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Odd, I don't have a #2 person Sira, and I'm just a pm away :) Which reminds me.


I did give you feedback on your bio Outlaw, about the 3rd or 4th PM I sent you before we started talking about Ultima. I'm waiting on you to send me the bio which is revised. :) To recap in case you deleted those PM's.


1. 6'6" is monstrously tall, only Aiel and shortarse Ogier and trollocs have that sort of height in WoT. The tallest 'wetlanders' can get is maybe 6'1", 6'2".


2. The name is odd, Tol'Acharn looks like old tongue, yet I can't think of what it means. Simply seperating so it is Tol Acharn would do it though. Its picky I know, but if I don't say anything then I end up with someone calling themselves Deyenieye Sei'mandarb. Not that Glorious eyeblade makes any sense, but stuff like that happens


3. This is more a suggestion than a necessity, but I'd think that if someone stabbed an innkeeper's legs, he'd have the town watch to worry about. Which would be why he never again strikes at someone in public when he has his moments of vigilantism.


When I get the revised bio in the Freelander email and all is sweet, I'll chuck it up for crosscheck and you can get on with RPing :)

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