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Darkness Engulfing (Attn Cairma)


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Jaydena watched the river rush by in a torrent and wondered what would happen if she just jumped into the river. Just let it all go and took her life once and for all. This life that had become a total and complete farce. How would it feel to die, to take her last breath of air. The sweet agony of her lungs bursting as the water took her in it's deadly embrace. Would it hurt, could it hurt more than what she had already endured? She seriously doubted anything could hurt more than that. Who knew so many years ago when she had been innocent about love and the matters of it that she would become involved with another woman and end up being betrayed by that woman. Light if she had known would she have chosen to be with her at all? Seia! The name echoed through her head like footsteps in a empty hall. Just hearing the name within her own head made her want to beat her head against the wall. Whore! Her eyes sparkled with anger as she thought of what Seia had done to her. She remembered that day so long ago when she had caught Seia with a serving wench in her lap. Her lover has sworn on that day that it meant nothing and admitted her love. Later Seia had given her a marriage dagger and told her that is Jade ever felt the need she could plunge it into Seia's heart.


Jade snorted, Oh I felt the need all right, only I just couldn't do it, I am to weak. I could kill what had once been bright and strong within my heart. I couldn't destroy the breasts I once touched, and the heart that once loved me. She didn't know if Seia had ever loved her, she had her doubts but the naive part of her wanted to believe that Seia loved her. The whore was sleeping with Sirayn, she just knew it, the two of them laughing at her and wondering why she even lived. Then there was Sirayn! Her lips curled into a snarl and she growled low in her throat though she didn't know she was doing it. Sirayn had turned her down and then come to her after becoming ajah head and blackmailed her. The woman had actually stooped to blackmailing her and Jade had seen the joy in her eyes at finally get her down. Turning her head away from the river for a moment she brushed at the tears running down her cheeks and looked at the Tavern behind her and the boats in front of her. Maybe she should just get on a board and never come back, hide from the world and from pain at large. Looking back toward the river she didn't know what she looked like. A once stunning woman with a face of an Aes Sedai, one minute twenty the next minute one hundred. Her eyes a deep emerald green with long auburn lashes and a pert nose with freckles across it. These days she wore a mask to cover the hideous burns on her face and tried to hide the scars on her heart. Her body was till lithe and lovely. Hourglass shaped, encased in skin tight black breeches and knee high black boots. Straining across her breasts was a black vest and a black ruffled shirt completed the outfit. Today she wore not jewelery to hide the pain and her long wavy auburn hair flew out behind her like a flag waving for surrender in the heavy wind. Wiping the tears from her eyes again she took a step toward the river and felt the water lapping her feet...


Jaydena Mckanthur

Captain General

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Ooc: I just realized that i've messed Cairma's entire 'timeline' LOL! I'l have to sort it out later.. But for now i'll just 'wing it' as all good rp's tend to be.




That's It!! I'm a bloody danger to myself and everyone around me!! Cairma slammed her sword onto her bed and pulled out her satchel frum under her mattress. She needed to get out of there before Daemon came up to check up on her. She was fairly certain that if it had been any other trainee she would not have gotten away from his concerned glances. But Rien needed to be brought to the MoT... and She needed to get out!


Throwing everything she owned into the bag, she looked at Beast with a pained expression. She had worked so hard to wield it and she knew she couldn't take it with her. It would be like painting herself red at every town. She would be challenged and possibly lose because of the masses. No, she had to leave Beast behind. Instead she pulled out the sharpened dual swords, her quarterstaff from the cabinet that she kept all her weapons for training, and the sword that was given to her once she passed her first initiation to become a Tower Guard. In a matter of minutes she was packed and ready to head out, Beast left on her bed and the Sharan silk dress Aran bought her also packed in her satchel.


Not owning a horse, Cairma picked her way out of the Yard, wearing her Tower Guard cloak and a solid expression on her face. She wouldn't let herself fall apart yet.. No not yet. Taking a different route tot he gates, she walked through with a nod to those on duty, and moved through Tar Valon. She took a deep breath, temporarily forgetting where the Docks were, Cairma moved through the deserted marketplace, past Taverns that she had frequented, hearing the noise of laughter, music and ale-filled shouts. It all made her want to cry.


Damn you, Aran.. Damn you.. Why did he have to get her to open up? Even that remote tilt off balance had thrown her into such a loop that It had broken through her wall of consistent routine. That and he had the decency to be nice enough to be so observant about her, and yet completely oblivious about what he was doing to her. Just face it, Cairma. The man would never settle. He will never try any harder than he has to, and will allow others to do a job that he could have easily had done himself. He would only use you, or shun you if you ever admitted that you liked him.


The ships in the dock loomed over her like giants. She could go back... She could go straight back and have Daemon lecture her on her stupidity.


My own stupidity was thinking that i was safe there. I'm no more safe there than i was at home. her jaded thoughts twisted with a odd sense of irony. She came to the tower to feel safe, and protect. Now the yard needed protection from her.


She walked to the Dock Master.


"What ships are heading out?"


The lumpy faced, bucked toothed man turned to look at her. Built well, he was far from pretty to look at. "None. Try your luck in the morning, Lady."


"Excuse me? There are ships docked and there are none heading out?"


"The ones that were heading out have left. The Nastare is in for the night for repairs, along with the Golden Moon. The only ones left are waiting for cargo that may or may not come in in the morrow."


Bloody.... her hopes crashed.. If she didn't get out soon Daemon would be able to catch her. She knew of it. He knew that she had no where else to go. "Sorry to bother. Thank you for your help." With a bow of her head she headed away, Lost in her own thoughts that were screaming in her head. Guilt raked her over the face or Rien, and the look and tone in Daemons voice. Rien was only innocent. Arrogant, but innocent... and she nearly..


"AURGHH!!!" her voice howled, pained and pointed. The moon looked down her in silence without an answer. Could there be no answer? Was there even a point? She wanted to cry, she wanted to fall apart. She wanted.... Did she even know what she wanted anymore? She wanted to be safe. She wanted to be strong, and to protect. And she found none of it.


Her feet brought her along the shores that surrounded Tar Valon. The cold cold moon scattered in the waves that lapped against the stones and sand along the shore. The sounds of soft sobs nearly lost along the winds that carried in the moon on the waves. Cairma stood there looking up to the most surprising sight. Was this a moon that broke through more than just her?


Waves of rich auburn hair that were being picked up by the winds fell heavily along the womans body. Straight and tall, simple. A woman of great rank. Aes Sedai. The waters surrounded her feet as she walked into the water, a hand came up to touch her face. Tears. And she had no idea that Cairma was only a few feet from her. Feeling the winds pull at her own shorter blonde hair, urging her forward. To say something. Say what? .. say anything..


"Is death the answer? Do you think it would hurt?" Cairma's soft melodic voice barely a whisper as she spoke over the winds. She would not stop an Aes Sedai from her own choices.. But if she knew something that Cairma didn't.. Maybe the river will take them both this night. Then, ironically, she would not be dying alone.





Cairma Vishnu

Tower Guard


So afraid to open your eyes, hypnotized.

You know you're not the only one that never understood this life.

