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Maps and the Fourth Age

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I got to thinking last night that we have maps in the BWB that show how Randland looked in the Compact of the Ten Nations, which is probably the earliest form of what the landmass looked like put down on paper after the breaking. Obviously so little things from the AOL survives that there's no maps of what the landmasses and oceans looked like then. It would be really cool if we could see how the land looks AFTER this age, since we've had a glimpse of names of places in the Fourth Age by some of the writings that show up in the books as flavor texts, and they have similar names to places that we know of now. Does Randland resemble the same landmass after this Second Breaking, or were the channelers able to keep their powers in check by not causing mass chaos by way of natural disasters? Have any major landmasses moved or gone to the bottom of a body of water? Do you think maybe Jordan had a rough sketch somewhere of what the world will look like after Tarmon Gai'don?



I also wonder, with all the mining and excavations going on, why has no one unearthed any AOL technology relics? Maybe in the schools Rand is setting up they will soon have programs for training archaeologists and some discoveries will be made. Or some channeler stumbles on a stasis box and they find a treasure trove of technology they have to puzzle out. AFAIK, the angreal and ter'angreal are the only things we have that still exist from that time. But just once it would be cool to hear of someone digging up part of a sho-wing and figuring out "whoa! People used to FLY in these?"

Here's hoping the 4th Age has a huge jump in technology, inspired by AOL relic excavations and the brilliance of the students in the newly forming Universities.


I always liked the idea that a map of the Age of Legends would be recognisably our world, maybe with a few changes but broadly similar. Whether the world changes enough in the Last Battle to warrant fresh maps remains to be seen. Based on Aviendha's vision of the future in ToM, it does look like the world remains broadly the same.


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