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Where is he?


That was the question Aran was asking himself as he wandered through the yards. The loud clack of lathes striking one another was one that Aran was normally oblivious to, but today it was distracting him as he looked about. As it was, the yards were packed for the moment, the busiest part of the day after lunch were most people spent their time training. Those who had been on graveyard shift had gotten at least a few hours, those on morning were often relieved by then, and everyone else that was awake and wasn't on duty would be there as well.


This didn't help. Corin Danveer wasn't a man who stood out terribly. Only a couple of inches taller than himself, brown hair was common as was keeping it short. Corin could have been a flashier person, it would have helped Aran pick the man out from amongst all those going through forms or sparring. Bastard swords weren't uncommon either, they were a nice marriage between a two handed sword and a smaller blade, they could easily be used with one or two hands and had a wide range of use.


Not that he knew the man well. They had shared guard duty a few times, but never really talked. He doubted the man approved of him, though Aran had no real way of knowing. But either way, he wanted to talk, he wanted to learn something more of Sirayn. This lad could prove to have information for him, or perhaps he would refuse to talk. That in itself would be information, so either way his time wouldn't be wasted at least.


There he is! Smiling to himself, he saw the man working forms near one of the fences. Thankfully there were no Accepted or Aes Sedai giggling over him to overhear their conversation, or anyone else close enough with the din of the lathes overhead. Wandering over, he took a seat on the fence, watching the man's bladework, and giving him a chance to be noticed. Smiling when he saw that Corin was too lost in his bladework or deliberately ignoring him, Aran waved at Corin as he called over to him.


"Hey Corin! Got a moment?"




Tower Guard

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Dampness connected him to the shirt on his torso; bound against his movements forcing him to push through the movements to ensure they were accurate and complete. Soon he could face the masters and prove himself worthy of the heron mark, Soon. A glint of sun light played off the blade as it flicked in front of him. At one time it would have mesmerized him with it's wicked cruel beauty. Designed for the purpose of life removal, it's form and flow offered a strange seductive grace; constantly moving glints of light marked it's invitation to dance. How his thoughts had changed over the years in the yard. When he had first arrived he had believed the sword a sign of power and honor, over the years other meanings took it's place until finally he understood what his previous mentor had meant when he called it a tool.


Steel and leather married together in a perfect balance to create a tool, that in the hands of a skilled workman could sing like the greatest of gleeman. His usual desire for isolation and time spent in meditation had been replaced of late with a small desire to train along the open edges of the yard. To be surrounded in the growing din of wooden lathes crashing together and the quick clinking of metal meeting metal in a dance of skill; normally a dance of death. He had in a way neglected his sword work for focus on the equally deadly game of tongues. But with his present situation regarding his teacher it was, if nothing else, and opportunity to advance the trade that the yard beat into it's trainees with military precision.


It also served another purpose; always now he saw alternate purposes with everything that happened. His view had changed on the world. Things did not just happen, always there was a reason for them. Dig deep enough, long enough and you always found a reason; always man's hand in things. The blade whispered softly to him as it flowed through the forms, caressed the surface of the void that held him. It bid him focus to it's cause, the way it moved and the desire it sought to fulfill. A natural extension of his body, it continued in constant movement, his feet following a swordsman's dance. He noticed the man separate from the group and move to sit on the fence near by. It was the risk you ran when training in the yard; least it was not a sister or a giggling white clad girl. The girls could have their attention redirected with a stern look the later ... well. Little if anything could be done to change their persuasion once they had there mind set to something. They could be more stubborn then a fool mule really.


Pivoting Corin continued his movement through Arc of the Moon; carrying his body with it's rotation to put the newcomer just inside his peripheral vision but not in direct line of sight. With luck the man would move on. He had too much already on his mind to work through at this time. The last thing he needed was further problems and issues rising from a conversation he was not interested in. Though the man did seem slightly familiar. Another guard for sure, possible one he had exchanged shifts with in the past. His name eluded him at the moment but the way he continued to watch Corin did not go unnoticed. It appeared the man was interested in something Corin must posses as his patience continued to hold him to the fence while Corin extended the workout he had originally planned.


The longer a person sat the greater the information they sought; more his teacher had taught him in those quiet isolated lesson. “Hey Corin! Got a moment?†the voice indicated that patience was done, or he had tired from their little game and wanted to get on with his business. Sighing internally Corin relinquished himself to the fact there would be no escape from conversation today and slipped through two more forms before ending with “Folding the Fan†facing his latest challenge. What happened to the simple life of swords and fists? The though was fleeting as he addressed the man, keeping his voice light while he worked to slow his breathing from the workout. “It appears you have more then a moment so the least I can offer is a moment. What is it I can do for you Aran?†His mind drawing the name up as recollection finally took hold.

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Smiling as the man walked over, Aran couldn't help but notice the man actually looked disappointed that he'd been interrupted. There was something wrong with that, training was the sort of thing one hoped to have interrupted so you could have a break. Then again, maybe Corin didn't approve of him, he still didn't know one way or the other on that for certain. All it would mean was that it'd be that much more challenging to charm some information out of him.


Corin's words were almost formal, that probably had something to do with Sirayn. Rosheen had said that Corin was a nice guy, but he was wrapped around the woman's finger. Cairhienin word games didn't appeal to Aran, in Foregate different games were played altogether. It would be much easier to simply push forward and put things out in the open, and Aran saw no reason to lie about his intentions to Corin anyway. That and the man would most likely tell Sirayn about their meeting if he was as thoroughly wrapped as Rosheen had indicated.


