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Red Ajah Autumn Fair - Siggy Contest!


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Welcome to the Red Ajah Autumn Fair Siggie Contest!



Come on out all your artists and graphics wielders. It’s time to show your stuff.


The theme this time will be “Autumn at the White Tower” This way we can wear the winning siggy even after the festival is over. :


Submissions will be open through 10/11. Voting will start on 10/12. The winner will get their very own award siggy, and the oohs and aahhs of graphics lovers here at DM> ^-^


*waves checkered flag* Go for it! ^-^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Poet, my love, I'm sorry I was LOA for my make-over. I'd have loved to participate in this :sad:


*gives Poet a miniture pocking stick* Go forth and poketh anyone you feel deserves the poke for being siggy slackers (pun on city slickers). If they complain, send them to me. :wink:

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