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DM Handle: Arinth

Character Name: Arinth Roald

Age: 27

Rank/Division: Infantry Sergeant

WS: 7

Physical Description: 6’0, 220 lbs, curly, black, shoulder length hair and blue eyes

Place of Birth/Raising: Andor


Character History:


Arinth had grown up in Andor. He was easy going most of the time and was always looking for fun. He was also fiercely loyal and not afraid to fight for or with his friends. He grew up fast and when he heard about the Band of the Red Hand it seemed only natural for him to join. He left his brother and younger sister behind to join the Band when he was 22 and found himself placed in the Infantry which was truly the best place for him. He had never ridden a horse and he couldn’t say that he trusted the animals not to buck him off. He didn’t always smell the best and it wouldn’t be fair to subject the animal to such cruel punishment. The other men in the Infantry, well, they usually smelled just as bad if not worse. He completed his basic training and conditioning to the point that he was able to hack and slash with his sword and run around a track while carrying a large stone without stopping (even while hung over). His first real taste of battle came when the Band fought against a band of Aiel warriors. What Arinth saw during that time changed him forever. He had never seen such superior fighters. The Infantry went in against the Aiel valiantly and died just the same for it. For every Aiel that they killed they lost a good three to four men. Arinth managed to survive the battle, taking several cuts, scraps and bruises but luckily nothing life threatening and it was soon after that, with the loss of several officers, that he was promoted to Corporal. That meant that he had to cut his drinking down from 5-6 nights a week to 3-4 nights. It was not something he was happy about but he accepted it. He was not exactly 19 any more. Before he knew it five years had passed. He had matured to a degree and, while he still loved the taste of ale, he drank only in moderation. He also found himself starting brawls a lot less frequently. On his 27th birthday he realized that if he didn’t want to stay a Corporal forever he was going to have to take a different approach. He loved the Band of the Red Hand and all his brothers and it was time to give them his best.

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