"Oh I'd just like to talk to you about someone. Sirayn Sedai of the Green Ajah, I believe you know her." The look Aran received told him that he should probably be careful about how he proceeded, but he disregarded the thought. Corin would be more suspicious of care than if Aran spoke openly. "I had a run in with her awhile back, and I suspect I may again in the future. I don't really know anything about her, and I'm told that you know her. I was wondering what you could tell me about her? All I know really is that she is a Green Sister and that she is from Cairhien like myself."




Tower Guard


OOC: Sorry about how long this took, Nanowrimo has been taking its toll.

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The man was bold in his out right indication of the purpose he sought out Corin for. Protective thoughts we the immediate reply of his mind, a hint of their desire flashing in eyes before schooling replaced them with a steady calmness once more. Some how she had gotten herself in the forefront of others interest again. For a woman that spent so much time emphasizing discretion she certainly seemed to have perhaps misplaced that lesson for herself of late. At one time Corin had thought Sirayn might still be testing him. But the feeling was fleeting and her continued distance negated the thought she would have any care as to his position on things. Still whether she believed him of worth or not he had made a private covenant with her and would hold true to that.


“Sirayn of the green you say,†his hand came up to rub at his chin. “Indeed you have been correctly informed, I do know of her.†It was pointless at this state to try and deny his knowledge or occasional meetings with her. Too many eyes and questions followed those to give any lie to the contrary weight. It would only serve to raise further questions as to what he was protecting. “A run in you say;†he leaned on the fence next to Aran, “interesting choice of words.†A small relaxed smile settled on his face as he continued to look out over the yard. “You really must tell me about it; not often someone uses those words in relation to Sirayn Sedai. As for your inquiry about her,†he shrugged slightly “I can only tell you what I know. What is it that you seek specifically? You already know she is a green and of Cairhien decent, perhaps if you told me what it is you seek I could add additional light to your cause. At the very least perhaps I can point you in the right direction for those answers.â€


This one did not seem to be interested in the usual game of words from his heritage. Odd that Aran would choose a path different from that which he could have gained great skill in while growing up. But then perhaps that was part of the whole game with this one; appear like everything is out front and watch what is not said or covered over. Complications, always with Sirayn there were complications. Even after so long a period away from her she still caused him no end of grief. Why can I not walk away from you?


OOC: No problem. As you have time. :)

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Corin was stalling, that much became apparent to Aran immediately. People rarely said 'you say' twice in the same spiel. In fact, Aran had the distinct feeling that attempts to get information from Corin were going to be like pulling teeth from a mule. Or maybe he was just being overly pessimistic, really there was nothing to be lost by talking to Corin, he could only gain. Even if he didn't talk, that would tell him enough about the man right there.


The man was also quick to dig about in turn, there was no point in lying about it. Laughing, Aran threw his hands up in the air. "I need to know why she doesn't trust me. I've been nothing but nice to her, but she's quick to take umbrage when there is no need to. She's also been a bit irrational but look, I'll go to the beginning of it all so you can understand."


Aran knew he had Corin's attention now. He just hoped that the man would be kind enough to empathise and reciprocate in turn. "She came to have a chat with me sometime ago, and amongst topics the issue of bladework came up. Now, I know that she was sensitive about her lost hand before when she used to hide it with the lace. But, she is fairly open about it now so I assumed that she's probably over the worst of it now. So I make note of the fact that she doesn't come down to train anymore."


Leaning a bit closer to Corin, Aran continued. "Now, she evades for a bit, but eventually says that she doesn't train because she doesn't have her swordhand. I point out she has another hand she could use to train with and she could easily regain her old skill with time. She gets cranky, then after a bit all but outright says I'm untrustworthy."


"Now don't get me wrong, I'm aware that I'm not exactly reputable." Aran grinned before continuing. "But she seems more suspicious of people than most sisters. I'm curious as to why, so perhaps I could gain a little trust. Especially when I have to deal with her in the future, I need to know topics I shouldn't stray onto and why I shouldn't. Rumour has it that you got a raw deal from her, so I'm hoping you can show me where not to misstep."


Aran paused before adding. "She really does need to take up swordwork again though. That one I'll probably misstep with regardless."




Tower Guard

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Corin listened with half veiled interest as Aran went about his reasoning for their meeting. The man had an interesting way of approaching a subject, one that was less then delicate after hearing him talk about Sirayn's missing hand. Subconsciously he flexed his own left while Aran talked, indeed she was all to cautious about retraining and needed to get back to the art of the blade. With time her right could serve her as well if not better then the missing left. This Aran could prove to be an interesting additive to future requirements as they unfold; one just had to figure out what method would work to guide him.


His comments about not being reputable got a raised brow glance from Corin over his shoulder. Reputable could be forgone under certain situations. But with Sirayn it would be a hot point of contention in deed. That brought him back to the whole purpose of this little interruption. What was it Sirayn had enlisted this fellow for? As he finished Corin let the silence between them stretch for a moment; his head nodding in affirmation. “It would seem on that Aran we are in agreement.â€


There seemed to be little room to dance here without raising suspicion of one level or another. “You are either very brave Aran or very foolish. That I have yet to determine, but I give you credit for having the guts to press the hand issue with her. Most would avoid it for easier pastures,†he offered the man a simple smile. “Being that you have already committed to the idea of misstepping on the sword work which inevitably brings up the missing hand. I will spare you on the obvious sensitivity she still holds to it ... from what I know of course;†a simple shrug as he turned attention toward the yard though his eyes itched to climb the white spires toward the green's quarters.


