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The hunt


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ok going with the idea i aired in the check tread for who made it over


lets go hunting for a traitor of some kind, this could bring us through different countries, with either everyone traveling all the way, or people jumping on and off throughout the track as suitable for each person


Now in reality we wouldnt need much details, if you are told to hunt someone you do, but if anyone got any ideas of who the traitor could be and what they have done feel free to offer up sugestions


also any requests to starting point in the world, and where the route should go?

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like said i had an idea when we chated


a mae'shadar who managed to gain the wrath of the united council of mae'shadars, fleeing with a few close servants or some such.


we got the go ahead from freelanders, so i say lets start out with a meet up camp for the original team and move out, we got some who are joining us along the road like our new intiate


narg you want to start it? or someone else? if not then i will get too it hopefully tomorow or such, if anyone else wants too meet just pick a designated meeting place and travel there as ordered too meet up with others to get a mission, we will be bringing around one of our nsw teachers this one http://drpsw.wikia.com/wiki/Michael


he can be the one in charge of the details of the mission, as well as serve in teacher functions on OP for our male candidates if needed

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for our acolyte to be, bring about a situation where you would gain m'belas attention, she will end up bringing you into camp as a captive or something, we will set up things so they descide to recruit you instead of kill you


the rest who want to join and are setled in the shadow can get right into the camp


there will be food and whatnot else

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for our acolyte to be, bring about a situation where you would gain m'belas attention, she will end up bringing you into camp as a captive or something, we will set up things so they descide to recruit you instead of kill you


the rest who want to join and are setled in the shadow can get right into the camp


there will be food and whatnot else


Wait were you waiting for me? I thought someone else was starting it. Sorry I couldn't use the internet at the time as we had run out of credit. Theres only a little now, I'll post tomorrow.I have some housework to do.

Edited by Mr Fahrenheit
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