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Join in the fun of the Green Ajah Samhain Event (Oct 25-31)


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The Green Ajah is proud to announce


The Annual Samhain and


Bonded Appreciation Event


hosted at the Green Ajah Boards!




Please come join us on the Green Ajah boards as we honour those who are no longer among us and those who mean the most to us.





Links to the Samhain/Bonded events:


Remembrance thread - Come in and quietly honour those who are no longer in your life. Leave a token and a quick story, if you wish, about who you are thinking of, but try not to disturb others who have come to reflect on their loved ones on the other side.



Fortune Teller - Ask Yes and No questions to learn what is in store for your upcoming year, if you dare!



Match the Green Bondeds Game - How well do you know the Green Ajah Bondeds? Come see if you can guess the pairs and win the prize!



Get Dressed Up! - Feeling festive enough to advertise? Grab a Samhain Siggy to wear here!


That's all of them folks! Come get in on the fun at the Green Ajah!

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