“Aes Sedai I have found are all suspicious buy nature. I am not sure what it is they do to those in white but by the time they reach the shawl it is more ingrained in them then breathing. A shame they do not trust those of us sworn to their safety don't you think?†Whether the man nodded or did not Corin paid little attention the question was more for himself in a way. “Still I would agree with your analysis that Sirayn Sedai is one who has a rather strong suspicious nature.†Strong is a mild term for her. How she could believe that I would ever be able to hurt her I still don't understand. Turning to look at Aran again Corin continued with his steady measured pace. “The only one Sirayn is not suspicious of is herself; though many will debate even that fact. I would suggest that you keep to civilities and not traditional chivalry. She does seem to have a disdain for that.â€


Pausing for a moment as if in thought he watched Aran's face for and indication of his motives; studied his eyes. Corin had long since found a comfort in the study of another's eyes. “Perhaps if you could give me an idea of what these future dealings entail I could better assist you.â€

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Corin was playing his games, but Aran was quickly growing tired of them. He had played along so far, letting himself be led about by Corin's questioning. Not that he hadn't learned from it, he'd learned that Sirayn had clearly taken Corin underwing at some point and taught him some of the finer aspects of the word games that were both a national pastime and sport of Cairhien. Sirayn had clearly worked her magick on him all too well, she trusted him. Or had, she was short of trust for those about her.


Aran had also caught Corin's curiosity with what he had revealed so far, that much he was certain of. Now it was time to see whether Corin was willing to give to learn more. Smiling at the man, Aran's tone was entirely pleasant as he spoke. "I think not."


The man's face barely flickered, but Aran gave it a moment regardless before speaking again. "She has left her mark on you. I was told you were from Ghealdan but its with a Cairhienin tongue you speak. I could indulge it, but I think we're beyond such games now. From the moment we began talking, you've been steering the conversation to try and learn as much as you can without giving anything. Thats not really in the spirit of good faith now is it?"


"But, here is how it is. I've told you of my past dealing with her, now its your turn to tell me of your past dealings with her. If you give with an open hand, then I shall tell you of my future dealings with her. Something I'm already inclined to do considering you agree with me about her taking up the sword again, and I suspect you don't have any ill will towards her. But I'd like to know more first, as you would if you were in my position."


Smiling easily, Aran leaned back as he stretched. He could almost hear the gears of those strange inventions from the Academy of the Rose in Cairhien turning in Corin's head. He was weighing up whether it was worth it or not for certain. An assurance that he meant no harm would do little good, so Aran grinned instead as he spoke up once more. "Come now Corin, either you're going to start offering answers or I'm going to have to get them elsewhere."




Tower Guard

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Corin chuckled deeply at Aran’s comments and indications. “Indeed it seems you have done your homework ahead of time Aran. Though you truly have not told me of your past dealings have you?†He could see the response on Aran’s face before his mouth started to open. “ No. Come now Aran, you want this to be open with out your native heritage games then be that way completely. I am not one to be baited so easy as that. What you offered was an indication of a brief chat. For you to have so much interest in, watching your steps, as you put it; there has to be more history then a simple chat.â€


Shaking his head he turned to lean on folded arms, “you are an interesting person Aran. I do believe I will have to have a look into your past as you have in mine. After all you do seem to have me at a disadvantage. But that being said perhaps we can see how truly open you want this game to be. I could easily state that I have been invited to have conversations with Sirayn as you have mentioned about yourself. But that really would not satisfy you would it.†He waited for the affirming nod from Aran, the man wore the strangest grin.


“So in this spirit of good faith as you put it and have brought into this conversation of ours. I will indulge you to see if you hold to your word.†He let the pause between them stretch out again. It had taken time to learn how effective these blank spaces could be. “You are correct about the assistance in learning your heritage sport and game of words. I approached Sirayn during my training; had been told she was the local master of your Daes Dae’mar. I had an intrigue in it after studies of your lands tactical strategies.†He shook his head slightly with a smile, “and you are right about her trust level. I was warned before seeking her out that it would not be as simple as just asking her. Indeed I practically had to set up a formal audience with her. But eventually she agreed to assist me in the basics. Whether it was in pity or in curiosity that she agreed did not matter. The fact that I had a chance to gain a further understanding was all that I cared about.â€


It was now Corin’s turn to smile easily at Aran as he leaned leisurely on the fence, “so dear friend, I am all ears.â€

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As Corin finished, Aran couldn't help but feel he was still being stalled. Of course he wasn't going to mention the specifics of the chat, there was something very specific Sirayn hadn't wanted mentioned. If he hadn't told Aramina despite her asking, he certainly wasn't going to tell Corin if he could help it. But, there were other was to explain the situation to Corin, and to explain his interest. Enough so to satisfy Corin without letting that particular bit of information loose.


"I think the spirit of friendship at this point may be aided by spirits and more spirits. Perhaps a private room at one of the inns would help as well, if you'd care to join me of course?" A nod of assent and a few minutes for the pair to get changed, and they were both headed into Tar Valon. Aran sometimes found that inns and their names blurred together, and this was one of those occasions. Yet nevertheless, he knew it was the one he was after.


A modest place, it could be rowdy during the night but for now it was simply occupied as people were taking breaks. Getting a small and quiet room to themselves, it wasn't long before they had drinks and bottles for refills infront of them. Reaching behind himself to the wall as they were left alone, Aran tapped the wood, no sound was getting through that.


Lifting his mug, Aran grinned as he offered a toast. "To the spirit of friendship." Draining his mug, Aran sat it back down as he began refilling. It was an unspoken thing to finish one's drink if the other person did, and it would quickly become apparent if Corin was doing so or not so Aran didn't bother to check Corin's mug. The advantage of refilling their own from bottles.


