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Where to buy series?


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I think you could buy the books at most of the book-stores. If I can find Wheel of Time in this small city, then it shouldn't be difficult for you. I believe it is possible to buy them online at websites that offer to buy books online.

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Okay thanks, I've looked at Amazon.com but they only offer 2 sets, books 1-3 and then books 4-6, but its almost $40, plus I'd then have to buy the rest for something like $12 each and I don't really want to invest that much money into reading these. Would you mind if I asked how much you payed at a bookstore?

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if there's a fantasy/sci-fi/comic book store where you live, they probably have a used book section, where the books will probably be in amazing condition because sci-fi fantasy comic book people have X-ray vision. then there are regular used book stores. the ones where i live let you do trades, so it costs almost nothing. amazon also sells used books.


then there's the library. most libraries that i know of will order any book in the catalogue for you, though you may have to wait a couple of weeks for it to come in.


i think this is more like general discussion, though?

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