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City of Heroes


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I have filled my quota of online games, adding one more would probably result in me getting fired, and we can't have that, me thinks.

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Guest Emperor

Paityr.. Seggie plays this game almost non stop. I would msg him and ask what his handle is. I don't play games on the PC. That is so... yesterday.

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Guest Karana Majin

I played that, like, two years ago? Welcome to 2004, beeyotch.


It was pretty fun, for a while, but then I got totally bored. Making characters was the best part.


Here are some old screenshots of my favorite characters...


It's he smile, with this guy... http://home.carolina.rr.com/mfabian/gruns/mrcheese.jpg


This guy, you can totally see where the name came from... http://home.carolina.rr.com/mfabian/gruns/fightingamish.jpg




And the best of all...



I've played a shitload of MMORPGs in my day. EQ, Dark Age of Camelot (to level 50, only one I made it in), City of Heroes, EQ 2, Dungeons and Dragons Online... DAoC and EQ2 were my favorites.

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