And you're right, I don't deserve you but you know I'm not the only one.

"The Only One" - Evanescence

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Jaydena took another step further into the water the water reached to the ankles on her boots, she could feel the cold water seeping into the leather boots and she didn't care. Of course the books were ruined but what did it matter, they might be ok enough to grace her feet in the her funeral. If they ever found her body of course, which with the waters of the river, it was possible they wouldn't. Behind her she heard a voice and it shocked her to her core, "Is death the answer? Do you think it would hurt?" Jaydena looked over to find blonde woman with short hair gazing at her, walking closer until the water pooled at her own feet. The woman was several inches shorter so the water landed higher on her feet, Jaydena wondered why she wondered something at a moment like this. The details were sharp and in focus, the rushing of the river and the noises from the tavern. She looked the woman up and down and realized she recognized her from the Warders Yard.


The woman was wicked with that sword of hers and she had seen her more than one time on her morning run. Shrugging the surge of embarassement off she turned back to the river and spoke softly, "I don't know anymore, I really wonder if it would, or would it just begin the pain. Would I spend the rest of my days rotting with the Dark One for everything I have done wrong." A growl rose in her throat and she continued, "They deserve to rot with the Dark One for what they have done to me, yet a part of me wishes them nothing but joy." A sob escaped her and she buried her face in her hands, not caring that the woman was watching her with hooded eyes. What did she care if someone wanted her, if someone saw her crumbling will, or her pain and fear. Oh yes she had once been a great a powerful Aes Sedai of the Battle Ajah. She had been brave and scared of nothing, facing one hundred Trollocs without a blink. Now she was a scared child whimpering and hiding in her bed.


She turned back and gazed at the woman, speaking louder she said, "Do you find me desirable, would you choose someone over me, betray me for that person. Love me first and swear to love me and no one else and then rip my heart out and tell me you love that person and not me. I was once lovely to look at but more than that I loved deeply." Her voice rose another octave and she struggled to get herself under control. The woman spoke to her with an intense look on her face, "I live by what I swear. If I wanted you, I would keep you. If I loved you, I'd never betray you." Jade nodded and said, "Well it's good to know there is still one honest person in this world who isn't doing it because she is bound to or because she is a whore. Would it hurt do you think? I just don't know but there is a part of me that wants to end it all and not care about saving the world or fighting in the last battle."


Jaydena Sedai


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Guest Arie Ronshor

"Hurt? Death. I suspect it would. But i also suspect life is just a little more painful because we have to live with the consequences."


Cairma felt oddly cold, in an unattached way. This woman, this Aes Sedai, was hurt because of love, but her only will to live was to fight? Fight for what? Cairma fought once to survive, and then to better herself. She got better, and then she got worse.


"But for a woman of power, wouldn't your life be more substantial than your death. You protect those that can not protect themselves. Or so the stories go." Cairma looked over the river with eyes lost to thoughts that barely glimmered to the surface. "The whole of this world is one large betrayal and game that I never understood. Bodies used to gain a fleeting pleasure but only brought tribulation. It was never something i understood, or cared for. My mother saw to it." There was bitterness in her voice at the mention of her mother.


She grew silent for a moment, drawn to this odd connection with this woman. They both contemplated death but for different reasons. The woman hurt because of things done to her, while Cairma feared what she could do.


"I nearly killed a trainee today." She admitted in a small compelling burst. "I didn't know i was going to, but I almost did. It happens when i enter the void, i stop being me, and this thing takes over me. I fear doing things in this place." She paused, "Maybe i lied when i said that i wouldn't betray you. If i had the choice i wouldn't. But a life you should be protecting shouldn't be forfeited because you had no control."


Jaydena nodded and regarded her, "Do you know how many times I have lost control in 300 years, do you know how many times I have almost killed someone. The One Power is much like that and you can't dare lose control. There are times though that you almost do and you could easily kill someone you love and betray them by taking their life. So I know what you speak of."


"It helps to keep that in mind at all times but I am sure you know that or you wouldn't have been able to stop yourself and the point my dear is that you did stop yourself, If you let guilt hang you for the rest of your life, you will be nothing but a half shell of a person."


"Trust me I know all about guilt, and letting it hold you for the rest of your life. I almost died once because I felt it was my fault my gaidin was killed by a dreadlady." She regarded Cairma for a moment and said, "Are you trying to distract me from killing myself or make me do it?"


"I didn't stop myself. I didn't know i was doing it until my mentor, Daemon, told me to step down. Than i knew what i was about to do, not before, not during only after it was finished." Cairma could not keep a small smile from creeping on her lips. "I would no more keep you from walking than keep you back. It would seem that you have kept yourself alive for more reasons than to loose it all by walking ahead into the water. You know more than you allowing yourself to understand." She paused for a moment.


"And if i am to understand, you are no more convincing me to stay than walk as well. By stepping back i look to a life with more pain, more sorrow than just ending it and saving myself the trouble. Saving us both the trouble. Although, at least you have lead a life of significance. I was never wanted." Her voice was no longer bitter or cold. Only hollow with a odd sort of calm and reluctance of understanding to it. Maybe it was okay to not be wanted. She wouldn't be missed that way.



Cairma Vishnu

Tower Guard

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The woman looked thoughtful for a moment and then spoke, "Hurt? Death. I suspect it would. But I also suspect life is just a little more painful because we have to live with the consequences." Jaydena nodded her head and snorted, oh only those with hearts had to live with the consequences. Neither of them cared if she was crushed under their boot heels, Sirayn had loved blackmailing her into joining the Order of the Rose and had rubbed every thing she had every done wrong in her face. "But for a woman of power, wouldn't your life be more substantial than your death. You protect those that can not protect themselves. Or so the stories go." Jaydena shok her head, not even realizing she was shaking it yes, she felt like she didn't care about those nameless, faceless people she had once cared so much about protecting. Were they there to hold her in their arms when she was betrayed again and again, when they laughed and her and when others were promoted above her despite her talents. No they were happy and secure in their blissful little lives, not knowing that her friends and gaidins had been killed protecting them, so they could maintain that innocence. "The whole of this world is one large betrayal and game that I never understood. Bodies used to gain a fleeting pleasure but only brought tribulation. It was never something I understood, or cared for. My mother saw to it." She snorted in agreement and rubbed her arms, where goosebumps were starting to rise in the cold. Where did I leave my cloak at, she wondered.


Jaydena looked at the woman and wondered what her name was but the thought was quick and fleeting before it rushed out of her mind. "I nearly killed a trainee today. I didn't know I was going to, but I almost did. It happens when I enter the void, I stop being me, and this thing takes over me. I fear doing things in this place. Maybe I lied when I said that I wouldn't betray you. If I had the choice I wouldn't. But a life you should be protecting shouldn't be forfeited because you had no control." Jaydena nodded and regarded her, "Do you know how many times I have lost control in three-hundred years, do you know how many times I have almost killed someone. The One Power is much like that and you can't dare lose control. There are times though that you almost do and you could easily kill someone you love and betray them by taking their life. So I know what you speak of. It helps to keep that in mind at all times but I am sure you know that or you wouldn't have been able to stop yourself and the point my dear is that you did stop yourself, If you let guilt hang you for the rest of your life, you will be nothing but a half shell of a person. Trust me I know all about guilt, and letting it hold you for the rest of your life. I almost died once because I felt it was my fault my gaidin was killed by a dreadlady." She regarded Cairma for a moment and said, "Are you trying to distract me from killing myself or make me do it?"


