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Did Suroth inform the Empress that Suldam can channel?


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Two questions:


1) Did Suroth inform the Empress that Suldam can channel? If she did not why? Because Suroth is darkfriend and Forsaken told her to keep it secret? Or because she wanted to keep it secret in order to use it against the Empress in future? Or was she afraid that if the Empress will know she will kill her to prevent this secret destroying Seanchan society?


2) Why the Empress forbids speaking of the Return until Seanchan will be back with Tuon? It seems as of TFOH Seanchan Empress wants to keep the defeat at Falme secret. Did any Seanchan return to the homeland to inform the Empress that Suldam can channel? Those who were not held by Suroth?


It seems the Seekers in Seanchan do not know the defeat at Falme and that the Suldam can channel. And that is why Jalindin arrested Lady Morsa. Did the Empress keep the Falme defeat even from them?


Why not ask questions here?


Suroth did not inform the Empress. As she thinks in TSR1,

Yet the Empress did not know everything. The worst could not be entrusted to any messenger, no matter how loyal. It would only be passed from Suroth’s lips directly to the ear of the Empress, and Suroth had taken pains to keep it so. Only four still lived who knew the secret, and two of those would never speak of it to anyone, not of their own volition. Only three deaths can hold it more tightly.


Suroth did not realize she had murmured the last aloud until Alwhin said, “And yet the High Lady needs all three alive.” The woman had a properly humble suppleness to her stance, even to the trick of downcast eyes that still managed to watch for any sign from Suroth. Her voice was humble, too. “Who can say, High Lady, what the Empress—may she live forever!—might do if she learned of an attempt to keep such knowledge from her?”

Suroth, like the other Seanchan who learn of the secret later, thinks it is something which could destroy the Empire, and fears the information's dissemination. And, considering her thoughts here, she must fear that Empress Radhanan would choose to effect four deaths to keep the secret.


She does consider treason in the same chapter: "But if—when I take him, do I give him to the Empress? That is the question." But Suroth hates and fears damane, and as a consequence of learning of Renna and Seta distrusts all sul'dam; there is no benefit she could put the knowledge to. She could release it and try to topple the Empire, but she has no desire to do that; she is the furthest thing possible from an anarchist. She considers using Rand's power to overcome the Empress and take her place, not to cause chaos.


As for your second question, it seems most likely she forbade discussion of the first failure of the Hailene simply because it was a bad omen.


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