"I have met her twice before. Once was at Deneira's raising to the Tower Guard, she was the Aes Sedai for the ceremony while I was the Tower Guard because I had been Deneira's mentor for the last of her training. When I saw Sirayn then, she hid her lost hand with a good deal of lace. Spoke with her only briefly before and afterwards."


"The second time... Look, there have been rumours about me and Aramina of late. She wanted to talk about Aramina and as you can understand, I therefore didn't and I noticed that she no longer hid her missing hand so I asked her about the bladework."


"Thats when it went somewhat downhill, as you can guess. I might have possibly told her that her not to be so cranky while I was at it." Laughing at the look that got from Corin, Aran shrugged. "What? She was being cranky. At anyrate, the conversation wound up shortly after that. But the bladework issue interested me."


"See." Aran took a sip from his mug before continuing. "I get along with Aramina, and I know that Aramina looks up to Sirayn. I trust Aramina's judge of character, and to be honest I don't like the way Sirayn seems to think of herself as an incapable cripple. Even if she's no longer hiding that stump, she's still got problems with it. Seeing as pointing out the obvious fact she still has a free hand to use a blade doesn't seem like it will work, she needs to be convinced to do the right thing."


Smiling as he saw that last sentence hit Corin, Aran held up his mug to Corin who raised his in turn. "To putting all the cards on the table." Tossing back his mug, Aran made sure not to close his eyes as he drank just to make sure Corin was drinking his share. Setting his mug down, Aran began to refill again as he spoke. "Your turn now, this time more detail."




Tower Guard

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Although Corin for the most part avoided conversations based on the clouded mind of ale, he felt this time there maybe enough gain to warrant the risk. A risk greatly brought to the fore front as Aran made short order of his first drink. In the pretense these talks were being played under Corin matched him in his first as was traditional in the region. But if the man kept the pace the conversation may become short as Corin had a limit he was willing to follow the man for what might be gleaned. Tipping the bottle to refill the now empty mug in front of him he offered Aran a smile and nod to get him started.


Corin had to hand it to Aran on on thing, the man truly knew no fear if he was as candid as he stated he had been in conversation with Sirayn; had been and lived to tell about it that is. Any time Corin even got close to the idea of open honest candidness in a conversation he was more then put back in line; be it by scathing tongue or raised brow. The interesting part was a name he had not expected mentioned in their chat. Sure he had stumbled on the rumor while identifying her but still, when an opportunity presented it self, only a fool closed the door.


The man certainly seemed to like his drink as the second mug finished and was quickly replaced. Already Corin was pondering if this had truly been the right move. He would soon have to slow the pace if heads were to remain with a modicum of clarity. “More details is it now? You have an interesting way of working things,†he tipped his mug to Aran and brought it up. But only sipped it unlike the last two rounds his opponent had run and noted the disappointment flash over Aran's face as the mug came back to the table with only a slight difference to it's level.


“Well, from my own personal experience I can tell you that if Sirayn believes you have information she deems of interest. Then no matter how well you think you can play at games and hid things you end up sadly mistaken. She has had years beyond us to perfect that skill and has the precision of an expert marksman.†He rolled his mug between his hands, eyes locked on the rim. But his minds eye watched Aran in his peripheral vision. “I too have mentioned a time or two about the ability to learn with the right; offered to even guide her myself in private so no one would know if she preferred. But for my troubles I found myself with extra tours on the wall when the duty schedule came out. It was then that I learned to limit the amount of push a guard can place on an Aes Sedai and the friends they carry in high places. Be that Sirayn or another, weighed and measured they all truly come from the same mold.â€


Taking a moment to draw a deep pull form his mug Corin brought his eyes up to met the man opposite him. “Your Aramina is another of those. I have conversed with her as well and find it interesting you bring both Sirayn and Aramina up together. Between them is a dangerous place to be if you are not careful.†His fingers played idly on the mug's surface as the conversation continued. “That young lase is another that likes to play at games, though I am sure you already know that. Tell me friend how are things between you two, I'm sure it was no coincidence that you were away at the same time recently. She intrigues me, not many will out right refuse to offer their name in conversation the first time.†Making pleasant note of the look that Aran offered before raising his mug Corin settled in to the dance once more. “I believe it is your turn again and we really must stick to the plan; more details.â€

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Aran listened quietly as Corin spoke of Sirayn Sedai. Capable, resilient, more than willing to use her connections to punish those who she felt were stepping out of line. Except given the way Corin spoke of her along with his own experiences he had to wonder if she allowed those around her any will of their own at all. He knew that when he had pushed the topic she had clammed shut, clearly Aran would need to be on his toes when he pushed it further.


Which wasn't really a surprise. His trip to Cairhien had given him insight into more than Aramina, it had been a longshot but it had paid off, Sirayn was one of the Damodred. All noble houses were worth watching, and the scions of the Damodred doubly so. Such musing was cut short when Corin decided to stray over towards Aramina. That wasn't pertinent to the conversation, and Aran was here to learn about Sirayn, not about the woman he already knew plenty about. He also found himself wondering whether Corin was trying to hide more information, but maybe a few mugs would help solve that problem. He did chuckle when Corin mentioned that Aramina hadn't given her name, Aran had been given a different name altogether when they had met.


"Lets stay focused, if we wander onto Aramina we'll never get through Sirayn. Besides, you need to be able to keep with your mugs to ask about Aramina." Throwing back his third mug with the practiced ease of a regular drinker, Aran began pouring his fourth with an impudent grin as he spoke. "Now, I'm going to put something forward to you and most of it is going to be conjecture. Just lets see how I go with it, and you tell me at the end what you think."


