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Invite from the BT to their WoT Masquerade Ball Game


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The Black Tower Social Group are having a WoT Masquerade Ball/Game. All those that sign up will be given a character from WoT. All the players can ask questions of others and they have to answer truthfully and when someone guesses who you are correctly you are out of the game. The person left at the end is the Winner.


It is open to anyone on DM and the sign up are here if anyone is interested!

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Thank you for putting a thread about it here Elgee :) However to prevent any confusion, it's not a question game. You simply have to act like and exhibit the traits of the character you are given. So the goal is to act like your character, and put effort into it, but try to be subtle at the same time. But then if someone does guess you correctly, you are out. I'm also going to clarify this in the actual thread. Thanks again!

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