She took another step further into the water and was stalled when the woman's voice spoke again, "I didn't stop myself. I didn't know I was doing it until my mentor, Daemon, told me to step down. Than I knew what I was about to do, not before, not during only after it was finished. I would no more keep you from walking than keep you back. It would seem that you have kept yourself alive for more reasons than to loose it all by walking ahead into the water. You know more than you allowing yourself to understand. And if I am to understand, you are no more convincing me to stay than walk as well. By stepping back I look to a life with more pain, more sorrow than just ending it and saving myself the trouble. Saving us both the trouble. Although, at least you have lead a life of significance. I was never wanted."


Jaydena turned back to the woman and suddenly it all seemed so clear. She had been led here on this day by the creator, she was meant to save not just herself but this woman if she could. Stepping out of the water she spoke, "Well let me tell you it seems an awful shame to wallow in our pity and our guilt. I don't think either of us are meant to die at this time or I wouldn't have been confronted by a Tower Guard in a place I never expected her and you would never had found an Aes Sedai crying into the river. I think we are all needed in our own way, my parents didn't really want me. They had their son and I was just an after thought I think, I was never as good as my brother and sister until I was able to create the art they needed to run their dream. They used me, I think my mother loved me in her own way but they used me and then she died. I didn't realize it until many years later how badly they used me. Today you almost killed someone but you stopped me from killing myself. Maybe there is some balance in that. I guess it's possible that you need to learn what you are fighting for, as do I. I don't know, I am so confused and lost right now. I know I needed you tonight to save me and so I guess someone needed you."


Jaydena Sedai

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

The Aes Sedai's words struck hard, pulling tightly on a deeply hidden heart string. Someone had needed her. This night, and in this place, she was needed. She made a difference. Her eyes were wide as she looked to the woman that was illuminated by the light of the moon.


Cairma could feel her heart beating, and the need to cry pulled behind her eyes. But instead Cairma found herself removing her cloak and walking over to the woman placed it around her shoulders.


"It seems that your words are true, Aes Sedai. Come, let us warm our feet somewhere." The wind picked up, pulling a chill along her skin causing her to shiver. "If we both no longer wish to float away with the current, than it may be better not to die from staying out here too long."




Cairma Vishnu

Tower Guard.

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Jaydena was shocked when she felt the warm cloak lay on her shoulders, she blinked and looked at the young woman. The last person of the female sex that did that turned out to be her lover. Women generally didn't think of things like that, she was a little shocked but didn't seem to be getting any vibes from her. "It seems that your words are true, Aes Sedai. Come, let us warm our feet somewhere. If we both no longer wish to float away with the current, than it may be better not to die from staying out here too long." Jade nodded and began walking, her feet frozen inside her boots, she couldn't even feel her toes anymore and that wasn't such a good sign. She pulled the cloak tight around her and breathed in it's scent, it smelled pleasantly of the clean scent of saddlewood, earth, and sweat. She started shaking hard, she hadn't realized how cold she was until she had some warmth around her.


Glancing at the woman out of the corner of her eyes she walked toward the Inn and stepped inside. She ket her face down, wondering what the woman thought of the mask she wore over her face. She asked for a private dining room and then followed the serving woman down the hall and into the room. When the door closed behind her, Jade walked to the fire and warmed her hands over the pleasant warmth. Turning back to the woman she said, "My name is Jaydena Mckanthur, I am a Sister of the Green Ajah." Pride filled her eyes for just a moment before it was replaced with the cold hurt. "Thank you for saving me."


Jaydena Mckanthur

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Her heart stings were pulled a little tighter as the words moved in her mind. How precious were the words that this Aes Sedai spouted to her, and how new to her. Needed. Was there such a thing in her life? To be needed?


"I should be thanking you, Jaydena Sedai." Her eyes truthful as she settled into her seat and pulling of her leather boots. "But if there is anything i can do for you, I'm at your service. You saved more than my life, but my sanity." She looked into the fire with a bit of hazed look while passing Jaydena a blanket from a small pile that was nestled beside her. They were warmed already from sitting near the hearth and will warm them both along with the warm mead that waited for them at the nearby table. "I'm Cairma, by the way. Cairma Vishnu. I study the Path of the Sword." She gave a soft chuckle and sighed a little heavily. "Although, i'm not sure i like being made into a weapon I can't control. Maybe a change is in order. I doubt that while i have breath my Mentor will allow me to leave." mostly because he knows i have no place to go..






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"I should be thanking you, Jaydena Sedai." Jaydena watched as the young woman took her seat and pulled her boots off. "But if there is anything i can do for you, I'm at your service. You saved more than my life, but my sanity." She blinked at the woman and was shocked as the woman handed her a blanket from next to her. A serving woman came in and Jade just stared blankly at the blanket for a few minutes before she woke up to notice that her companion had ordered warm spiced mead for the both of them. "I'm Cairma, by the way. Cairma Vishnu. I study the Path of the Sword. Although, I'm not sure I like being made into a weapon I can't control. Maybe a change is in order. I doubt that while I have breath my Mentor will allow me to leave." Jade nodded and finally spoke, breaking out of the strange thoughts she was having.


"Hello Cairma Vishnu I am please to meet you, I hope we know each other at this point well enough to dispense with formalities, plus I was never much the sort for those type of things. I know what you mean of being a weapon, from the day you become a green you learn that you are a weapon, a weapon against the evil of the world, and a weapon against the Dark One. There are times when I am sickened by what I have become, by the weapon I now am. Then there are others where I realize that what I am doing is right and just and that I am saving all those people out there who don't even know evil exists in this form." Grasping the blanket in her hands she held it up and looked at Cairma, "My friend, and friend you are, do you know the last time someone showed me kindness. Not forced kindness or kindness to get something from me, it's been so long I don't remember. You stood in the cold and you stood that freezing water but you removed your cloak and placed it around my shoulders and the first thing you did is hand me a blanket before caring for yourself. Let me tell you I could use a friend like you. I could use any friend at all." She blinked the tears from her eyes and stood up to walk to the table with the mead...


Jaydena Sedai

Captain General

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Cairma almost blinked in surprise. She had not thought of her actions as kindness, nor would she have thought to see a tear in an Aes Sedai's eyes because she had passed her a blanket first. It wasn't something that she was ever taught, mearly did without thinking.


Cairma could not but break a small smile. "Friendship given without reserve, of any kind, from an Aes Sedai especially, is unheard of. Unless bonded, of course." She gave a slightly softer look. "I have only seen it once before. I thank you, Jaydena Sedai, from the bottom of my heart. And please, call me Cairma. I rarely use my surname for anything more than formality. My family name means nothing to me. For all i know, it is not even my family name." She shook her head. And picked up her own blanket and moved to the table, puring them both warmed mead.


