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Taluka's G'day BotRH Party


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Tal nodded in satisfaction as she looked around at her handy work. She thought the hot pink and black streamers fit in nicely with the muddy brown exterior of the yard. She had been away for a long time and barely recognised the faces she saw about the place but the few she did were good friends. She giggled to herself as she remembered the fun and shenanigans they used to get up to and hoped she could fit right back in again. Things had changed in her life too, a mother of 2 and studying education among many, she hoped she could keep up with everything! As she waited for her first guests to arrive she sipped an ice cold bandy and relaxed, reminiscing on days gone by...

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*wanders in to the yard, stops in shock and looks at the decorations* mmm looks like theres a party going on round here *looks round for the partiers and the drinks*


*sneaks in and deposits some forbidden and illegal MG brew which he's been saving*


Ooo I like the decorations there, Tal!


Wonder when ol' Dicey boy's gonna come flying in?!






And who brought the M-G Brew? *grabs and guzzles before it disappears*


*whistles innocently* :biggrin:


Hoofbeats sound and a large horse charges into the area... he stops suddenly sending dice flying straight at Tal! (happy h??) With a supreme effort he manages to turn the fly into a flying hug as he scoops Tal up in his arms!!


crashes against horus but keeps his lady safe



"Taluka!!! where the bloody hell you been?" he says in his best lara bingle voice


Steals horries still mostly full mg brew, sculls looks at tal and grins "hehe the aussies are baaaccckkk!!!"


*Tal eyes the MG brew in Horus' hand longingly and is about to ask for a "sip" when an unknown force hits her from behind and slams her into Horus. Before she could say WTF? a voice which sounds suspiciously like Dicey doing his best Dame Edna impersonation cries out.*


I've been busy I guess LOL... Thanks for the warm welcome, I'm glad you like the decorations H and yes lets get the party started.... How we going to get this place pumping?


*Tal runs over to the refreshment table and downs a bandy* BELCHHH!!!! *looks embarrassed*


Muzak we needs Muzak! Hmmmmmm I think this is a good one to start. Rather Cav dontyareckon?


Riders On The Storm


*catches MG brew Dice throws her and savours the taste*


MMMmmmmmm I forgot how good they were! Yup we sho better finish these off before his Corkiness comes back!


*grabs another brew and sculls it*


So some more muzak....



Soo what's been going on in Band Land in my absence? It's been a bloody long time!


pulls a horseshoe off bunyan and throws it at tals muzak maker hits and changes the tune "NO ACCADACCA!!!! try some skyhooks instead"



Horror Movie



ok ive taken the link off cause somehow i put the actual clip here and i think jason would have draghkars


Skyhooks Dicey? Um ewwwwwwwwwwwwww


oh oh oh... um great news here had a dating scan today and I'm about 8/8.5wks preggers! Had a shaky start because they couldn't see anything on the earlier ultrasound but had a gorgeous "tadpole" and strong heartbeat today! You looking forward to a new sarm Dicey? *grins* Oh and Dicey and Horus, no posts on my fb wall please! xx


another sarm?? heads out to buy them a puter...


Congrats tal hun hugs carefully



dont like skyhooks?? well seeing as ive just come home from Choirboys, heart and def Leppard will on of them do??



Oh Dicey no no and no! I'm an avid Triple J fan, so I'm into my indy, alternate and folk. Oh and classic hard rock.


Thanks Dicey and DL we are sooooo relieved and soooo excited. We've been trying for this 3rd baby for over 2 years!


Sold out to who? They are still owned by the gub'ment (ABC).... Anyway I like that I don't have to listen to the pop mill churn outs on top 40... I hate that pus, they all sound the same and look the same to me. All originality has gone out the window.


LOL it's still a purely alternative and indy radio station it's just that most of the bands on it (not all) don't sell themselves out for mainstream radio and that's what I love about it. You are stuck in a timewarp Dicey! :biggrin:


WooooHooo!! Well done, Tal and congratulations!! You are really gonna have your hands for now.


*passes out brews to one and all*


Oh and non alcoholic brews for you now on, missy! :tongue:


I'm stoked for me too! Definitely unexpected after trying for so long and nothing happening, I was starting to get used to the idea of only having the 2 princesses!


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