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Large Paperback Editions

Guest Britface

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Guest Britface

Hi, just registered, etc.


By far my favorite version I've seen of the WoT books is the 9x6ish paperbacks (that's the size listed on Amazon... the kind I'm talking about that I see in Barnes and Noble may be a bit bigger, I can't really tell from memory), but it looks like only the first three have been released in this manner.


First of all, am I wrong? Have any books beyond tDR been released in this size/style? Second, if not, does anyone know of any plans to release the rest of the books like this? Or do I have to wait for the series to be completed, at which point I assume there'll be a few different box sets and whatnot?


This came up recently 'cause my copy of EotW is crumbling to dust and I need a replacement, but I'm a fan of uniformity in my... everything. I'd much rather have the same version of each of the books, but I'd also much rather have the big-and-awesome but easily-handleable paperbacks if possible. I know, life's hard.


Anyway, thanks in advance for any insight.





Physical book stores might have knowledge of which editions are about to be released. Might check at those places from time to time.


Are you talking about Large Print versions or Trade Paper Back versions. If it's a TPB you want ask the people at the store if any are still in print. My copy of tEotW is TPB and I love it, although the picture inside the cover fell out.


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