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Toy and Minion

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"Come, you spirits

That tend on mortal thoughts! unsex me here,

And fill me from the crown to the toe, top-full

Of direst cruelty; make thick my blood,

Stop up the access and passage to remorse,

That no compunctious visitings of nature

Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between

The effect and it! Come to my woman's breasts,

And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers,

Wherever in your sightless substances

You wait on nature's mischief!"

Who says this and in where would you hear it?

I recognise this one at least

As thy should!

Tis Lady Macbeth, no?


It is indeed

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Oh my, am on a WoW Twink Forum and there is always this one that tries put me down, and they are from New Zealand also - it is irritating beyond belief.




Aha, World of Warcraft. Twinks are those that stay at a particular level and try gain the best gear at that specific level and then beat up on others that level :P



ah, like people who have silver teams on UT

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I can see this happening in our first set too

Last year in mock exams had some guy eat 4 pieces of paper, but an eraser is something entirely different!



Hai yoo two

how you today? :)
Good good fankoo diny :)

Doggy been sleeping on my leg :happy: you finish your application ok?

eh, still needs lotsa stuff, pay for application, send off other documents and whatnot, but the online stuff is just about done
Sounds even moar complicated than here :/

How much it cost just to apply?

like less than ten pounds
Not bad then. How many applications can you make?

to each uni?

Altogether? But yah, that too? :)

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Oh my, am on a WoW Twink Forum and there is always this one that tries put me down, and they are from New Zealand also - it is irritating beyond belief.




Aha, World of Warcraft. Twinks are those that stay at a particular level and try gain the best gear at that specific level and then beat up on others that level :P



ah, like people who have silver teams on UT


Yeah, there are several types of things of similarity all over the gaming community.

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I can see this happening in our first set too

Last year in mock exams had some guy eat 4 pieces of paper, but an eraser is something entirely different!



Hai yoo two

how you today? :)
Good good fankoo diny :)

Doggy been sleeping on my leg :happy: you finish your application ok?

eh, still needs lotsa stuff, pay for application, send off other documents and whatnot, but the online stuff is just about done
Sounds even moar complicated than here :/

How much it cost just to apply?

like less than ten pounds
Not bad then. How many applications can you make?

to each uni?

Altogether? But yah, that too? :)



well there's like 5 unis that offer medicine, otherwise usually two or three applications for faculties in each uni

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I translated this as I went along, many lols had




I do french at school so I translated as I read the french


I always laugh at people that type something in a language they do not know or only vaguely know to be shown up like thus.

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I translated this as I went along, many lols had




I do french at school so I translated as I read the french


I always laugh at people that type something in a language they do not know or only vaguely know to be shown up like thus.



nah, it's meant to be outrageously wrong, it's a tumblr thing

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I translated this as I went along, many lols had




I do french at school so I translated as I read the french


I always laugh at people that type something in a language they do not know or only vaguely know to be shown up like thus.



nah, it's meant to be outrageously wrong, it's a tumblr thing


My Tumblr has changed a lot since I was properly active then!

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I translated this as I went along, many lols had




I do french at school so I translated as I read the french


I always laugh at people that type something in a language they do not know or only vaguely know to be shown up like thus.



nah, it's meant to be outrageously wrong, it's a tumblr thing


My Tumblr has changed a lot since I was properly active then!



memes crop up pretty fast (not to mention you might possibly just have missed it - like maybe you're on the opposite side of tumblr)

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