"But that is neather here nor there. Tis a long story that isn't meant for tonight. But I am rather curious to know what brought you into the waters of the Erinin River? I suspect love, but it seems to be far deeper than that." Cairma paused, "My honour it will not leave this room, if your willing, that is.. "






Ooc: you know... she seems so much 'old' now that i started this Rp.. *chuckles* Odd.. ^_^

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ooc- Funny how that works! *hugs*


Jaydena blinked as the woman smiled at her, she didn't think she had Cairma smile yet and it really transformed her face. "Friendship given without reserve, of any kind, from an Aes Sedai especially, is unheard of. Unless bonded, of course." Jade nodded for she understood this well, it often worked that way Aes Sedai to Aes Sedai as well. There was always some motive behind whatever was done in the Tower. The Great Game was played something fierce in the Tower and though she had become a master of it she was so sick of it she could be ill. "I have only seen it once before. I thank you, Jaydena Sedai, from the bottom of my heart. And please, call me Cairma. I rarely use my surname for anything more than formality. My family name means nothing to me. For all i know, it is not even my family name." Jade shook her head, it must be tough to not be sure of your family but she had seen it many times before. At least she could say that she had known her family before they all died of old age as she remained young looking.


Cairma grabbed a blanket and took a seat next to her, the woman picked up the mead pitcher and poured them each a mug. "But that is neather here nor there. Tis a long story that isn't meant for tonight. But I am rather curious to know what brought you into the waters of the Erinin River? I suspect love, but it seems to be far deeper than that. My honour it will not leave this room, if your willing, that is.. " Jade nodded and considered a moment before speaking, "You may call me Jaydena as well. I think what led me to the River was a number of things. Let me just start at the beginning. Many years ago I met a lovely woman." She smiled and said, "Yes a woman!" Picking up her drink she continued, "We fell in love and planned on bonding when we were both bonded. Things happened and while on a visit in Ebou Dar, she was almost killed and was bonded by another Aes Sedai to save her life while I lay near death. It was a bitter blow and our love couldn't survive it, her Aes Sedai was a deat friend but they didn't get along at first and it was hard on everyone."


"We stopped seeing each other and left for Namandar, you may have heard of it. While there I bonded another gaidin and one of my other gaidin was killed. We had been involved and he almost had me believing that I loved him and not this woman. I tried to kill myself after he died and she found me and brought me to my senses." She shook her head as she thought it over, "We became lovers again and those months were blissful. Then she left for a top secret mission and when she came back she informed me she was in love with both her Aes Sedai and me. I was so shocked. At Namandar we had found a ring that made it as though we were bonded and my lover wore it. She started taking it off, missing many nights in a row with me. Then another horrible event happened and they were both tortured." She blinked back tears as she remembered the pain that both of them had endured. "Things were never the same again and she was on a death mission. Relations between the two of us had become strained and between my friend. It was constant pain for me and she was torn between the two of us. Then they left for that bloodbath and she was killed, only she was brought back to life but the bond has broken between her and my friend. She left and went away and neither of us knew she was alive. Our friendship fell apart, she felt I had stolen her warder."


Jade shook her head, "Maybe I had done so but she always forgets that she was mine first. We were promised to be bonded and only a freak accident caused their bonding. Her gaidin was the one pursuing me and refusing to let me die and refusing to stop the relationship at Namandar. Then my lover showed up alive and my friend wrote me a note to tell me. She didn't come and tell me and I attacked her, calling her a coward. Not even thinking how much pain she was in or the fact that she was in love with this woman as well." Taking a deep breath she didn't even notice the tears pouring down her face. "I went and confronted my lover and she ran from me, climbed from the window in a Inn, and when I found her she told me that she didn't love, she loved my friend, and wanted nothing to do with me. She had sworn that she would always love me and she lied, she told me I could kill her if she betrayed me and she lied. I didn't want to live after that day but I went to her again and we sparred, ending with me covered in blood and her not caring. Now all I can think of is them holding each other, their bodies entwined and them laughing at me. The worst part is that I love both of them and neither of them love me or want me. My friend would never become involved me with and that's the way it always had been. I keep wishing I could find solace in the arms of another but I can't force myself to do it and I haven't found anyone who's face isn't replaced by their's when we start to be together." Lowering her head into her hands she sobbed and wished she was back in the river...


Jaydena Sedai

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

The room was warmed by the soft glow of the fire, and Cairma watched without really seeing the flames that licked the sides of the large logs. Emotions twisted around hear heart as she listened to the broken voices of Jaydena. An unknown child in her stirred with tears as she listened to the long story, weeping tears that she herself didn't shed, but felt.


It had only been a few years back that she poured out her heart after feeling broken. She wasn't sure how to react then, or what she needed. But with Aran the words had poured like an unstoppable river, held back barely by the fear of rejection. Jaydena's words spoke to her in a way that she was surprised to understand. Much weighed on this woman's heart, but she was too blind to actually listen to it all. Maybe it was the years of being around Aran and Daemon, and actually listening to those around her, Light only knew, but this woman was being completely unfair to her true nature! And a deep thread of her was angry!


"Would it be cruel of me to say that neither deserve you? If they were your friends, if they truely loved you, would they shun you, hate you and torture you the way they do? Who needs friend that treat you that way. I truely don't understand that." Cairma looked to Jade with compassion and sadness in her eyes. "For a sister that spent her whole life readying for battle, how is that you constantly have to battle against love, instead of for love." The craving to hold the woman like a injured child was overwhelming as her womanly instincts turned on for the first time. But it was joined with confusion. How should she react, how could she take away the pain she heard... What could she possibly say..


".. but i'm very sorry for your pain. I could never imagine the betrayal of love." .. betrayal, yes, but of love.. That was something completely different.





bed is calling.....


*eidt* still know i'm editing this... i'll get on it after physio tomorrow :P and than i have all weekend! Yay!*

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Jaydena blinked and looked up as she spoke, "Would it be cruel of me to say that neither deserve you? If they were your friends, if they truely loved you, would they shun you, hate you and torture you the way they do? Who needs friend that treat you that way. I truely don't understand that." She wondered if that could be true and focused on that, no in many ways it was her that hadn't been a good friend, her that hadn't done things the way she should have and her that didn't deserve them. Tears leaked from her eyes and she brushed them away, a part of her annoyed at the pain she couldn't control. She had never been a weepy person but these days more and more she lost control and broke down. "For a sister that spent her whole life readying for battle, how is that you constantly have to battle against love, instead of for love." Jade sighed and was about to reply when Cairma continued, ".. but i'm very sorry for your pain. I could never imagine the betrayal of love."


