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Will Rand Die?

Dagon Thyne

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I'm pretty much convinced that Rand will experience two deaths:


"Twice and twice shall he be marked,

twice to live and twice to die."



I further believe that Rand has already 'died' once in VoG. Rather pointedly, Nynaeve says in ToM 12 that he's been gone for three days; and there has been much mention of someone being 'three days dead'. Certainly the Rand who came out of the Two Rivers can no longer be said to exist; rather, we have a new entity combining TR-Rand with LTT-memories. This looks a lot like a 'death', metaphorically at least.


So, what of his second death?


There are three possible indicators.


In my sig I've quoted from Moiraine something that just might be a foreshadowing of Rand's death and its possible purpose.


That purpose might be to meet the DO on Its home ground, to hold It at bay while the Bore is sealed:


Rand, a brilliant white sword held in his hand, wielded against one of black, held by a faceless darkness.


(I don't think that refers to Shaidar Haran; he does have a face, even if no eyes.)




"This is it, Min thought, tapping the page..


..Was she following the wrong thread? Was she interpreting in the wrong way? She read the line again. Light is held before the maw of the infinite void, and all that he is can be seized."


I wonder whether Min is comparing that with her Viewing, above.



I'm not sure Rand will come back to life, because that would be his third.. but his second after being 'marked', so a resurrection is not excluded. I wondered if he would be transmigrated. Perhaps the DO tries to grab him, but is repelled by the Light in his mind, much as Torkumen was driven insane by Rand's proximity. So he throws Rand's soul out, and it enters the body of the man who Egwene Dreamed of:


A man lay dying in a narrow bed, and it was important he not die, yet outside a funeral pyre was being built, and voices raised songs of joy and sadness.


If so, I'd really like it if the dying man were Thom - and Moiraine were Ilyena reborn!

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