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Ikkarus - Welcome to the Band of the Red Hand Social Group!


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A few days after you joined, but here it is!


Ikkarus, welcome to the Band of the Red Hand, one of the best Social Groups at DM! You have made a brilliant decision in enrolling into the ranks of the greatest fighting machine in Randland! As you have probably noticed, the Band is DM's music, travel and eating out Social Group. So have a good browse and jump right into our activities on offer.


I have been very efficient and asked that you be added to the Band's usergroup, which will happen in the next few days so you should be able to see a whole host of new boards that relate to the Band. Don't be afraid of them - we will guide you through them. We are currently revamping our Recruit programme for new members, so please keep a look out for what is going to happen.


Also, Band activities are on hold for the time being. This is partly because I am busy (deadlines at work) and DM's server keeps dying on me due to whatever Jason is doing in the background. Anyway, once September is over, I will be back in full flow as I will have recovered from my recent holiday to Budapest.


For now, sit back and relax, while some of the merry Banders come and meet you!


Music and travel - if not my passions, then I certainly indulge in them a lot :biggrin: . I do a lot of travel; I have seen almost everything to see back home, and I have seen a lot of places in the U.S. I am sure I can talk a lot about that; a free travel agent :laugh: !


Welcome to the band Ikkarus


I am Sir Imperium the Cavalry Drill Sergeant (anyone know where Canis is btw??)


I hope you enjoy ur time with the band.


It was the music part that pulled me


What music you into then?


Also, anyone know why previous posts aren't appearing when you are typing a reply?


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