Putting the bottle down, Aran's grin was easy as ever as he spoke. "Now Sirayn's talented at getting what she wants, she's incredibly defensive about her hand to the point she wants to ignore bladework. From this we may of course deduce that it shall be quite difficult to get her to take up the blade again."


"She can't be entreated, she can't be lured, and from what you've said she can't really be pushed into bladework either. But I'm going to go out on a limb here, you tried to push her using what she taught you no? If that much is true, then I do have a plan for us to remedy Sirayn's unwillingness. Yes? No? Perhaps?"




Tower Guard

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Watching the man across from him Corin was moderately offended and slightly agitated at the way the Aran tossed aside his request while downing yet more ale. Being less then a practiced drinker he had little doubt he would not be able to keep up with the man. That left him with the decision of how much he was willing to risk for the answers he wanted. Corin listen to Aran intently though it did not show from his expression or posture. But every word and phrase was carefully scrutinized and tidbits filed away for later use. All the while he replayed his own words back in his mind to ensure he had not allowed more then he wanted known and as a gauge to indicate what, if any, Aran added that might be new.


Pouring out his third mug he nodded to acknowledge that he was listening to Aran's depiction of the situation and the woman he would find away to be reunited with again. “Deduced that on your own did you,†sarcasm and the speed his tongue brought forth the words that were mean to remain thought; added to his agitation. He knew better then to allow any reaction, but what was done was done and there was no way to take it back now. Taking another log pull of the mug to keep his mouth from opening again he listened to Aran's final analysis of the situation. The man did have a pretty fair grasp of the hand situation, but how well did he truly understand the woman?


“Perhaps,†the word rolled slow and drawn out from his lips before he brought the mug up and drained it's contents. “I would not so much say I pushed her, I offered on a few occasions; made mention in passing perhaps. But I would not say I pushed her. You stated she clammed up when you tried to stress the point with her. Perhaps you gave up to quickly, perhaps she was at the breaking point and hence her decision to avoid further comment on the subject. As for what she has taught me, if it is your native game of words I would be a fool to sit to her table in that game. A student never beats a master unless they too become one. I assure you I am no master Aran, I know my limitation, well actually have had them beaten into me a few times. Somethings were always best left in the mind then put to another's ear by way of the tongue, including that last which remained unspoken.


“I am interested in the plan you believe may bring light to her eyes. All Aes Sedai should be able to defend themselves without the use of Saidar.†He could feel the hotness in his cheeks already; a gift from his father in regards to drink. It did not take much to bring on the outward appearance of flushed cheeks. “I am greatly disappointed however in your lack of dealing in good faith. I do not recall an agreement on limiting the conversation to just one person. You are the one interested in Sirayn and expect me to give you information on her. Yet when I ask about another who I am interested in you quickly pass it off as trivial. What is it you wish to hide about this Aramina? Do you have feelings other then simple duty to this woman? Or perhaps she has sworn you to secrecy in her service? I have kept my, mugs, as you put it, so why are you so adverse to discussing her?†To prove his point Corin took a long pull of the fourth mug before placing it back on the table, eyes on that of Aran's.

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Frowning as Corin made his speech and downed his fourth mug, Aran found himself slightly annoyed at the manner the man was taking with him. Taking his own mug which he'd filled while the man had spoken, Aran grinned at the man before downing it in a single go. Not one of his wisest ideas, the pair of them had been drinking quite quickly, but Aran had faith in his iron liver to see it through. Yes they hadn't specifically agreed to talk about just Sirayn, but the whole point of the conversation was her. Aramina didn't come into that, and as far as he was concerned she wouldn't because to involve her would jeapordise Aramina's standing with Sirayn, whatever it was.


Taking the bottle, Aran began refilling as he spoke with an easy grin. "If I were sworn to secrecy in her service I wouldn't exactly be able to say so now would I? Corin, I'm here talking to you about Sirayn because thats who I'm interested in helping. It isn't Aramina who is missing a hand and in need of motivation to take up a blade, its Sirayn. You can complain about that, but here is the thing. You're not helping me or doing me some favour by talking, you're helping Sirayn by talking to me. If you want to help her then I don't see the problem with talking about her instead of Aramina and barracks gossip. You do wish to help Sirayn, no?"


Setting the bottle down, Aran forced himself to take a sip of his sixth mug before setting it down. This was a rare occasion to be thankful for his ridiculous tolerance for alcohol thanks to his excessive drinking, it was all well and good for drinking games and moments like this but it usually bit deep into the coin to get himself decently drunk. Indecently drunk took even more. Either way, it was time to talk plans.


"He who can destroy a thing controls a thing. Sirayn's primary concern is her influence and reputation, if we can destroy these things, we control them and therefore we control her. If we control her, then we can compel her forward to training." This talk made Corin very silent, but Aran wasn't pausing for him as he plunged onward.


"While I don't know how Sirayn see's you, I'm fairly certain of how she see's me. Rude, undisciplined, unclear motives as she is incapable of accepting that people do things without a clear gain. As I'm going around and talking to people, I have no doubt that she is following my movements, maybe even talking to those I have spoken to to learn what questions I have been asking."


"We use these things to our advantage. But, for this to work we need something that gives us control over her reputation and influence. If you do not know something, then we must learn something. Something or perhaps several things combined with enough potential to coerce her and leave her with no other choice but to take up the blade again. With only that as our price, it then becomes an acceptable sacrifice on her part. That is our best option I think, what say you?"