Jade picked up her mug and warmed her hands with it before she turned her head and started deeply into the other woman's eyes. "There are days where I wonder what I have fought for, I mean I fight so that all those people can continue to live, to love, to be betrayed if that is their fate. I fight so that some of them can even doubt that Trollocs and such exist. More than once I have started into the beastial shapes of one of the Trollocs and wondered how such things exist. As I have watched my friends die, my lover die, my sisters die there are people that don't believe the very things that killed them even exist." Her emerald eyes sparkled green as she continued, "I don't know why I constantly have to fight love, I just don't understand, why can't it be easy. Why can't I just have someone that loves just me and no one else, that I don't have to fight someone else for, that cherished me and everything I am as I cherish them. I love them both so much, but I don't think they even cared for me, I don't think either of them know how to love me and my love just burns bright. I can't help but wonder will it burn out and leave me a cold unfeeling shell, unable to love, unable to feel, like some of the other Greens." She put her elbows on her knees and pushed her long artist fingers through her thing auburn tresses.


"I want to be loved, I want to be kissed and loved, and treated with respect and kindness. To be kissed just once without the thought that she is thinking of someone else would be such a blessing. I know that's not to be. Last we met she looked at me with such contempt and told me she didn't love me. She never loved me. Light she never loved me, it was all one big lie, how can you love someone and just stop and look at them with hate, watch them bleed and walk away, not care." She blinked again and wondered what it was about Cairma that had her pouring her heart out to her...


Jaydena Mckanthur


I'm so tired of being here

Suppressed by all my childish fears

And if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave

'Cause your presence still lingers here

And it won't leave me alone


These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have

All of me



My Immortal

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Guest Arie Ronshor

I'm a broken biscuit

From the cookie jar

I'm a total misfit

In the puzzle that's so far

Careful not to crush me

In those hungry hands

Careful not to rush me

Into this fine romance


The eyes of Jaydena were filled again with tears. Cairma searched deep within them, sensing a pouring fountain of emotion that had been caged for light knew how long. All this pain within this one woman all for the namsake of Love. Although she didn't frown at the thought, Cairma's eyes saddened with a bit of sorrow. Sorrow that she wouldn't completely understand this need of Jade's. She had never wanted anything in her life beyond it being her own. And even then she knew that would never be.


"I suppose it would be very simple if that was all you knew." She sipped her warmed mead, savouring for a brief moment as the warm liquid warmed her withing, although not where she felt the coldest. "I don't know Love the way you do. I never have, nor expect to. I suppose to know such a passion for but a moment could be glorious." After Jades confession, Cairma felt compelled to actually tell her about herself, although, she suspected all along that she would.


"To say i don't know a mothers love would be cold, but fairly true. I never knew my father and my brothers were all older, and none had the same father as I." Cairma took a deep breath and continued. "I never understood my mothers profession until the day I left. I was taught to ignore rumors and not let anyone touch me. Simple. Beyond that I was ignored. You may not even be able to guess the price of a Virgin Mistress could fetch in the right markets. And I have Noble blood." She said with a bit of distaste on her tongue. "So I left. I have only started to understand why I left now, but then i just didn't, but i left anyways. I was so angry." She sipped her mead to moisten her mouth, as she felt herself grow more and more upset as she thought back. So many days without food, of hiding away from the people around her.


"I buried it so deep that i thought i could just pretend it wasn't there. I entered the Yard with as much enthusiasm i could muster. I was shy, but i was willing. And than one by one people left. I was passed on and on through the ranks as mentor after mentor left I lost much of my enthusiasm. But as I had no where to go, I just flowed with it. IN the end i've only earned a bit of respect. But nothing of Love. Betrayal i think we are all too familiar with, each in our own way. But I suspect that it's how we deal with it that makes us stronger, better than before or not." She looked back into Jaydena's eyes. "I won't hunt down my mother for an explanation. I won't let my hatred bring me so far as to seek retribution for my childhood. It does nothing to further my life as it is now. And I will safely guess that you will not do the same to those that betrayed you. You would rather live with the Pain than throw the dagger back at them." Cairma smiled then, one that was heart warming, and understanding. "That is what makes you better than them, Stronger than them, and Worth more than they could ever hope to be."



I'm a damaged dollar

Than no-one wants to change

I'm a bunch of flowers

That need to be arranged

Careful what you wish for

Careful what you say

I've lowered all my armour

Risking the pain again

"Broken Biscuit" - Sia

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Jaydena wondered if she would scare this woman away, if she would be scared of her emotions, of her less than perfect, not so Aes Sedai like manner. It wouldn't be the first time she had been looked down, many thought she shouldn't have passed the test to become Aes Sedai. The fact was back then she had been well in control of her emotions, not so these days. "I suppose it would be very simple if that was all you knew." The Tower Guard sipped her drink and then continued, "I don't know Love the way you do. I never have, nor expect to. I suppose to know such a passion for but a moment could be glorious." Jaydena wanted to sneer for it hurt so bad but a part of her knew that she had at one time felt very loved and cherished, it didn't matter if it was real or not at the time she felt those things and thought the others did to.


"To say I don't know a mothers love would be cold, but fairly true. I never knew my father and my brothers were all older, and none had the same father as I. I never understood my mothers profession until the day I left. I was taught to ignore rumors and not let anyone touch me. Simple. Beyond that I was ignored. You may not even be able to guess the price of a Virgin Mistress could fetch in the right markets. And I have Noble blood." Jade stared deeply in Cairma's eyes, she hadn't expected this woman to reveal any of her past or her feelings but it made their connection even larger and more intimate. "So I left. I have only started to understand why I left now, but then I just didn't, but I left anyways. I was so angry. I buried it so deep that I thought I could just pretend it wasn't there. I entered the Yard with as much enthusiasm I could muster. I was shy, but I was willing. And than one by one people left. I was passed on and on through the ranks as mentor after mentor left I lost much of my enthusiasm. But as I had no where to go, I just flowed with it. IN the end I've only earned a bit of respect. But nothing of Love. Betrayal I think we are all too familiar with, each in our own way. But I suspect that it's how we deal with it that makes us stronger, better than before or not." Cairma gazed into her eyes and Jade felt the pain bouncing back and forth between them, she hadn't know she would so so much pain in another's eyes, so much open pain. "I won't hunt down my mother for an explanation. I won't let my hatred bring me so far as to seek retribution for my childhood. It does nothing to further my life as it is now. And I will safely guess that you will not do the same to those that betrayed you. You would rather live with the Pain than throw the dagger back at them." Jaydena nodded, she could have many times gotten back at them she supposed but it wasn't in her makeup, she couldn't hurt them, though she had done so without meaning too. "That is what makes you better than them, Stronger than them, and Worth more than they could ever hope to be." Jaydena smiled at Cairma and said slowly, "Would you like to get blissfully drunk with me dear, I find I am in great need of the escape, if only for a few hours. I like you cannot forget what has happened to me but maybe we can find some joy in spending time with someone who dosen't hate us or look down upon us because we don't act as they expect us to. Those bloody expectations in the Tower that sometimes I fear we will all drown in them without knowing we are ever doing so."


Jaydena Mckanthur

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Cairma smiled as she looked to Jaydena's raised glass, recognizing the shift in her mood and accepting it with a bit more relief than she has expected, she smiled and raised her own glass to Jaydena's clinking them in a bit of a hollow sound as both thier glasses were fairly empty. "To getting delightfully Drunk and Oblivious to Expectations. You dont' plan to be anywhere in the morning, do you, Jaydena? We may be up all night."



