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Toy and Minion

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]Guy:[/b] Oh sh1t. I forgot our anniversary. Honey, I am so sorry. I ask you on bended knee to forgive me. I guess I blew my chances of getting any tonight, huh?

Saldaean Woman: (brandishing knife) What. Did. You. Say?!?!

Guy: Um, I mean, Get back in the kitchen and fetch my dinner. And NOW.

Saldaean Woman: That's more like it, darling. Do you mind if I vent my frustration by shaving my neighbor's head and stabbing the mailman?

Guy: Knock yourself out, babe.

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From the Guide ... Even today women usually exhibit their greatest strength in Air or Water, or both. This probably prompted the popular saying among female channelers : 'There is no rock so strong that water and wind cannot wear it away, no fire so fierce that water cannot quench it or wind snuff it out.' Any equivalent witticism among male channelers has been lost.


Well... men... time to bring back some witticisms. I'm keen to hear your witticisms to this feminist attack. I'll start, with a range including subtle to coarse...


1. 'That's because we don't channel rock, my dear. We channel Earth, and it doesn't wash away.'


2. 'Quench any fire, eh? We'll put that theory to the test.'


3. 'Feel free to do all those things while I rain fire and earthquakes down on you.'


4. 'I agree. Now will you please go out with me?'


5. 'Water can equal any fire. Wind can equal any rock. But men and women aren't equal. Men are much stronger, and that is that.'



6. 'Can't we all just get along?'

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