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Nynaeve's persistence with healing everything


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My thoughts on death. Death is normally thought of as the brain no longer functioning. No longer telling the lungs to breath or the heart to beat. Death is actually much more than that. Death, the word means seperation. We have assigned this specifically and sometimes exclusively to seperation of body and soul.

In dealing with the DO we need to remember he is deity. The parallels to scripture is obvious. Mathew 10:28 we are told not to fear those who kill the body but fear Him who able to destroy both soul and body. If the DO is a satan paraell then we should assume from this alone, not including not a few other references in the sereies, the DO has power to wound or kill the soul. Also it seems He also has power to manipulate the soul, rip from body snatch from Randland purgatory. We are also told in 1 Peter 5:8 the devel walks the earth seeking whome he may devour.

In conclusion, I feel the "death" Rand has to die will not be so simple as the braindeath most folks think about when we think of death. Also I don't think most folks realize how powerful the DO is.


Reading a question to RJ on how the Nym were "created", if the Nym had souls and if Trollocks have Souls, and how those are reincarnated?

He say that Nym indeed have souls but that theya re not "Nym souls", but just random souls borrowed from the big pool of souls in the world.


Q: How does the idea of souls apply to constructs such as Nym and Trollocs? Could either of them be reborn?

RJ: To whoever put this one forward, this is one of the best questions I've ever gotten! Nym and Trollocs both have souls, and either could be reborn, but since Nym were a pure construct (i.e. each of them was individually made, like hand-crafting) a Nym would not be reborn as a Nym. You might say that a Nym's soul was borrowed temporarily from the supply of souls awaiting rebirth. [...]

So, we know that in the AoL they could put a soul into a body, even if it was just a random soul and into a specially created construct such as the Nym..


So, in a way, it have been done.

Just not specific souls into "normal" bodies.


EDIT: Reading the actually quote again, I have doubts on how I first interpreted it.. Maybe I missunderstood that whole thing.

Are there Nym-souls or are the nym souls "normal" souls? =S


Theres no such thing as a Nym soul. When a Nym is made they dip into the pool of dead folk and put one into the Nym.


@horseman, I agree most people dont realise how powerful the Dark One is, sadly I doubt we will ever see just how strong he is, other than him being about to crush Rand til Fain pops up.


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