Jade smiled at the young woman as they tapped their glasses together,hHer smile grew into a grin and for a moment she imagined she was a beautiful woman again without the horrible scars or the lovely mask. She could imagine that she was capable of attracting such a woman as this and holding her attention, of making her dizzy with desire and leading her up to a room. She chuckled softly under her breath and said, "To being so drunk we don't remember what happened in the morning and no I have no where to be, I squared everything away because I did want to leave any loose ends for my predecessor when I took my life, I am if any thing a meticulous soul." She gulped the drink down and eyed the woman across from her, "Shall we call for a new round of mead or go for something a bit harder?"


Cairma raised her eyebrow, and a mishievious smile formed on her face. "Mead was good for a warm up, but certainly not strong enough. Especially if we don't want to wake up with hangovers in the morning.." Cairma chuckles a little with a bit of mirth on her lips, "I discovered very quickly that it is better to wake still drunk than sobering." Her eyes sparkled at the memory, one at the time she had been bitter about for a while, but started to laugh off along with anything else that was accompanied along with Aran. "Harder for someone to get the drop on you when you don't feel anything. And your less likely to do something stupid like chasing a prankster in only a shirt an underwear."


Jaydena raised her eyebrows at the hungrover comment and wondered if Aes Sedai could even get a hangover, might be interesting to try and it would be even better if the Tower Guard felt like someone had walked over her grave and she was flouncing around with no ill effects. Jade laughed deep and loud, "I so have to hear this story, you can't tell me there isn't something behind it, but first would you mind booking us a room for the night or rooms if it worries you. I promise I will be on my best behavior." She winked and handed the gaidin and small purse of change. "While your out can you order us several more rounds, I think I will take your advice to heart and drink until I am still drunk the next morning." Her green eyes sparkled as she grinned at Cairma.


"Best behaviour?" Her eyebrow lifted in a slight challenge, "You disappoint me, Jaydena. I thought you were here to disregard behavioral expectations." Cairma moved from her chair and stood up. "Although this room seems to be fairly comfortable, beds would be a good place to crash, preferably ones where we won't be disturbed. I will return in a bit." And with a smile and a few steps she was outside the private room and heading to the reception area of the Inn. After speaking for a moment to the Master of the Inn, she returned to the room where Jaydena was. "I got us a room with two large beds, and a couple of bottles of harder wine and some food to help keep us afloat a little longer. How does that sound to you?"


Jade waited for the woman's response and was suprised when she said "Best behaviour? You disappoint me, Jaydena. I thought you were here to disregard behavioral expectations." Jade chuckled and raised her glass in salute to the other woman. Carima spoke again and Jade watched her walk from the room, she was already tipsy enough that she leaned out and almost fell out of her chair as she watched the woman walk from the room. She shook her head and thought, That's what I get for watching a curvy backside instead of paying attention to where the floor is. She smiled and tipped the rest of her mead back as she waited for her new friend to return, when she did the woman spoke and informed her that they now had a room, drink, and food. My it was almost a seduction scene her overworked mind thought. She grinned at Cairma and said, "Sounds wonderful to me, I hope they stoked the fire and added some blankets to the bed because I am still fairly cold. Maybe the companionship and wine will warm me up." As she came abreast of the woman she handed her the cloak back and leaning forward, kissed her gently on the lips, no heavier than a butterfly. Looked deep into her eyes and said, "Thank you for everything you have given me tonight Cairma." With that she winked at the woman and waited for her to lead the way...


She blinked heavily for a moment as the womans lips brushed her own in great surprise. Innocent was the kiss, but the gesture warmed her and confused her in the same moment. But her doubts had fleed with the river's current and she took one moment to realize that Jade had moved out the door that Cairma turned and started to lead the way, but first took a moment to look to her companion.


She smiled a grin worthy of Aran. "Well if a cold hearted Tower Guard like me can melt an Aes Sedai's mask, I think we're in business." While keeping said grin she started to head down the hall and into anouther room up a set of stairs. "And its the least I can do. Best we call it even, or 'tit for tat'. so to speak. We're friends after all, and I don't want you owing me when I feel that I owe you." She opened the door to see a warmed fire, a setting for two with food and wine, and two beds seperated by a small nighstand. Holding the door open, she moved her hand towards the room. "After you, Aes Sedai."


"Well if a cold hearted Tower Guard like me can melt an Aes Sedai's mask, I think we're in business." Jaydena threw her head back and laughed, mirth rolling through her as she appreciated the wry wit so much like her own. "And its the least I can do. Best we call it even, or 'tit for tat'. so to speak. We're friends after all, and I don't want you owing me when I feel that I owe you." Carima led the way to a room and Jade smiled as she saw the room set up with two beds, the fire pulsing out heat, wine and food, and a extra blanket in the corner. Jaydena nodded to her new friend and waited for her to walk through, instead Cairma said, "After you Aes Sedai." She shook her head and walked through the door, there was so much about this woman that reminded her of Seia, the wry wit, the crushing grin, the moods, the manners. She knew it wasn't Seia and she would never dishonor her friend by pretending she was. However there was a part of her that wished she could throw the woman down on the bed and have her way with her, pretending she was Seia and not worry about the problems that would result. Shaking the thoughts from her head she sat down and quickly peeled her vest of, the white shirt plastered to her breasts, unbuttoning the top two button she walked to the fire and took her boots off, standing in front of the fire, she warmed her hands and then picked the blanket up off the chair, loosing pulling it around her shoulders, she was already so tipsy that she didn't notice that the white shirt left little to the imagination, she smiled at Cairma and picked up a glass...




Cairma Vishnu

Jaydena Mckanthur


Ooc: You know i 'would' post but i'm actually rather brain dead.. Finished the pltline for reflections, Applications organized.... rp.. i'll post later.. Promise!

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Be my friend

Hold me, wrap me up

Unfold me

I am small

I'm needy

Warm me up

And breathe me


Cairma stood for a moment in the doorway as Jaydena glided into the room, making the room just a little bit livelier, a little more welcome. Slowly she turned the handle on the door and pulled it closed, throwing the lock to keep out intruders. Off duty she may be, but she wasn't foolish enough to know that they could be safe. Light if anyone knew where she was... Let them think. she scolder herself. Jaydena was a friend that she had just met, and..


She looked to where Jaydena stood by the fire with a glass of wine held delicatly in her hand, waiting for Cairma to enter and join. Instead of framed by moonlight, the woman glowed with the soft glaze of the fire in the earth. She was very beautiful, very much so, even with the mask that covered the woman's face. Cairma smiled as well, removing her leather jacket - slightly praying that it was not ruined - and undoing the vest underneath and removing it as well, placing them both on the chest at the end of one of the beds. Removing her still damp shirt, leaving only the bonding she wore so she could practice without hurting herself, she followed Jaydena's lead and took a glass and an uncorked bottle that was sitting on ice to chill.


"Here is to a night of drunken debauchery," She chuckled and held out the bottle as if ready to fill Jaydena's glass. "I will assume you would like yours more than just half full?"