Tower Guard

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A thick cotton fog was beginning to take hold of Corin's mind as Aran began his justification to avoid conversation based on Aramina. Thoughts began to muddle and blend slightly; caused a little more of his focus to be turned inward trying to keep them separated. Reasoning began to come slower and with more effort as he tried to plan how his next move would be. Dammit, why could I not have a higher tolerance for this? The thought adding to others that mixed and intertwined in his mind. He was feeling rather warm, too warm, why was it so blasted warm in the room? He picked up his mug to quench his thirst and stopped before his lips, no that's what started this whole feeling. The mug returned to the table and Corin kept his eyes on it to avoid Aran's.


The man had begun talking about destroying things, separation and isolation good things to destroy. Sirayn's name floated into the mixed mess of thoughts and plans in his mind, yes Sirayn, destroy to keep her safe. Destroy the past to remake the future ... future ... protect and covet ... destroy Seiaman ... Sirayn is mine. His thoughts drifted past with the alcohol induced fog that filled his mind. Bit's and pieces plucked from them to mix together and form new thoughts; void of order and sense. But even as the ale worked against him; tried to make him more pliable to his opponent sharpness honed on words that floated from the table. â€we control her,†ice filled his veins and an eerie silence fell over Corin. Eyes, once drawn inward returned to sharp clarity; focused on Aran.


His mind fought to grasp hold of the words and their meanings, to keep them from sliding through his fingers. Bloody ashes!! She's threatened and I can't keep my head clear! Thoughts to protect her, to alert her mixed with the rest. Guarded emotions, anger, love, betrayal, lose, all sank in the quagmire of ale that worked to break his focus. He willed a stern and separated expression to his face, but that control only resulted in a completely blank expression; edges removed by the drink. Filling his six mug he continued to listen to Aran's plan. He had little intention of drinking from it, but knew it would be a contentious issue if left empty on the table.


“You walk a very dangerous thin line Aran,†his words were quiet but lacked the heat and edge he wanted added. “From what you say of her opinion in regards to yourself this will have to be something very deep. She views me as a;†paused for a moment looking for the right set of words as his eyes looked inward again. “A tolerable messenger and convenient puppet for word games when she feels the mood.†Don't forget traitor, coward, and wretch unworthy of the time it would take to kill. The dark thoughts floated freely in his mind and helped to darken his mood further, both of which clarity of mind would have kept in check. “To destroy an Aes Sedai's reputation and control them through that destruction is very dangerous. To do that to someone with Sirayn's history and reputation is darn near suicidal. This would have to be something very deeply guarded, you understand that don't you? If she found out,†he began to shake his head and stopped quickly as the room seemed to move with it slightly .... “I don't even want to think on the consequences. But perhaps someone I know can supply that information. It will not be easy to get her to talk though ....†Corin cursed himself mentally for letting slip the source would be female. What was the matter with him, he was better then this, just have to get through the fog; have to find clarity again. Finger tips whitened slightly as he forced his hands to remain flat and open on the table, eyes still on the mug's edge. “Don't think the topic of Aramina has been swept under the table either.â€

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  • 2 weeks later...

He was dogged, Aran would give Corin that much. He seemed thoroughly determined to get information about Aramina out of him. Of course, he was also becoming thoroughly drunk as he had charged through his mugs far too quickly. In fact, Aran was willing to bet that with some more time that Corin would begin to approach the stage where he would not be able to keep up his line of questioning. In fact, if he strung him along a bit further to give the mugs a bit of time to settle in then he could probably take advantage of it.


Well, it wouldn't be taking advantage of necessarily. Corin wanted to help Sirayn as did Aran, but Corin was proving to be somewhat intractable. He kept hiding things, and Aran needed to know of them. The mention of a woman that could help certainly went a long way. It would also be nice of Corin didn't talk about it afterwards though that wouldn't make things unsaveable. In fact, Corin could go tell Sirayn the entire story that he had just told Corin and Sirayn would believe it was a deceit on his part simply to fool Corin for his own purposes. Such was the advantage of dealing with a woman who suspected the worst of everyone. Of course, if she didn't suspect the worst of everyone he probably wouldn't be obliged to take these measures.


"Lets be clear, we are not destroying Sirayn's reputation, we are threatening to. All of this is based on the threat, we're trying to help her, not hurt her. Light man, you really need to keep up with your mu-" A knock at the door. Turning to the door, Aran called for whoever it was to enter. Had someone come to see how they were? Or perhaps to see if they needed more drinks, drinks would definitely good. A couple more and Corin could even black out, and the rate he was going he wasn't going to be saying no to more.


“Aran, Darling!†a cheerful voice entered the room, soon followed by the appearance of Isabella Dantes. Dressed in red, all curves and lace, she was an impressive persona wherever she went. Aran didn’t seem too shocked by her physique though. She supposed he was used to her already. With a saucy smile for the other man in the room, Isabella sat down in Arans lap, and gave him a hearty smooch. “Why didn’t you send word that you were here? I would have sent entertainment up.†She ruffled his hair a bit. “Well, now that you are here, would you mind giving Brand a message from me?â€


Laughing as he saw who it was, Aran enthusiastically wrapped his arms around her as she helped herself to his lap and his lips. Still holding onto her as their lips parted, he had to look up in order to keep his eyes from her breasts, which was quite a feat all things said and done. Her hair once again had its red highlights and she seemed to be even more perky than usual. "I would have, maybe later but not if I'm going to be running a message for you. By the way, say hi to Corin here, he's one of the Tower Guard."


