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Torvus Arathel's Progress

Visar Falmaien

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Weapons Score Established: Complete 1 Reqs


Name of Req: Arrival Thread (Complete)


A Change in Plans

Torvus meets Kabria Sedai in Saldaea. She heals his injuries, and he follows her to the White Tower, ostensibly to look at the Great Library which is of interest to him as a scholar.

Healing and Tourism

Torvus settles at the White Tower as a guest, and meets a trainee, Adela. They have a drinking game, and the result (note: not finished in the thread sadly) is that Torvus becomes a trainee.


Edit: I believe I'm set on WS 2 with these two threads though I'll wait for approval before moving on with other req's.

Edited by Visar Falmaien
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  • 7 months later...

Lol I think this is the most rapid advancement ever done. I hope we don't get in trouble X_X


Weapon Score 5 to 6: Complete 1 Requirement


Wilderness Survival


Torvus joins a group of trainees as they are taken out by Guardsman Jasen for a Wilderness Survival Course. Torvus has not so good a time: all of their survival equipment is taken from them by Jasen, leaving Torvus without booze. Then Torvus gets sick from standing watch in the rain at night. And then the crows show up... Meets Wilderness Survival Requirement. Thread incomplete.

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Oh yeah there was this one, but let's just say this one's an extra, or if I started at WS 1 this one would be WS 6:


Weapon Score EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT: Not a requirement, really




Torvus, along with Arlow, learn sword forms under the ever so patient Guardswoman Edana. Although initially resisting following Edana's instructions, thinking he could do better, Torvus slowly realized that there was some merit in listening and obeying instructions, as he trained better for it. Not counting for any requirements. Thread complete, I think?

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