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Jaydena smiled as the other woman got comfortable, removing a leather jacket, vest, and even her shirt. The other woman wore a binding over her breasts and Jade shook her head, she had many times had to wear a binding but in her case it didn't do a lot of good and it hurt quite a bit. She sipped the wine and her eyes met Cairma's over the rim as the other woman said, "Here is to a night of drunken debauchery, I will assume you would like yours more than just half full?" She smiled and held out her glass, "Well I have always been a glass half full person until several years ago so why not." Her eyes grew distant as she looked back to the past, when she had started to change, when she had become the shell she was now, a burned, broken, and bitter shell of her former self. Was it when Sira fell in love with her lover and Seia had fallen in love with her, was it when Sira had bonded Seia, was it when they had both been tortured. Maybe even when she had met Seia and fallen so deeply in love or when Jared had died. There wasn't any one thing she could pin it too but there was a part of her that wished she had never met Seia or Sira. Closing her eyes for a moment she gulped the wine down and opened her eyes, "I haven't had a drink in over four years so let's make this memorable."


Jaydena Sedai

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Guest Arie Ronshor

She tipped the bottle and allowed the wine to pour into the glass as she watched Jaydena's face. There was something about her that still felt meloncholy to Cairma. The woman's face revealed very little, but her eyes blurred a little as the mead from before was clearly effecting her. Filling her own glass, Jaydena spoke. "I haven't had a drink in over four years so let's make this memorable." Cairma finished filling her own glass and held it up next to Jaydena's.


"Than we will." She smiled brightly, "No more sour faces, or tears." She finished half her glass and topped it up to keep it up with Jaydena.


"As for my Morning after story I had mentioned earlier.. now this is a highly embaressing story for me." She took a seat on the floor, pulling down one of the blankets from the bed to keep her warm near the fire. She smiled to Jaydena to join her. "That is, if your still willing to risk wetting yourself laughing at me. I know I have."


Jaydena leaned back in the chair and got comfortable as she waited for Cairma to speak, "Than we will. No more sour faces, or tears." Jade felt her heart lighten at the connection she felt for this woman. Not a love or an attraction that she felt for Sira or Seia but a friendship, one she hadn't felt in a very long time. She had been so lonely in the past and even today she had felt overwhelmed by the pain and loneliness in her heart, even if things had or did get better with Sirayn there would still always be the position and title between them. Jade knew it shouldn't be there and it wasn't like she had wanted that position but Sirayn would always be her ultimate boss. Cairma finished her glass off and filled it up before responding, "As for my Morning after story I had mentioned earlier.. now this is a highly embaressing story for me." Jaydena watched as Cairma took a blanket and sat down on the floor in front of the fire, Jade stood slowly up and moved the food over to the fire before grabbing her own blanker and sitting down, "That is, if your still willing to risk wetting yourself laughing at me. I know I have." Jade chuckled and spoke, "Well we do have a chamberpot in here just in case. Sure go ahead with it, I am very interested." She sipped her wine and took a bite a piece of white cheese...


Cairma grinned, also takign a peice of cheese and popping it into her mouth. Jade watched as her new friend took a piece of cheese, she handed her some sliced meat as the woman began to speak. "Now, this was a few years back, before i really started to make friends. As i've probably mentioned the majority of my time is spent traiing. I weild a far larger sword than I and it takes a lot of energy to wield it properly. Anyways, I took a chance and actually went into Tar Valon for the first time since i had really been promted to Tower Guard. I went to one of those Taverns that the others have often frequented thinking that it couldnt' hurt. Took a seat, got an Ale and just watched. In walks Aran with his posy of friends and take a seat. And him, being the suave and flirt decided that a lone Tower Guard drinking alone wasn't a good idea, so he somehow convinces me to join thier table and thier playing cards and drink far more than i have in a life time. At least up to that point."


Cairma paused, "Come to think of it, i had not drank at all before that. Maybe a few small pints in a tavern or two before I came to the Tower." She waves her hand and sipped her wine, "But that is neither here nor there. Anyways. That man got me Drunk! Like, light poor pissing drunk! And then he had the gall to challenge me to a dagger toss. Of which i did very poorly at. Partially because i never played before and also because I could barely stand."



Jaydena nodded and sipped the drink, munching on some kind of fruit and bread that was on the platter. "So you had never drunk and he took you out and got you drunk, so what did he bet you in the dagger toss before you started playing. Sounds like some of the men I know around the Tower, arrogant jerks."


Chuckling, she shook her head, "For the life of me i can't entirely remember. I was starting to sober up by the end of the night as he just kept pounding them back. And you know what? I have to carry him back to the Barracks he drank so much. Bloody fool, or so i thought at the time, just didn't stop drinking and passed out in the tavern. Of course, being the nice person I was, I carried him back and put him to bed before going and crashing in my own bed."


"Needless to say I didn't see the perks of over drinking or even drinking some water before i well into bed." By this time Jaydena and ev en Cairma couldn't easily keep in her laughter. "Foolish I was, and blissfully asleep, I had forgotten to look my door. And in walks Aran gleeful and perky as if he had not a drop the night before, sautering into my room, throwing open the cursed curtains and proceeded to wake me." Cairma took a sip of wine to moisten her palette and her throat, "But with the hangover i was suffering with, i pulled my blankets around me and told him ot bugger off and bother some other trainee or Tower Guard. He gave me a 5 minute warning and than left. I just fell back asleep."


Cairma paused for effect and took a sip of her wine, and a few grapes, muching on them, enjoying their sweetness.


"Next thing I knew I was drenched in ice water and soaked through my bed, leaving me up and very angry. So angry that i couldn't even move as Aran was looking over at me with a grin. I turned to look at him, grabbed Beast, my zwhielander, and off Aran took, Shot out of the room and through the Barracks liek the Dark One was on his tail, and i wasn't too far behind him running through the yards with my sword swiing behind me ready to smake him a good one once I caught him."


"Unfortunately for me I had not realized that I had gone to bed in only a white shirt and lacy underwear. The only 'feminine' thing I own." Cairma grinned. "And White when wet is very see through. So, thorught he yard you could see a maniacally laughed Tower gurad running for his life from this crazy massive sword wielding nearly naked banshee of a women. Nearly got him too, an Inch away from takking a few inches off his already short Torso."




Cairma Vishnu


Very Amused

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Jade laughed along with Cairma as she said, "For the life of me I can't entirely remember. I was starting to sober up by the end of the night as he just kept pounding them back. And you know what? I have to carry him back to the Barracks he drank so much. Bloody fool, or so i thought at the time, just didn't stop drinking and passed out in the tavern. Of course, being the nice person I was, I carried him back and put him to bed before going and crashing in my own bed. Needless to say I didn't see the perks of over drinking or even drinking some water before I well into bed." Jade started laughing like she hadn't laughed in a long time, not help back by duty of obligation or what someone might think of her.