Isabella shifted in Aran’s lap, taking a good look at Corin. “Why, he’s a handsome one!†she exclaimed. “Is he taken? You should have brought him to the Lay of the Land much sooner, my girls would have taken to him. Would wipe that frown off his pretty face too.†She shifted again, getting a good look at Aran. “Darling, come back when you’ve delivered your message. I so enjoy our talks. But when this thing here with your Tower Guard friend is done, you have to tell Brand that I expect him here tonight, and sober. He’s of no use to me when he’s drunk.â€


Aran grinned at the last, he found her openness refreshing which was a reason why he liked to come by to the Lay of the Land when he could. They had some interesting chats, and he suspected the woman knew him a bit better than some people as a result, but she wasn't the sort to go blab such things either. "Oh, I suppose I could come by when the message is delivered and all. After all, I'm a terrible influence on those around me. I think thats why Vasya likes to send me out on missions where he can." Smiling, Aran patted her fondly as he added. "You won't be busy later, no?"


“No, not busy at all. Unless your friend here wants some company, in which case I might be very busy indeed.†She gave Aran another full lipped kiss, before getting out of his lap. “Well, I’ll let you two get back to whatever it was that has Corin frowning.†She walked up to Corin and pinched his cheek. “Do lighten up, Sweetheart, a smile would look so much better on you.†And with that said, Isabella danced out of the room.


Laughing at Isabella's last words, he watched her make her way out and didn't turn back to Corin until the door was closed. Brand was a lucky man, and he was a rare man for not being jealous either. Definitely very different from Corin who didn't seem to quite know what had just happened. Or maybe Aran just wasn't reading Corin's face correctly. "She's right you know, you do need to lighten up a bit. What? I'm not arguing with a woman as pretty as her."


Grinning, Aran decided to return them back to the earlier topic. "So, where were we? Thats right, you know someone who can help us. Who is she then? And what use is she? Like you noted, she will need to have some decent information to make her useful." Finishing his mug, Aran poured a seventh. All of his time spent off hours drinking in his company's commonroom or out in the town were holding him in good stead, after all he'd managed to hold his own with Rosheen and Lyv both trying to pry away at him when they'd been trying to dig and discover who he was. But that was then, Aran had weathered it well and he had managed to prove that 'liberal' drinking had many benefits for a Tower Guard.


Now it was Corin's turn.




Tower Guard


And our Guest Star:


Isabella Dantes

Proprieter of the Lay of the Land

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Anger seethed in the darkness of his mind; flared in the intermittent windows of clarity that pin pricked the alcoholic fog wanting to control his thoughts and desires. Still his thoughts came random and slightly disjointed; sought to find away to burn off that which the golden ale had begun in his head. Concentration was beginning to become more a focused effort, more so as Aran began on Sirayn again. The sudden interruption of the common room harlot did little to improve his mood. Broken and disjointed memories plucked from the mass of intertwined memories; a collage of images and thoughts, colors blending and contorting in eye jarring patterns. These lent to Aran' reputation with women and his believed purpose for them. Rumors were rumors but this scene before him did nothing to dispel them.


Isabella was a fine and shapely woman; would have gained the eye of most men; her soft and sultry voice tried to worm into his mind and draw his focus but in his present state Corin latched on to his anger instead. Her smile and the twinkling dance of light that played over her hair, the red highlights set to shimmer, and lit a sparkle in her eye all designed to draw the unwary in. Corin feed the anger seething within, kept his focus on Aran even as she rose; her soft fingers collecting a measure of his cheek in her grasp. Only through the remnants of his up bringing did he rise from the table momentarily, offering her a proper gentleman bow as she slipped from the room.


His eyes in short order flashed back to met Aran's as he turned back to the table and there conversation. He had accepted drinks foolishly believing they would be kept to a mildly respectable level. But from the onset it was clear the man was going to use this to soften him up before beginning in earnest to pry that which he sought from Corin's mind. The women must have been an addition to his plan. He new rumors from his meeting with Lavinya would prove to be a pitfall for him. But he only believed Sirayn would hold that rein; believed the Aes Sedai would keep things quiet regarding one of there own. But for him to pull this kind of antic; the soft shimmer of red; a pointed smile. To bring her in at a point that Aran must have believed Corin's battle with the ale was at it's tipping point; a perfect point of distraction to set him firmly enslaved to the fog. All thoughts and desires faded back into the darkness that swallowed even the fog in his mind; focused on one burning ember in that darkness.


He was a student of the void not the spring, different as night and day in there relationship to emotions when seeking the focus a swordsman and protector needed. Corin's captivation on the glowing hot ember of raw anger focused his thoughts, but that focus lacked the clarity he needed for true judgment; clarity the void offered him. “If the information can be persuaded from her I'm sure you will find it quite useful for this blackmail idea.†Corin's voice wavered in it's attempt to remain flat, added a slight edge of taint to the last words. “Interesting that Isabella should choose such a time to seek you out Aran. I would worry over my coin if this were cards we sat at and not the life of a sister,†words of objection and clarity already beginning to form on Aran's lips. “No I don not mean a sisters life in that light either man, what do you take me for,†his hand banged down on the table then clumsily grabbed his mug to keep it up right, though it would not have fallen from the movement anyway.


“Seems this Isabella takes a fancy to you and our Commander,†rising from the table he collected the bottle and moved around to Aran's side; voice lowering into more hushed tones. “We will have to work together to cage her if we are to get the information.†Tipping his bottle to Aran's mug he continued, eyes shifting occasionally to the door as if watching for further interruption. “So tell me, how warm is that shapely one? She looked to have softness in all the right places.†Corin's face wore a large grin as his eyebrows bounced up and down. “Seems to have a thing for the Commander though ... but still,†his hand came up to rub at his chin in thoughtful contemplation. “I suppose something as willing and sweet as that is worth the risk of sampling her charms yes?†At that moment as he leaned in, words still slurred edges he released himself to the burning rage that he had been feeding. Felt the surge of power from raw emotion course through him in controlled, unfocused desire.


