouldn't be happy with him at all.




As it turned out, he was right. His mother was more than a little upset when she heard about the events, but a look at her son in bandages triggered her maternal instincts. The verbal thrashing he received for it was postponed until after Rylen's burial, and after his wound had healed somewhat. After the loss of his father, it had been up to her to raise him, and she had always feared that he would get out of control. Addison promised to work even harder. A year later he enrolled with the training program for exotics handlers. Even though he was still a little young, his mother's reputation as a der'morat'lopar guaranteed that he got accepted as soon as he felt he was ready for it.

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