"Foolish I was, and blissfully asleep, I had forgotten to lock my door. And in walks Aran gleeful and perky as if he had not a drop the night before, sautering into my room, throwing open the cursed curtains and proceeded to wake me. But with the hangover I was suffering with, I pulled my blankets around me and told him ot bugger off and bother some other trainee or Tower Guard. He gave me a 5 minute warning and than left. I just fell back asleep." Peals of laughter echoed across the room for she could only imagine what was to come next. She was surprised she hadn't encountered this Aran somewhere in the yards. "Next thing I knew I was drenched in ice water and soaked through my bed, leaving me up and very angry. So angry that I couldn't even move as Aran was looking over at me with a grin. I turned to look at him, grabbed Beast, my zwhielander, and off Aran took, shot out of the room and through the Barracks like the Dark One was on his tail, and i wasn't too far behind him running through the yards with my sword swiing behind me ready to smake him a good one once I caught him." Jade laughed harder and began to hold her stomach, mirth bubbling inside her as she wondered what would come next.


"Unfortunately for me I had not realized that I had gone to bed in only a white shirt and lacy underwear. The only 'feminine' thing I own. And White when wet is very see through. So, through the yard you could see a maniacally laughed Tower guard running for his life from this crazy massive sword wielding nearly naked banshee of a women. Nearly got him too, an Inch away from taking a few inches off his already short Torso." Jade rolled over onto her stomach and fell into Cairma. "Ohhhhhh.....I can...see it...naked cra..zzz..yy woman with a sword..." Tears were rolling down her face but they were tears of mirth not pain...


Jaydena Mckanthur

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Guest Arie Ronshor

She was nearly killing over laughing, but held it back as she smirked while munching on a carrot stick. "Oh, but it doens't end there. Oh no no no... " She chuckles as she let Jaydena catch her breath.


Jaydena chuckled and picked up some more cheese and a grape, "Oh Light I have got to hear the rest of this, what did you do you him??"


"More like what he did to me." She said, leaning back and gathering her legs to her chest and grining with a rather thoughtful smile. "After pulling Beast out of his tree, I shamefully wandered back into the barracks, showered and went for breakfast. Missing the breakfast call i sat down for an unusually stong cup of tea, and the boy had the decency to not only site down in front of me, but SMILE! And proceded to tell me what we had bet on the night before."


"And...?" Jaydena encouraged her with a smile.


Cairma grinned. "To wear a dress. At a dance in Tar Valon. I NEVER wear a dress! I hate them! I didnt' even want to go to this dance, and somehow i got ropped in to it and a dress."


Cairma finished her glass and poured more for her and Jaydena with a smile. "Of course it doens't end there. But i think it's your turn to amuse me before i continue with my story of shameful harrasment on behalf of Aran."


She held up her glass and took a good sip before she burst out laughing.







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She watched Cairma pick up a carrot stick and decided that she was laughing to hard at this point to even attempt to eat anything. "Oh, but it doens't end there. Oh no no no... " The other woman was quiet for a few minutes and Jade caught her breath before laughing and picking up some cheese and a grape, "Oh Light I have got to hear the rest of this, what did you do you him??" She smiled at Cairma as the other woman continued, "More like what he did to me. After pulling Beast out of his tree, I shamefully wandered back into the barracks, showered and went for breakfast. Missing the breakfast call I sat down for an unusually stong cup of tea, and the boy had the decency to not only sit down in front of me, but SMILE! And proceded to tell me what we had bet on the night before." Jade shook her head, warders were so arrogant sometimes, he was sure pushing his luck by getting anywhere near her. "And...?" She grinned at the other woman and waited to hear the rest of the story. This was shapping up to be a wonderful story and a wonderful night, she didn't know the last time she had had this much fun.


"To wear a dress. At a dance in Tar Valon. I NEVER wear a dress! I hate them! I didn't even want to go to this dance, and somehow I got ropped into it and a dress." She nodded understanding, she normally was a dress person herself, it came with the job but there were days she hated it and just had to get a pair of breeches out and head to the Yard to train. Cairma filled their glasses before continuing, Jade couldn't help but wonder if the woman was trying to get her drunk and take advantage,

"Of course it dosen't end there. But I think it's your turn to amuse me before I continue with my story of shameful harrasment on behalf of Aran." Jade actually groaned out loud and then thought back to remember anything that happened to her, "Well Aes Sedai are pretty careful to never be caught doing anything that would make their standing less or make them look bad to the other Aes Sedai. Well the closest I can think is I had this new gaidin, and I was involved with my lover. I hadn't told him about my lover or anything about her." She chuckled and continued, "So I was man this is bad, we were newely bonded and he hadn't learned how to block the feelings coming through the bond. My partner was beign a little rough and he started to get worried I was getting roughed up by some man. So he comes running into our quarters." Shaking her head she sipped her drink and then continued, "He runs into the room only to see me in bed with a hump between my legs. He lets out a great roar as yet another bite causes pain to go through the bond. He rips the blankets off and yanks my lover out of bed, begins to start beating on my lover only discover he is a she. He calmly set her back down and walked from the room without saying a word." She burst out laughing at the memory and realized how much she missed laughing.


Jaydena Sedai

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

Cairma looked over at Jaydena as she laughed and smiled softly, starting to heavily feel the wine as she sat back a little more. "Laughing flatters you, Jaydena." She smiled a look one would give a friend, endearing and heartfelt. "The night seems to have had a radical turn about for the both of us." She siped her wine, finishing the glass. The bottle was already empty so she stood up to get a second one. "Not that I'm complaining. Spending a night drinking with an Aes Sedai was never on my list of things to do, however, the wheel weaves what it wills and your not as scary as i thought an Aes sedai would be." She winked a little, "Not that i'm disappointed."






Short, but it's still going :P

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Cairma smiled softly at her and she wondered what the other woman was thinking, she hadn't seen a smile like that from anyone in a long time. The last time she had seen it had been on the face of her best friend and lover. Mostly these days people looked at her with hatred, pity, or rage. Of course there were the looks of what can I get out of this, or how can this help me, The Great Game looks she called them. "Laughing flatters you, Jaydena. The night seems to have had a radical turn about for the both of us." Jade blushed, she actually blushed and then smiled at Cairma. "Not that I'm complaining. Spending a night drinking with an Aes Sedai was never on my list of things to do, however, the wheel weaves what it wills and your not as scary as I thought an Aes sedai would be."


The other woman stood up and Jade blinked, her vision was a little fuzzy and she was obviously feeling the effects of not having drunk in some time. With a chuckle she reached for some bread to soak up some of the drink in her stomach. Back in her Green Ajah drinking days as a young Aes Sedai, she had learned how to stop the effects of drinking. Though she was a little surpised that they had already finished that first bottle. Time flies when you are having fun they say. Cairma winked and her and then continued, "Not that I'm disappointed." She smiled at the other woman and then spoke, "Well I have my moments of stern serenity and such, you can't be alive in my world without having those. I'm not as wild as a once was nor as angry. There were times I hated everyone around me and it didn't matter if I knew you or not. There were also times I wanted nothing more but to lose myself in the borderlands. Don't get me wrong I love the Tower and my duties but there were times I hated them as well. It's my love, my duty, and my curse in many ways, but the most gratifying thing I have even been through." She chuckled at her own thoughts and speech and looked down into her glass, swirling it around. "Actually Cairma, I haven't met many Tower Guards like you either. It's nice to get a break of the arrogance and such for awhile."




Jaydena Mckanthur

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