Corin's right hand shot out; his fist connecting with the surprised man's jaw and sent him spinning from his chair to the left. The plan he had been brooding over and sorting out amongst all the cotton and disjointed thoughts in his head seemed more logical then it's apparent execution. Corin lunged from the table at Aran now on all fours on the floor. But the alcohol had taken the benefits he had learned in the yard, aided his opponent in every way. Precision and timing slipped though his hands as he knocked Aran over; the angle of his lunge had been off and sent him skittering across the floor loosing the opportunity to pin the more focused Aran who was already working to recover his feet.

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He wasn't making any sense at all, Aran found himself wondering if the man had perhaps had too much to drink. If he was no longer going to be useful, they could at least just work through the rest of their drinks and then wander back to the Yards. After all, he had a message to deliver to Brand and then he would come back and see Isabella, maybe have lunch with her. The food here was better than the Mess Hall, and the company was... Well, not necessarily better, but Aran was less likely to be punched by Isabella than Marie.


Why was Corin coming over closer to him? He'd always kept his distance, and his mutterings were making even less sense than before. He really couldn't handle his drink at all, but Aran didn't think that was quite the reason for it. And didn't he recognise the woman? A fair number of the Tower Guards did, and if Corin didn't then Aran had to wonder how much attention Corin paid to those around him. Why was he rubbing his chin? Corin didn't do that, the alcoho-


Hitting the ground, Aran began to get up out of reflex when a weight crashed into then slid off his back. Crawling onto the man, Aran turned him over and grabbing his arms and forcing them back, he shimmied his way up until his knees sat on the man's arms where he proceeded to put all of his weight. A knee to the back from Corin was repaid in turn as Aran grabbed the man by the hair and slapped him across the face. A second knee was followed in turn with a heavier one which got the man to stop at least for the moment. The bastard, sucker punch him would he? That wasn't to say Aran was angry, annoyed would be more appropriate as he wasn't quick to anger. But he was certainly deriving a certain amount of satisfaction from the pain he was giving Corin with his knees as he spoke.


"Alright, I don't suppose you're going to explain this for me are you? Give me the truth and I'll ease off, little bastard." Rubbing his jaw with his free hand, Aran continued. "I'm waiting, lets hear it Corin."




Tower Guard

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Pain radiated from the pressure on his upper arms; Aran seemed to force even more pressure down as if to enforce his words. A hard double knee to the upper back of the man; an attempt to dislodge him only met with a third strike, his cheek exploding in a brief flare of pain. Corin let himself go limp at the contact. He fed the pain into the burning anger, looked for a way to focus it to a proper purpose unsuccessfully. Plans, ways and methods of escape flittered amongst the alcohol induced fog; slide like oil over water as he tried to grasp at them. He had to protect her but could not risk an association to her.


“Our purpose is to protect the Aes Sedai,” the words slipped from him with soft indistinct edges. An image flared in his mind and was gone; shadow filtering through out his mind like the sun's image impressed on the retina after looking at it's brilliance. “You were the one ... you stated to blackmail ... to corner. Not right ... protect them ... wrong ... wrong.” The sounds ran together, pauses disjointed the the words and broke their meaning and flow. “Your oath ... not right ... how could you ... how?” He remained limp, offered no resistance or fight. Winced visibly as Aran leaned further forward momentarily to add additional weight to arms growing numb, gauging him perhaps.


“Commander must know ... explain yourself ... not right ... not right.” His head shook slowly from side to side as the slurred words radiated from him. “Aramina ... approve?” Has to believe. Corin kept his head turned, refusing to look at the man that held him pinned to the floor. An incoherent sack of flesh and bone with little use.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If Corin thought he was going to be telling anyone anything about what Aran had spoken of, then he was sorely mistaken. Grabbing the man's jaw and forcing him to look up, Aran's usual smirk was on his face but in the situation it didn't quite seem to fit. There were ways to deal with this, and Aran planned on doing something rather permanent. Before that, there were a few words he would say. "You don't have the steel to do what is necessary, Corin, this is protection. But thats alright, I offered you participation. If I can't get my answers from you, I'll get them elsewhere."


Taking one of Corin's hands, Aran got up and yanked Corin up with him. Twisting his arm around, the couple of attempts to get free were quickly subdued as they made their way back to the table. Taking up a bottle, Aran took all the time that was needed to pour the rest down Corin. A bit of it was spilt on the man, but that meant he just reeked all the more of drink and even if he did wake up later with his memory intact, which was highly unlikely, he'd have little to no chance of convincing anyone the truth of it.


By the time they were done, Corin was talking very little if at all and looking incredibly sick. Taking him down the stairs and out of the establishment, they made it as far as a block before Corin proceeded to heave his guts. Having to divert the man away from trying to spew on his boots, Corin nevertheless made a fine mess. By the time they made it to the inner gates Aran was more carrying than supporting Corin. Well and truly wrecked.


As Aran helped himself to Corin's room and put him to bed, Aran made sure to lay a towel on his bed and put the bin nearby. Aran doubted they'd be needed, but he thought he'd do it all the same. Unless Corin was one of the lucky few, he was going to have the worst headache ever to go along with his memory loss. Still, he'd brought it on himself. Sucker punching bastard.


Rubbing his jaw again, Aran stepped outside and closed the door behind him.




Tower Guard


OOC: Feels a bit heavy handed the way I did it, let me know if it was good as a wrap up mate or if there is anything I need to change.

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