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Welcome to the Band Pruthvish!

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Well, one, I'm an absent minded gal that gives every newbie she meets a plate of extra special chocolate fudge brownies that are never ending...and pruthvish already got his. Usually I give them a mug of Brew tea as well but I seem to have forgotten that this time around, my bad! *hands him a Brew tea* :D

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Welcome to the band!!! *hands him a small barrel of guinny* That's special infantry brew :wink: come to the barracks once you get your permissions set up and we'll show you how to drink it :wink:


I'm Kaylen by the way, one of the members of the wonderful Infantry :biggrin: I look forward to getting to know you better and I hope you have an awesome time here!! If you have any questions feel free to ask anyone here... We're all a pretty friendly bunch!!

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Welcome to the Band! Great choice in picking us! You have been added to our usergroup, so you will now see a lot more boards. Horn will set you up for your Recruit training shortly. In the meantime, enjoy browsing our threads, and don't hesitate to dive in and get involved!

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Welcome to the band! *hands you a mug of Irishman* thats special drink enjoy!


I'm volke, im also in the infantry. And just like my comrade Kaylen, and I'm pretty sure the rest of the band, look forward to knowing you. We are a unique and very entertaining bunch. I think you'll enjoy it here. SO DRINK UP AND HAVE FUN! *chugs a mug guinny*




Oh,. yeah when you get a chance, stop by the Pink loin-clothe Tavern. My co-worker and i will set you up. ^.^

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hello there pru im the "freind" that roams around a lot and sticks to the shadows i am also the CG of the archers and so i need to be sneakky lol lame jokes aside welcome to the band and like everyone trying to get you to go to their factions i will try too also so be sure to visit the archers to see what a "real" is :laugh: oh and...never mind you will find out eventually

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok surprisingly this is the first time I noticed this post. Well thanks a lot everyone for the greeting :biggrin: but as far as drinks go I'm only 15 so unfortunately I'm underage :wink: but the tea was good :laugh:


lol. drinking on the net doesnt count as drinking >.< otherwise a lot of us would be in major trouble

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