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Here Buddy Buddy, Heeeeeeere Buddy Buddy...


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Awesome! No worries - I've got quite a few things to do today myself.


Well, it says daily life so I suppose it could be anything. We could do something of both - a prank and then a chore because of it.


Or something in the library and maybe Miahna helps Fianna with her reading/writing.


Or maybe they attend for an Aes Sedai together.


Or maybe their free day is on the same day and they roam the halls checking out the WT?


...Idk hahah.

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Sweet! Works for me also. We can start with that and see where it takes us I suppose. Maybe chatting about their lives before the WT, or what they've learned since being at the WT, or stuff they've heard whispering around, etc.


In any case, I'll post the start of it in a few hours and then you guys can join in whenever you want!


Btw, thanks for helping me out :).

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