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Welcome to the Black Tower, Asha'man Dave

Mrs. Cindy Gill

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i like bands like Blind Guardian, Hammerfall, Amon Amarth, etc...


the type of metal is power, folk, progressive, and some death (used to be big on it but not as much anymore)


Sound like I hear myself...


Do you know Ensiferum and Equilibrium? And Dream Theater? You'd try them. Ensiferum is Folk and a bit Death, Equilibrium Death and a bit Folk, Dream Theater progressive.


Really? I thought that was a young people skill. People at my high school seem to get like 3 hours of sleep a night and still function.


They get their other ours sleeping at school.


i have few albums from Ensiferum. Their really good especially with their old singer and also Equilibrium's really good too, they have that epicness that i like :smile:

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I think Ensiferum's first album is their best, with their last close second. And I don't like their second, to be honest. It's just a slight difference from the first that makes it much worse. And Smoking Ruins (last album) is my favorite. With the sentence "the wheel of time keeps turning", in case you didn't recognize the title.

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I think Ensiferum's first album is their best, with their last close second. And I don't like their second, to be honest. It's just a slight difference from the first that makes it much worse. And Smoking Ruins (last album) is my favorite. With the sentence "the wheel of time keeps turning", in case you didn't recognize the title.


are you saying that they have a wheel of time song?

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Not about it, but this sentence is in it. I know it's confusing, also because that sentence is one of the clearest they have. I think it is in the "Songs of the BT"-thread. If not, I'll post it in five minutes.


i got to check it out then. You got me curious now lol.

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