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The Feast of Fools Part 1--The Choice of a Fool [Open]


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Gianna woke early on the 15th day of Saven, a good hour before First had rung. Today was the Feast of Fools, a feastday celebrated across the nations, and the Cairhienien novice could hardly contain her excitement.


She rolled over on her cot and pulled light linen stockings up to her knees. She also donned a Novice dress of thin wool. Saven is in the middle of the year, and high summer was fast approaching, if not already there. It would not do to be drenched in sweat during the outing to Tar Valon later today.


Gianna quickly washed her face and scrubbed her teeth at the washbasin, and smoothed her chestnut hair over her shoulders with a few pulls of an ivory comb. Finallly ready, she left the room and headed to the Novice kitchens, her step jaunty and purposeful.


Delicious smells pulled at Gianna, but she ignored them. Just outside of the kitchen area was her objective. A scroll of parchment was posted to the wall with a roll of names. All of the women on the list were Accepted or Aes Sedai, and they had signed up last night to play the "Fool" in today's festivities.


On a low table below the list was an inkwell and quill pen. Each Novice participating in the event was to pick a "Fool" from the list, and then indicate their choice by writing their own name next to the Accepted or Aes Sedai's.


Gianna perused the list, noting a few possibilities. Estel of the Blues was one, along with Accepted Taei, Cavana from the Yellows, and Brigita and Evaida of the Greys. She tapped her fingers on the table top as she thought.


Although initiates did not pick an Ajah aspiration until they were Accepted, Gianna had been considering a couple already. The Blues were one, and Gianna had learned much about them in a class specifically about the Ajah. The other was the Grey Ajah. As a child in a noble House, Gianna was well adapted to the studies of law, mediation, and decision making. However she didn't know much else about the Ajah, yet.


Well that narrows it down...I will choose a Grey today.


She looked at the list of Greys again. She knew not much of Brigita, except that the woman always looked angry. Gianna wondered why one like that would sign up for this. She shook her head and considered the other on the list. Evaida always seemed to be a kind person, always with a warm smile for the initiates she saw in the halls.


Her decision made, Gianna dipped the pen in the inkwell, and carefully signed her name next to that of Evaida. She blew softly on the ink to help it dry, then turned towards the Grey's quarters.


Once in the halls of the Greys, Gianna was at a loss where to go next. She had never been to Evaida's quarters before. Before she could wonder too long, a Grey sister appeared, gliding along in that way it seemed only an Aes Sedai could do. Dropping a curtsy, Gianna asked for directions to Evaida's rooms. The Grey sister quirked an eyebrow in amusement at Gianna, and directed her to a door near the end of the hall.


In front of Evaida's door, Gianna was steeling herself to knock when a thought made her pause. Today WAS the Feast of Fools, and if Evaida was to be her Fool, she would have to get used to the idea of sending her on errands and such for the day. Starting off with meekness and curtsies would not do.


With a smile, Gianna knocked firmly on the Aes Sedai's door. Hopefully the woman was not still asleep. She had to know that today would be an early one when she signed up on that list.


Confirming her thoughts, the door opened within moments, revealing Evaida. Gianna smiled up at the woman, silently willing herself not to be meek.


don't curtsy...don't curtsy...don't curtsy!


"Hello, Evaida Sedai. I am Gianna, and I have chosen you to be my Fool today for the Feast. It looks like you are already dressed and ready to go, excellent. I am quite hungry as I know you must be, so if you would accompany me to the kitchens, we can start our day."


As she spoke, the words came easier to her. She had been accustomed to giving orders in her father's house, but the Tower tended to break you of that, quickly. It had taken longer in Gianna's case, but was no less thorough in the end. Speaking so to an Aes Sedai made her want to run away, but she firmed her stance and looked up at Evaida, waiting for a response.




OOC: This is an open RP to anyone who wants to join. Part 1 is for the ladies to choose their fools. You can see an RP outline and list of current participants HERE.


Note to Aithne: I also will play Brigita, the Grey/Black NSW who you are paired with. If you need more info about her looks, her Bio can be found HERE.


Once Part 1 has been up a few days, I will start part 2 in a new post.

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Aithne was blissfully unaware of the importance of the day as she passed the kitchens. As she paused to watch a group of giggling novices, she did not realize what she was about to get into. One of them caught sight of her and whispered in another's ear. The entire group turned to her, each one grinning from ear to ear.


"Run", she thought. This could not be good. She smiled shyly and turned to walk away when someone called to her.


"Aithne! Where are you going? Don't you know what today is?"


Aithne shook her head as one of the girls pulled her over to a parchment posted on the wall. The Feast of Fools it read. Oh. Well, she had simply forgotten. Okay, so maybe not really forgotten, but purposely made a point to remember not to join.


