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Horn's Sounder

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Vol. I, Issue 1


Table of Contents:


Quote of the Month

A Word from the Editor

Horn’s Activity Corner

Recruit Sound-Off

Dear Horn

Band Statistics


“We’ll toss the dice however they fall,

and snuggle the girls be they short or tall,

then follow young Mat whenever he calls,

to dance with Jak o’ the Shadows."


A Word from the Editor:

Welcome to the very first issue of Horn’s Sounder! After a lengthy hiatus, I felt it was time that we return to some of our origins by brining back aspects of The Hornsounder (it is worth noting that Mystica, our last editor, gave her approval of this project), so some of you old-timers will be recognizing some of the content, though there are enough changes that I felt a new name was appropriate. In naming the new publication, I thought hard for a while, paying silent tribute to Shakespeare’s famous line during my deliberations. Then, while perusing my old photobucket account, I came across the image at top, once used for the Recruits portion of The Hornsounder, and thus, the Horn’s Sounder was reborn. Its origins in our original newsletter are obvious, but it is different enough to be its own entity. Whether you are an older member or a newer one, please sit back and enjoy! And if you want this to be longer or have some better content, then send me a message with your ideas!


This issue also marks the debut of Activity and Promotion Points paired with Horn’s Sounder. In each issue, you can earn an Activity Point for successfully guessing the source of the quote (always at the start of the issue), as well as for participating in Horn’s Activity Corner. The winner of Horn’s Activity Corner also earns 5 Promotion Points as well!


Horn’s Activity Corner

Participation in Horn’s Activity Corner qualifies as an Activity Point for Band members, and any winners receive 5 Promotion Points.


What do YOU think?


Decipher the above question, and in 100 words or less, give me your answer! Submit your answer to Horns_Sounder@dragonmount.com, or via Personal Message.


Recruit Sound-Off: Meet Christine

Recently I caught up with one of our recent Recruits, Christine, and had the chance to ask her a few questions about Dragonmount and The Wheel of Time. Members of the Band, meet Christine!


Horn: How long have you been at Dragonmount, and of which other Social Groups are you a member?

Christine: I have been at DM since Spring of 2003, although I just recently returned from Missing in Action in January 2011. I am a member of the White Tower, returning as a Novice, although I was a Green Sister ages ago, and I am the Wolfkin Bartender.

Horn: How long were you gone?

Christine: Errr since January 2009? I disappeared the summer of 2006 and then left from Jan 2009-2011. I was a Green under Jade for Ajah Head and couldn't take the craziness anymore, and when I came back later in 2006, I didn't return to the WT. DONT MAKE ME THINK GAH!

Horn: :)

Horn: so that brings us to my next question: What made you decide to join the Band?

Christine: I had been thinking about joining a new Org, given that I had always been at the WT and the Wolfkin, and I noticed how active y'all were, so I decided to stop by and just didn't leave!

Horn: I noticed your thread about the archers... any story behind that?

Christine: The archers stopped by the Wolfkin and couldn't keep up with our drinking, which was why I stopped by.

Horn: haha... I think the Infantry would have held their own!

Christine: No one beats the Wolfkin—it’s why they have never been invaded.

Horn: So, moving on… who is your favorite character in The Wheel of Time, and why?

Christine: Gah I hate that question. I love so many characters for so many reasons, and they change so much over the books. For example, I LOVE how Perrin and Rand are always saying the other is good with girls. Freakin hilarious.

Horn: So who is the best?

Christine: Blah… Bella, because she is a freakin awesome horse.

Horn: Which character do you hate the most?

Christine: Hmmmm… Moiraine. She just doesn't seem realistic to me at times. She doesn't even seem Aes Sedai calm. It is absurd. She just doesnt act realistically.

Horn: I don’t like Cadsuane for myself, or the Two Rivers boys when they have to fight a girl. I think if the Dark One was female, Rand would surrender out of honor.

Christine: They seriously would.

Horn: One last question before I let you go: are you leaning towards any Regiment yet, or is that a RAFO? [RJ’s phrase: Read and Find Out]

Christine: Ummmm… I guess I am being tugged right now by the Cavalry and the Infantry, though I wish there was a Medic Regiment. If I ever joined the military, in any time period, I would be a healer, but, that being said, I am going to just have to see what happens.

Horn: Good answer… very diplomatic! Well, thank you for joining me, and have fun with the rest of your Recruit Training!



Dear Horn

Having any issues and need advice? Search for your answers no more and drop Dear Horn a line! Whether your questions are serious or not, I have answers for you! Send me your questions to Horns_Sounder@dragonmount.com or via Personal Message to see the answer in next month’s issue of Horn’s Sounder.


Recruiting Statistics

As reported to our Social Group Report, during the month of March, 37.5% of our Recruits completed our Raw Recruit Training, just slightly exceeding our minimum goal of 33%. Congratulations to the Infantry on its three new members! Your excellent recruiting has been working!

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Rand would kill matt with the true power if he had to, and perrin would die right off the bat due to the power. Though I have to say that would be in a fair fight. Who honestly wants a fair fight? Mat would make an overly elaborate plan (including backstories) that would fail hilariously, and would end with him, by luck winning.

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