But there was her name, being scribbled by a Novice, next to a name that had the others breaking into peals of laughter. Why could she never stand up for herself? She barely got a glimpse of the name as she was dragged down the hall and towards the Gray quarters.


Before she could work up the courage to protest, she found herself in front of a wooden door. Aithne took a deep breath and was not suprised to hear the other girls scurry away. She braced herself for whoever might be on the other side of the door.


She knocked softly, hoping for no one to answer. She was pulling her hand away from the door when it swung open quickly. She found herself face to face with an ample chest. She blushed and quickly looked up at a scowling face. Very slowly she was realizing the joke .


She curtsied while speaking quietly. "Brigita Sedai, will you be my Fool for the day?"

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Guest nephitess

IC: waking up, Zeveria bounced out of bed and woke up her roommate. Today was the Feast of Fools!!! She was bursting with excitement and wanted be out as soon as possible. She washed, scrubbed her teeth threw and on some stockings. She left with a call goodbye to her roomy Lashara, who was still hiding under her bed clothes. Hearing her groan Zeveria smiled and shut the door.


Zeveria had been thinking about this feast day for a while. She loved holidays and liked to celebrate anyway she could. Over the past few days she decided on who she wanted to be her Fool. The Accepted was Taei; she was always nice though strict. Zeveria had many chores given to her from Taei and giggled at the thought of giving her a chore or two. Covering her mouth so nobody would hear her giggle she continued on her way. She passed many pretty sculptures and colourful hallways. The tower halls were always done in the seven Ajah colors. Zeveria looked in amazement, the tower was truly beautiful. It was home now that she had been here a few years. She had friends and good teachers. She felt as if she had grown so much in only a short amount of time.


Coming up to the novice dinning hall she saw a little dark wooden table. Looking she read the instructions for the celebration of the holiday. Looking at the list she needed to sign her name beside Taei's to officially have her as the Fool. Zeveria signed her name in flowing letters and smiled. Grabbing a few sweet buns and tea, she headed to Taei’s room in the accepted gallery.


Knowing were to go she arrived at Taei’s door in a short time. Balancing the tray she knocked on the door and waited for her Fool to answer. A minute later the door swung open and Taei looked in surprise. Smiling at the Tray, Zeveria gave a quick curtsy and explained.


“I’d like to ask you to be my fool for the day and I thought you might like to have some breakfast with Me.†with a wink she continued “so what do you say?â€

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The first rays of sunshine were making an appearance on the horizon when Evaida woke. Her first though was to roll over and try and get more sleep, that was until it occurred to her that today was no ordinary day. Oh no this was the one day of the year that every novice looked forward to, the one day where they could get a taste of what it was like to be Aes Sedai. Eva still could not quite figure out why she had signed up to be a ‘fool’ for the day, probably because the memories of being a novice and accepted were still fresh.


Poking her toes out from underneath the covers she tested the air, it was already warm and the sun had only just begun to rise, all signs indicated the day would be a hot one. Pulling herself out of bed Eva washed and dressed, today selecting a pale green dress with silver tairen mazes along the hem and neckline, nothing extravagant but it was a light cotton well suited for a summers day. She left her hair mostly out with a few of her dark curls strategically pinned at the back of her head to keep her hair out of her face.


There was no knowing what the day had in-store for her, she hoped the novice who picked her would show some restraint, for things would return to normal tomorrow and girl may just find herself scrubbing pots in the morning. Eva did not realise how long it took her to get ready until there was a knock at the door. Surely the novice could not be that eager…? She was proven wrong when she crossed the small entrance room to her door to find a small dark haired novice on the other side.


Evaida had barely opened the door when the child started talking by the slightly pained look on her face she seemed to be having an inner struggle of some sorts.


"Hello, Evaida Sedai. I am Gianna, and I have chosen you to be my Fool today for the Feast. It looks like you are already dressed and ready to go, excellent. I am quite hungry as I know you must be, so if you would accompany me to the kitchens, we can start our day."


The words seemed to flow a little to easily for Eva’s liking but she promised herself that she would give the child a chance, it was only one day after all and Gianna appeared pleasant enough. She wondered what was proper for her to do, she did not have to curtsy did she? It was a day of role reversal as such but that seemed a little extreme if not quite odd. She had only freshly acquired the shawl and curtsying to a novice just seemed…wrong. Evaida finally decided that a slight bend of the knee and inclination of the head should suffice in the circumstances.


“Good morning Gianna, it is nice to meet you. I am rather famished, it would be my pleasure to accompany you to the kitchens. Lead the wayâ€


She followed the novice with conflicting emotions, both dread and excitement well up inside her, what would the day bring…?

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